Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1912: Fight again

Latest website: When Wuyou tried to persuade the shadow puppet show to hand over the seventh contact, Qian Jiangyue was still falling. He continued to fall for about ten meters and fell on the rock.

The rock wall of the abyss is not completely vertical, but the angle is gentler the closer to the bottom.

A severe pain caused Qian Jiangyue to wake up from a coma and regain consciousness, but it could not stop him from continuing to roll down, and he could not even make him make a protective action, even after his head was pierced by a gravel controlled by nothing. No immediate death is a miracle of gifts.

His body kept rolling along the curved rock wall, and the bones of his whole body kept colliding with the hard rock until it fell to the bottom before it could stop rolling, and turned into a back sliding forward for a certain distance before stopping. Down.

The intense pain came along with an irresistible feeling of heaviness. The only thought in Qian Jiangyue's mind now is to keep it as it is. Other than that, he can't do anything, and he can't even think about more things. Head trauma and body injuries have affected his thinking. , The current judgment is not the result of thinking, it is more like the survival instinct that life possesses for its own survival, just like the human beings who extend life through alienation in Yuandi.

Qian Jiangyue was lying quietly on the hard ground. The blood had dyed the ground under her head deep red, and the inaudible ticking sound rang in her ears, spreading outwards, until it collided with the rock wall and bounced back. Break the tranquility at the bottom.

In the dark, near the rock wall, a blue arc flickered like a blooming flower. After the arc appeared, it disappeared quickly, as if it had never existed before, and darkness regained everything. Two seconds later, the arc tore the darkness again. This time it lasted longer than before, and the brightness was brighter, even illuminating the surroundings a little.

Under the shining of the light blue light of the arc, the figure of the alienated human appeared on the edge of the rock wall, and the creeping flesh crawled **** the ground. In order to reduce energy consumption, they usually stay where they are.

More and more fleshy mud crawled out of the cracks in the rock wall. They are a small part of the fortunately surviving the collapse. They are probably the only remaining fire, but they still have no hesitation and gathered around Qian Jiangyue, even if they The people who want to save may not be the people they have been waiting for.

After the meat mud approached Qian Jiangyue, he quickly touched Qian Jiangyue's skin. At the same time, every cell in the meat mud's body began to tremble, and the blue arc light continued to flicker. Qian Jiangyue's fingertips twitched twice. The meat mud that first touched Qian Jiangyue stopped moving after the blue arc ended. Its remaining life energy was exhausted. Soon, the color of the meat mud turned into gray-black at a speed visible to the naked eye. And the body becomes extremely fragile, like a powder.

The new meat mud replaced the original position, and went a step further, from the original touch to the wrapped body.

The treatment is proceeding steadily, some provide energy, and some fill the wound, without turning back, like moths fighting a fire. As time went by, more fleshy mud gathered around Qian Jiangyue, and the flashing arc still maintained its previous brightness, but it continued, like a machine in motion.

In the blur, Qian Jiangyue regained part of his consciousness. He felt that he had stopped falling, and there seemed to be countless hands supporting him under him, preventing him from falling into the abyss. But now, he only has feelings and can't recall anything else. He doesn't know why he is here or what to do. He can't see or hear anything.

After the hands under him prevented him from falling, he found that his body was slowly rising, as if returning from **** to the world. Even though the process was very uncomfortable, even though the lifting force was intermittent, he was still moving upwards step by step. rising.

As the height gradually increased, some memories broke into his mind. Among them, the one that made him most concerned was a photo, judging from the background and the characters, it was a touristic landscape photo.

"This is?"

At the moment Qian Jiangyue hesitated, he felt that the strength of the lifting was rapidly increasing, and in the process, he recalled everything. Where did I come from and where I should go.

In the darkness above, a gentle gleam opened his eyes. He blinked and turned his head to look down. In the darkness, there were countless humanoid lights and shadows reaching out to him, and they were raising him to a higher place. The people in the lights and shadows were blurred and could not see the specific features, but they could pass through the body. According to age, nearly half of them are middle-aged and elderly people, and the rest are young people and a small number of children.

"Are these... your souls?"

The fleshy mud that Qian Jiangyue saw when escaping from the bottom of the abyss appeared in Qian Jiangyue's mind. With the help of the bright yellow light ball, these humans transformed into another life form. Although they lost most of their abilities as humans, they gained more. The long life, the ethnic group has also continued in a magical way, and will not be completely taken away by the end.

In order to avoid civilization being swallowed, they became another form of life and formed a brand new civilization.

"I remember I was dead." Qian Jiangyue stretched out his hands and looked in front of him. He didn't notice much abnormality. Then, he raised his right hand and touched his forehead. If his memory is correct, his right hand should be Can feel an obvious hole, however, there is no, "...killed by nothing."

He knew in his heart that Wuyou had tolerated him for a long time since the dream world. Now, after confirming that the seventh connection is not on him, after confirming that killing him will not affect obtaining the key, Wuyou has no hesitation and chooses the simplest way Ended his life.

"There are no special life-saving items, no life-saving equipment, and no other means to avoid death."

Qian Jiangyue frowned slightly.

"Could it be that you are saving my life?"

He looked back at the countless lights and shadows below, very confused.

Even if he is able to come back to life, he is not sure that he will be able to defeat Null. The original strength gap between the two sides is difficult to make up. Even if he obtains the brand new and powerful skill of chasing light, Wuyou already knows that he will definitely be guarded, which means It is almost impossible to succeed in a sneak attack.

On the other hand, according to the Gods of Yuandi, the strength of nothing will grow. This growth does not require any other conditions. As long as time continues to flow, strength will grow to the level of "God" and become another creature. .

They lost.

This failure is really only a matter of time.

"Honestly, you have done enough...helping to monitor the nothing, provide intelligence, destroy the road, stop the nothing, you have done everything you can do, I know all of these, but..."

Qian Jiangyue sighed. He doesn't think he is a good person, but he is definitely not a cruel bad person. Since the matter has reached this stage, he does not intend to hide it, and he also knows that if alienated humans can do it The things mentioned above must also have sufficient analysis and understanding capabilities. Naturally, it can be seen that there is no guarantee for his promise, and he can break the contract at any time, and there is no punishment.

"I... Forget it, I will tell the truth. I never thought about the situation of'considering'. Even if I were killed, I would not consider it. Yes, this is my choice."

"I thought about my death a long time ago, and now it is in my expectation. It actually feels pretty good. At least the whole body is left. Maybe it is Wu in anxiousness? If you change the place, I think he must have. The mood and energy deal with me slowly."

Qian Jiangyue smiled.

"So let go, I'm not the one you are waiting for, it's not worth it at all!"

Light and shadow still lifted him up, as if he hadn't heard it, but the arms that were raised became more and more, and they became firmer and firmer. It seems that Qian Jiangyue's confession did not make them angry because of betrayal, but made them more determined.

The shimmer light on the top of the head is getting brighter and brighter, even becoming dazzling.

Qian Jiangyue raised his hand to stand in front of him. He did not understand the method of alienating human beings. Although he didn't know what the cost was, he used to be a situation where he would die only by passing information. Now the cost of saving him from a near-death state, perhaps the whole The ethnic group will not be able to bear it.

Suddenly, there was a soft whisper in his ear, and the boundless silence was broken.

"Leave here...Leave here!" This murmur was composed of countless voices superimposed together, as if it were a deafening shout, just because the sound was too small, even if they were together, it was just a whisper that could just be heard.

Qian Jiangyue looked down in shock ~lightnovelpub.net~ because he didn't hear any request in this whisper. Alienated Mankind didn't save him in return, but just wanted to save him. That's it. Alienated Mankind never stopped He has been an outsider.

Although he thinks he is an outsider, although he doesn't think he will stay here, these alienated humans don't think so. When he makes a request, he almost agrees without any hesitation. This is the purest trust.

The dim light shrouded Qian Jiangyue. After a short period of blindness, Qian Jiangyue found herself lying in a dim environment with a faint blue arc flickering around.


Qian Jiangyue's voice is very weak, but he is gradually recovering, and the speed of recovery is getting faster and faster.

No one can answer his question.

After a brief silence, Qian Jiangyue readjusted his mentality and temporarily relieved the uneasiness in his heart. Now that he is alive again, and since everything is not over, he intends to fight again, even if the possibility of victory is very small, even close infinitely. At zero, but...not zero!