Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1879: Separate 2 ends

Suddenly, Xiao Zuanfeng frowned slightly, sniffed, "Did you smell anything?"

Smelling the rice paper, the lingering peculiar smell awakened the bad memory in his mind. Although the smell was no longer strong, it still had an absolute signature. His face changed drastically, and he turned his head and said to Xiao Zufeng, "Nothing is coming", but only his lips were moving and there was no sound.

The armor of the imaginary number has brought great convenience to nothing, but the side effects also appeared after the armor of the imaginary number was broken. Years after years of accumulation in Wuyou, although he can endure with patience, he can't let the smell dissipate, and even "rebirth" can't make it disappear completely, at most it can only reduce it.

Xiao Zuanfeng understood the meaning of the rice paper, and tapped the ground with his right foot. There was still a piece of the mirror surface made before. His toes stuck in a little, and the door to the world in the mirror had been opened by him.

There is no nonsense about the rice paper, so I jumped in directly, and after the rice paper entered, Xiao Zuanfeng also entered the world in the mirror.

On the other side, Qiancang looked back at the two of them. He was about to say the next plan, but after seeing the actions of the two, he swallowed back what he wanted to say, and immediately walked forward, leaving the platform to be able to The field of view seen.

He still doesn’t have a perfect plan for the future path. The previous plans were all based on Wuyou. There is only one person. Even if Wuyou can pull his past self, he will probably do so at the moment of dying. The catastrophe of the corpse is not completely risk-free.

Nowadays, relying on coincidence, he successfully separated his ontology from his past self, and pursued and killed them on two lines at the same time. He wanted to rely on the idea of ​​dragging one more and letting his teammates overtake another road. It may not work anymore. If you really want to do it once and for all, the best way is to kill Wuyou. After losing the armor of the imaginary number, Wuyou has been able to be killed. In the previous confrontation, he has tried several times. Although he failed to succeed, he could Forcing out special props or life-saving skills for nothing, it means that it has already threatened life.

"For the time being, find the passage first, and then think of a solution."

"Little Diamond Wind, they should be fine if they hide in the mirror world, and this place may be able to stop nothing."

Before Qiancangyi left, he finally looked back at the empty area separating him from his teammates. The human wall floating above has not changed because of his passing. It seems that this is a checkpoint, and only the actors who pass can get the pass.

He speeded up and ran up, although it was a slope, but because of the gap between the walls, the climbing didn't cause much trouble except for more physical effort.

Cold eyes kept coming from behind, and he glanced back and found nothing. A few seconds later, the same feeling rose from the bottom of his heart again, and he looked back again, but still didn't notice it.

He stopped and glanced across the walls on both sides. If it were normal, he would have used the guide of the Time Tomb, but now he didn't want to reveal his position. When he turned his head and looked behind him, he didn't notice. Lying in the wall of people under his feet, two men and women slowly opened their eyes, their bloodshot eyes staring at him, as if they were going from their eye sockets. Popped out of it.


The cold discomfort became more obvious, but Qiancang Yi didn't feel too much danger, and this was what he worried about the most, because it didn't mean that there was no danger, it was more like the inability to assess the degree of danger. After a short stay, he still chose to move forward. Now this is his only way. Even if he wants to return to his teammates, there is no way, because there is no other mirror road for him to use to return to the original place.

Keep climbing, and this time faster than before. About ten seconds later, he found an unusual red light suddenly appeared in front of him. The bright light reflected on the human wall, which did not bring life to the gloomy human wall, but was even more terrifying.

He poked his head out and looked at the end of the slope. The front is also a human wall passage. The only difference is that there is a tall man walking slowly in the middle of the passage. The man is wearing black clothes and black trousers with a huge rectangular mirror on his back, and the **** whirlpool is in the mirror. Spin quickly in the middle. The red light he saw came from the mirror.

"This is……"

Suddenly, he felt a blue silk thread coming from behind, so he quickly looked back and found that an extremely strong blue silk thread had reached the position of the coercion exit. At the end of the silk thread was a spinning yo-yo. Steal the sky, the skill belonging to the fairy wine was activated again, and the effect was...reverse the time.

The yo-yo rotates forward, however, the body of the ball keeps retreating. Time is being rolled back, but only the time the yo-yo passes through, not including the position of Qiancang 1.

Qiancang's brow furrowed, and the leader of the Time Tomb started, the surrounding blue silk thread broke one after another, like burnt spider silk. However, the blue silk thread where the yo-yo was only swayed slightly, not broken. There is no suspension. He took a deep breath, turned and slid down the slope, taking out the silver brilliance on the way, and shooting at the yo-yo at the edge of his field of vision.

The silver bullets spun out, two of the four bullets hit, one hit the blue yo-yo, and the other hit the thick blue silk thread.

Carrying a bullet with a skill effect smashed the yo-yo and also broke the silk thread. He successfully prevented the useless skills and saved the teammate on the other side, but also completely exposed his position.

The taxiing continued, his left hand grabbed the left human wall ~lightnovelpub.net~ and kept slowing down until he came to the edge of the **** to stop. He looked forward, passing through the floating human wall in the open area, and landed on Wu You on the edge of the platform. At the same time, Wu You was also looking at him, and the two eyes met in the air.

"It seems that your body is recovering well." Wu You praised, "Have you found the passage? Are you planning to leave alone or wait for your teammates?"

Qian Cangyi didn't answer. He didn't see Xiao Zuanfeng and rice paper. He felt relieved. The two of them hid in the mirrored world. There was no problem with safety, and there was nothing to do for the time being.

"I can wait and wait for the next opportunity. I will find them back as soon as you leave." Wu You stretched out his right hand, and pointed his index finger to Qiancang Yi on the slope.

This time, as soon as Qiancang chose to answer with bullets, he raised the silver brilliance and pulled the trigger. The bullet passed through the floating human wall and flew towards nothing.

Wuyou took out the pointer sword, and with the help of the skill, easily handled the silver bullet, "Do you think it is useful?" He mocked.

Qiancang stood up, turned around, and then turned around and said to Wuyou: "I found the passage, we...see you at the end!"