Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1905: Traps and baits

Latest website: In the rest of the time, Qian Jiangyue used a very short time to test the net light source made by the chasing light. According to the skill description, except for the exclusive characteristics, the net light source is no different from ordinary light sources in other aspects. A conclusion has been drawn by comparing it with the helmet light.

The special feature of the net light source is that even in a complex light source, it can still maintain its own purity, and it can be distinguished from the complex light at a glance. The net light source itself has no specific shape. It depends on the manufacturing location. If it is not attached to any object, it is usually a sphere, and the overall color is bluish white.

The irradiating direction of the net light source is a high-brightness beam area, which can be determined according to the will of the actor during production, and cannot be changed without attachment. The light irradiated by the net light source cannot be reflected and refracted. Although both reflection and refraction are effective, the light beam after reflection and refraction no longer has the characteristics of a net light source.

Although there are many characteristics of this skill that need to be practiced, there is not much time left for them now.

"Now, we need to find a suitable place to create a trap and set up a bait." Qian Jiangyue looked around, "It's better to be narrower."

Shadow puppets are also looking for.

Soon, the two found a narrower serpentine passage, which was a new passage formed after the collapse of the underground passage. It was a brand new route. The two did not know where they would go, but they had no time. To explore, according to Alienated Humans, Wuyou will come here soon.

"You hide there, I'm standing here." Qian Jiangyue pointed to the depression on the right wall. A few stones created a small area that ordinary people could not get in and out, but shadow puppets could.

"What about you?" asked the shadow play.

"I am the bait." Qian Jiangyue pointed her right finger, "Any trap needs a bait, otherwise the prey will not be caught."

The shadow play looked up and down Qian Jiangyue, and the person in front of him was still the same as before, his face was full of confidence, and it seemed that he couldn't help him.

"Hurry up." Qian Jiangyue urged, and patted the shoulder of the shadow puppet play with his right hand.

"After I control him, you will directly detonate the net light source, so that there will be more nights and dreams." The shadow play did not say much. She had a foreboding. Even if it is chasing the light with her shadow lord, it is still difficult to kill nothing, at least for now. Nothing. True skill restraint and frontal confrontation are still only the leader who can kill the time mound of time.

Regarding the detonation of the net light source, Qian Jiangyue has also tested it. The detonation of the net light source is not like a bomb. It spreads from the center and its power gradually decreases. After the net light source is detonated, a detonation area with a specific shape will appear in the light source and the direction of the light source. The power in the area is the same, similar to a laser, and there is no influence outside the area.

Qian Jiangyue nodded.

The shadow puppet turned his head and walked towards the ambush.

When the shadow play turned around, Qian Jiangyue's stretched brows were lowered again, and he was already thinking about the details of the trap.

I'm just standing here too obvious and I must do something to cover it up.

Qian Jiangyue took a deep breath, picked up the fist-sized stone next to him, and then looked down at his knee.


Wu You walked towards the only road ahead like a stroll in a leisurely garden. There were a few rock fragments the size of a pot cover floating beside him. These fragments stayed beside him like a protective cover.

As time goes by, his abilities are growing rapidly, and these rock fragments only stayed because the time around him was close to stop. The difference between time and flow rate provided another force to fix these rocks around him, and be able to carry them forward all the time, and even launch them if necessary.

Everything was acquired naturally. As evolution took him to a whole new realm, some things that had never been thought of came to mind as a matter of course, and the problems that had been troubled before were easily solved.

"I don't know if Cang Yi is still alive, I really want him to see what I look like now." Wu You thought of an actor who was not in this movie world. The experience of being chased on a transport ship has always made him worry about it. At least, In his memory, apart from facing a high position, he has never been so embarrassed.

Hundreds of steps later, Wu You saw a familiar figure sitting with his back against the rock wall, it was Qian Jiangyue.

Qian Jiangyue's face was gray and awkward, and her right calf was bent at a strange angle. The original smooth part was bulging high, and the muscles at the wound were obviously swollen. It was obvious that she could not walk normally.

Wu You stood in front of Qian Jiangyue, and the ending time was suspended, only keeping the time around him slowing down. When he appeared, Qian Jiangyue's pupils shrank suddenly and his body shook suddenly, but his muscles quickly tightened and entered a fighting state. Wu You is very satisfied with Qian Jiangyue's performance. He likes to create this kind of oppression. The more nervous the enemy, the easier it is to make mistakes.

"It's a pity that your teammates didn't come to rescue you." Wu You glanced around, "Maybe this is the team?" He sneered.

Qian Jiangyue lowered his head, buried his face in the shadow, he was adjusting his plan. Although he expected that the situation in nothing might be different, he did not expect that he would carry rock fragments instead of the pointer sword as a weapon. From the perspective of lethality, the rock fragments will not affect him too much, but they actually affect the light, which is very unfavorable for the next plan.

"Maybe they have already left." Qian Jiangyue's voice was weak, and after glancing at nothing, she looked away again, "There are Steel Wings at ~lightnovelpub.net~ as long as you leave the ground, you can't chase it. superior."

"That's not necessarily." Wu You folded his hands on his chest, "They don't have the key, so what if they go faster? Don't you still have to wait for me in the end?"

"Ahem." Qian Jiangyue coughed, "How do you know that there is no second key?"

Wu You tipped his right foot twice, but did not answer Qian Jiangyue's question.

"Since it's a key, maybe it can be equipped with one." Qian Jiangyue slowly raised her head, "You think so?" However, as soon as he said the last word, he felt suffocated. He fixed his eyes and found that Wuyou had come closer to him, and grabbed his neck and lifted him up. He was about to say something, but the sharp pain from his right foot swallowed all his words.

Wuyou's left foot was stepping on the wound of Qian Jiangyue's right foot, and it was being continuously crushed.

Qian Jiangyue took his right hand away from his chest, and a white light source shone on Wu You. Because of the close distance, Wu You's huge shadow completely shone on the rock wall behind. At the same time, Qian Jiangyue also turned on the helmet light to ensure the quality of the shadow.