Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1877: 1 go ahead

"Do you need me to prove myself?" Xiao Zuanfeng did not hear the muttering of the rice paper, but he could guess it, "I remember the first time I met you, and the second time, of course, I also joined the journey home from hell. Afterwards, some details may not be clear, but I should be able to answer them." His tone is so stable that it doesn’t resemble a human being. Everything is fading away.

Xuan paper glanced at Qian Cangyi and did not speak. As an outsider, he is not good at speaking. Of course, this is because he is a powerful actor who is now traveling with him and is certified by him.

As soon as Qian Cang looked at Xiao Zuanfeng's eyes, the two looked at each other for a second. After that, he looked away and recalled the first time he met. Then, he thought about now.

"Don't worry, I won't harm you." Xiao Zuanfeng opened his mouth to break the silence and turned to move forward again.

"Let's go." Qiancang said a pair of rice paper, and then followed.

The rice paper raised his eyebrows, did not say much, and after two quick runs, he followed Qiancang.

The three of them walked all the way, after turning a few turns, they came to a platform. The platform was also made up of human walls. On the opposite side of the platform, there was an oblique upward passage, not knowing where to lead. In the middle of the platform is an empty area. The only way is the side-by-side human walls floating in the air. These human walls move slowly in the air like a raft.

"The passage you are talking about is on the opposite side?" The rice paper stretched out his head and glanced up and down. The only good news is that in addition to the human wall above, there is also a wall below. The only drawback is that the distance between the human walls is relatively long. Far. This situation has all been encountered by the three people present, that is, in the dark forest, but there was a tree hole as a transit at the time, and now, there is no similar mechanism for the three to transfer.

"It should be." The little diamond wind paused and fell into memory, "I saw the **** light glowing at the exit. It is worth mentioning that the **** light is gradually diminishing, which means that the exit is either closing or, Going away, I prefer the latter. This is a channel that will keep moving."

"You didn't go there at that time?" Xuan paper asked.

"No." Xiao Zuanfeng shook his head.

"Then let's... wait..." The rice paper was halfway through, with his left hand supporting his chin, "Hawkeye and Qian Jiangyue are just fine. In this case, their skills are easy to deal with." After speaking, he sighed. Tone, express regret.

"They are not here." Xiao Zuanfeng replied in a flat tone, "There are two ways. First, we go to other places to find the mechanism. Although I don't know what it is, the possibility is not small. Find the mechanism and start it. After the operation, the place will return to normal. Look at these side-by-side human walls, if they all gather together, can they become a bridge?" As he said, he pointed to the upper side with his right hand.

As soon as Qiancang looked in the direction of Xiaozhufeng's fingers and calculated in his mind, he soon concluded that even if the gap could not be completely filled, he could ensure that they could easily go to the opposite side of the platform.

"Hey, this method is quite reasonable, but nothing is yet to come, I'm afraid we will meet him when we go back." Xuan paper didn't agree with this method very much.

"I'm not sure about the other method, but it's also a possibility." Xiao Zuanfeng put his hands in his pants pockets and looked down. Because of the dim environment, he could only see the nearest human wall, and the farther place. I can’t see clearly, "The other agency may be below. Strictly speaking, we can find other exits above and below in addition to the exit directly opposite, but I can’t guarantee it."

As soon as Qiancang stood on the edge of the platform, he took out the energy-concentrating flashlight and turned it on. The bright beam of light was like a sharp sword, piercing the darkness below.

In the beam of light, there was a black shadow moving slowly. He squinted slightly and looked at the black shadow in the beam of light. Soon, he confirmed that the moving black shadow was the same as the situation directly in front of him. It was a human wall.

He turned off the flashlight, put it away, and said to the two of them: "There is also a wall below. In theory, it's the same way, but you have to try it before you know it."

The rice paper looked at the distance between the human walls. Most of them were about six meters. In addition to the big jump after the sprint, a certain height difference is needed to provide ample time, otherwise it is impossible to jump over. The height difference between the human walls, Can't fill this gap.

"I can't go there..." He frowned, "If I can pass, I can use my skills to take you there, but the premise is that I have to go first."

"I can go there." Qiancang looked at the two. He has an active skill. The skill comes from equipment. The name is the name of the wind, and the effect is that it can achieve a double jump in the air.

"Oh, yes, you can." The rice paper raised his right hand and tapped his forehead, "Then how do I get there..."

At this time, Xiao Zuanfeng opened his mouth and said, "Cang Yi, you can go ahead first, and we will figure out a solution by ourselves."

Qiancang looked at Xiao Zuanfeng with a little doubt.

"Don't... let's go together, be safe..." Xuan paper immediately persuaded him, but he didn't want to stay here, "If Wuyou finds out that we haven't been looking for him, maybe he will look for us in turn. , You said that although our two skills are good, it depends on the opponent's skills, right? He will pause time. How can this be played? This is not considered other abnormal skills. Then we will die here. Didn't help much, isn't it just dead in vain."

"We can hide in the world in the mirror." Xiao Zuanfeng said firmly.

The rice paper shook his head and said nothing.

"Be careful, I'll go and take a look first." Qiancang walked back as soon as he finished speaking. Xiao Zuanfeng and rice paper gave way to the sprint position, and then Qiancang ran forward, because the foot is a human wall, not a flat ground. In order to land safely, his sprint speed is not fast.

Running all the way to the edge of the platform, he stepped on the chest of the human wall below with his feet, and jumped, the whole person flew forward like a cheetah. When he reached the highest point and began to descend, his legs contracted and stepped on. On the air obliquely behind, the muscles suddenly exploded forward thrust again.

He adjusted the angle of landing, waited for his feet to fall on the floating wall, rolled forward a short distance, and stopped before reaching the edge. The whole set of actions is so smooth and flowing, it seems that it has been rehearsed countless times.

"Wow." The rice paper clapped his hands and applauded.

As soon as Qiancang stood up, he glanced around, looking for the next floating human wall~lightnovelpub.net~ Soon, he found the target, stepped back, and sprinted again. However, because the distance was too short, he sprinted. The speed did not rise, resulting in even a double jump, it was just enough to grab the edge of the next human wall.

He grasped the left arm of the human body outside the human wall with both hands, and felt the coldness of the arm in his palm. Besides, he also felt the shaking of the arm. He didn't move, but waited for his shaking body to stabilize, and then climbed up again.

"Oh, I almost thought he was going to fall." The rice paper sighed softly, and glanced at the little diamond wind beside him. He found that the little diamond wind seemed to be fascinated, but it didn't seem to be worried, it was more like a memory. .

Qiancang took a deep breath and was about to go to the third human wall. Just as he took off, a pulling force suddenly came from his feet, clasping his ankles tightly, and his body quickly fell down.

what happened?

The leader of the Time Tomb was activated instantly. Although he would still be affected by gravity during the skill time, he could guarantee that the hand holding his ankle would not loosen.

With the ankle as the center, he made a half circle in the air, and finally hung upside down on the edge of the second human wall.