Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1885: Overlapping worlds

"They must walk through the mirror world!"

Wu You jumped off the platform, stood up after supporting the ground with both hands, and strode forward. As a result of choosing two from three, he did not think about other possibilities. No matter what the calculation, it is impossible for rice paper to grab a place. Although the middle process was different, the result was indeed consistent with what he expected.

The deeper the mirror city, the more and more complex the surrounding building structures. In the beginning, most of them were just low-rise buildings with simple structures. Now, the surrounding sky, including the sky, is filled with mirrors. The reflected light will not only affect the sense of space, but also cause The blind spot of vision creates a few blind spots.

"It's actually the Mirror City..."

Even if several hours have passed, he still refuses to accept this. The revenge of the **** movie is expected, but such obvious and strong interference obviously does not conform to the rules of the **** movie itself.

"...Or, is this road set long ago?"

An idea came to his mind and made him panic inexplicably.

Suddenly, he felt a pain in his forehead and let his head tilt back slightly. He stopped and lifted his right hand to touch the pain, which was in the middle of his forehead. At the same time, his left hand stretched out, palm forward, Slowly stretched forward, and soon he touched a smooth mirror. He stepped back two steps, looked around, and finally found a black gap on the top that could barely be called a mark.

"No obvious danger?"

"Hurry up as soon as possible?"

Wu You gave a cold snort, shook his head, and then put his left hand against the mirror and walked to the right.

Ten minutes later, he discovered that he was actually locked in a mirrored room. There are mirrors on all sides, including the ceiling, with no entrances or exits. The mirrors are directly opposite, and the reflected images are constantly overlapping, like an infinite cage.

"What's the matter? Is it a little bit of wind?"

The speculation of being attacked by the actor first came to mind, but was quickly rejected.

"If it is the world through the mirror, he might indeed surpass me, but what is his purpose? Control me here?"

Speaking of this, he took out the pointer sword and slashed at the wall beside him. The pointer sword slashed across the mirror surface, leaving a half-centimeter deep scratch. Then, with a click, a slight crack appeared around the scratch. Seeing that it worked, he raised his right hand again. A new scratch appeared on the mirror surface, intersecting with the previous scratch, and the crack also spread. This time, the crack did not stop after spreading, but spread to the entire surface.

Wuyou took two steps back to prevent accidentally hurting himself when the mirror wall was broken. However, to his surprise, the cracks extended to other walls, even the ceiling. He held his breath and looked at the wall of mirror in front of him and his cautious expression in the mirror. With a bang, the wall of mirror was completely shattered, and the lenses were flying around and falling to the ground. Nothing standing in the center was also showered.

It wasn't until the dense and sharp clashes disappeared that Wu You moved away the hands covering his head. He looked at the broken lens, and felt uneasy in his heart for some reason. Suddenly, in the broken lens, several small fragments were stacked together to form a spherical object the size of a tennis ball. After that, the spherical object rolled away quickly.

"Could it be that it's not a little bit of wind that wants to trap me, but this thing?"

Wu You wiped the slight wound on his face and quickly followed. In the process of tracking, he found that the spherical object did not control the lens to roll forward, but threw the existing mirror fragments behind him, and constantly absorbed the front mirror fragments. After leaving the scope of the mirror fragments, all the spherical mirror fragments were scattered on the ground.


He picked up the fragment of the mirror at the farthest point, took it in front of his eyes and observed it carefully, and found nothing special. Afterwards, he dropped the lens, stood up, patted with both hands, and continued to walk forward. Whether it was the fragmentation of the mirror wall or the pursuit just now, he didn't use the skills, mainly because he was worried that his position would be exposed.

After walking for about a dozen steps, he felt something was wrong, so he stopped and looked around, then he took a step back and hit the mirror with his back.

"What's going on...Have you been recruited again?"

He shook his head, "No, if this is the mirror city, would it be possible? I just entered the mirror world? Originally, the place I walked was blocked by a mirror, so logically I would go the other way, but Because of the relationship between unknown creatures, the passage between the movie world and the mirror world was opened, and the passage was maintained for a short time. After I entered, the passage was closed, so I was trapped like this."

Suddenly, an idea flooded his mind.

"In other words, as long as I can find the traces of those creatures, I can freely enter and exit the world in the mirror? What should I use to mark it?"

Having said that, he glanced back, and in his sight, he was only looking back, but what he actually saw was the fragment of the mirror after the mirror wall was shattered just now.


"That's right!" Xiao Zuanfeng leaned back on the mirror, and folded his hands on his chest. "It is certain that in this movie world, there is far more than one world in the mirror, and I suspect that the architectural structure of different mirror worlds is also Different. If you want to pass the mirror city smoothly, you may need to transit through several different mirror worlds to find a suitable path."

Qiancang squatted halfway on the ground, with the palm of his right hand pressed against the ground, "In other words, if you didn't lead the way, I would be lost in the mirror city forever?"

Xiao Zuanfeng shook his head, "No, I believe in the **** movie's statement. Mirror City does not have the usual conceptual danger~lightnovelpub.net~ Even if I don't lead the way, it's okay to directly brute force it, but it will waste a lot of time."

Hearing Xiao Zufeng, Qian Cang thought of Wuyou, he stood up and asked, "According to your statement, can Wuyou not be able to pass normally?" He paused, "Do you think this possibility is possible? How old is it?” Considering the relationship between the **** film and the admonition club, Qiancangyi believes that **** film will focus on helping himself. However, with the attitude of the **** film to the admonition club, he also believes that the **** film has very limited restrictions on the admonition club. .

Xiao Zuanfeng shook his right hand and knocked on the mirror. The expression on his face was slightly confused, but he understood after half a second. Then, he frowned and put down his right hand, "Cang Yi, what do you mean... In Mirror City, there must be other ways to enter the world in the mirror?"

Qiancang nodded, "Yes."

Xiao Zuifeng put his left hand on his chin and fell into deep thought. "But this method definitely has limitations. It is estimated that you can't switch the world in the mirror anytime and anywhere."

"Anyway, we must be careful." Qiancang turned his head and looked to the right. As far as he could see, there was a moat. Standing on the edge and looking down, he couldn't see the end at all, and the width, at least Above a hundred meters, it is impossible to pass by normal methods.