Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1913: test

The fall continues. Zodiac held his body in midair, his right hand grasped Huadie's wrist and slowly descended, but Jieze and Xianglong were not as lucky as Huadie, they almost fell in a straight line. After discovering the zodiac, he looked down at the top of Jie Ze and Xianglong. The focus of his eyes gathered. After the red and blue lines crossed, there was a burst of suction from the focus. With this suction, the speed of the two slowed down a lot.

I don't know when, the water suddenly disappeared during the fall, and the burnt corpse and strange creatures were also gone. It seems that only the actors are real, and everything else is illusory.

"I remembered" Huadie turned his head and said to Huang Dao, his tone excited.

"Remembered what?" Huang Dao asked, but his tone was calm. Moreover, his sight had been maintained near Jieze and Xianglong, constantly adjusting the positions of the two to slow down their falling speed.

Before Huadie had time to answer, a cry came from below, and then Xianglong's voice came from below, "We are in the end."

After hearing these words, Zodiac breathed a sigh of relief, and he fell a lot faster.

At this time, Huadie found the opportunity to answer:

"The symbol is similar to the symbol Xianglong remembered just now. It is very special, as if it was engraved in my mind. It is very clear. I can't believe I would forget it."

Speaking of the back, she laughed self-deprecatingly.

"Very good, maybe useful this time." Zodiac's eyes searched around.

"What's wrong with you seems very worried." Huadie noticed something wrong with the zodiac.

"Well," Huang Dao nodded, "The reincarnation dream flower is gone."

Huadie then remembered that the dream of reincarnation had been in her hands before, but because of the impact of the water, now she didn't know where it fell. "Maybe, underneath" she glanced under her eyes.

The worries of the zodiac infected her, and perhaps the loss of the reincarnation dream flower will make them stay in the underground passage forever. If it is really impossible to leave because of the lack of reincarnation dream flower, then she will be the biggest sinner.

"I hope so." Zodiac didn't say much. For a moment, the two fell into a short silence. Then Zodiac broke the silence: "Hudie, have you noticed that this place is repelling us."

"Rejection" Huadie frowned slightly, and her face was puzzled.

"Yes." Zodiac nodded and looked up at the place where it fell. "Before falling, I paid attention to the flow of water. It turned out that there was a wall blocking the place where it fell, but the wall suddenly disappeared without any sign. If It's a different space, there should be symbols as entrances and exits, but this time it doesn't, and it's not like the mechanism of the underground passage itself, because I haven't encountered it before. I guess there may be a consciousness that the owner of the underground passage is secretly manipulating it."

"It's also possible that the dream is manipulated in the dark." Huadie immediately retorted.

Zodiac blinked, did not answer, neither agreed nor opposed.

Huadie continued:

"If our previous guess is correct, I think this dream is not free to operate. It follows a certain rule from the beginning. The person who created the dream should have set up key nodes. As long as the situation develops to this point, we will remember Some things, although due to differences in personal physique, the time point will move forward or postpone, but it is roughly within a range. Similarly, once this point in time is reached, the dream will change, and the plot in the dream will advance to the next step. For example, the person who has been chased by the monster is finally caught by the monster. Usually, this also means that the dream is about to end and the dreamer will wake up."

While she was speaking, the two were already close to the ground and were about to land.

After Huadie stepped on the ground, Zodiac released his right hand, and then he landed steadily. It is worth mentioning that after landing, the surrounding gray fog gradually faded and disappeared quickly, revealing the real gray-white walls under the gray fog. They returned to the underground passage again, which was supposed to be high above the sky, and was again blocked by the ceiling. It seemed that everything went back to where it started.

Jieze and Xianglong came quickly from not far away.

"I remember," Jie Ze shouted as he ran.

"What you said makes sense." Huang Dao answered Huadie's words.

Jie Ze ran to the two of them, supported his knees with both hands, and inhaled slightly: "I remember it, the whole is an orange character, but there are some changes in details."

He did not say what the details of the change were.

"I remember it too." Huadie replied, but she didn't say a word about the symbols and changes.

At this moment, Xianglong came from behind Jieze. He looked at the ecliptic and asked, "The ecliptic, do you think of anything?"

Huadie and Jieze also turned to look at the zodiac. There was a little suspicion and expectation in their eyes, but they were more excited about leaving the underground passage. If they can make up the four symbols, they can successfully escape the underground passage. Through this official movie, as for some unsolved mysteries, they are not important compared to survival.

Zodiac didn't answer right away, he lowered his head to meditate, and then shook his head. However, halfway through the shaking, he stopped moving, his eyes widened, his pupils contracted, "I remember." The words were sonorous and powerful.

"Then let's try quickly" Xianglong urged.

The four people looked at the wall almost at the same time. Xianglong walked to the wall and reached out to touch his waist, only to find that the dagger was missing. He scratched his head and turned to look at Dye Ze.

"I'll come." Jie Ze walked to the wall, raised his right hand, in the shape of a knife, a water jet slowly formed in his hand, the shape resembling a fruit knife, the whole process took about 10 seconds, and then he cut open Little finger, blood flowed out of the wound, and then, he stretched his left hand to the wall and pressed it firmly. After one point, he was about to prepare for the next point, but found that the blood on the little finger had stopped. For convenience, he cut the belly of his finger again. , However, this time the wound was deeper and wider.

Zodiac watched all this silently.

In the end, after several repairs, Jie Ze wrote the word "Ze" in blood on the wall. However, unlike the word "Ze", the final vertical changed into a vertical and horizontal stroke, like It was the word "Ze" that carried a tail, and then he took a step back and handed the water jet to Xianglong.

Xianglong stretched out his right hand to catch the water jet, but he was stopped by Jie Ze and avoided.

"The water knife can only last a short time after leaving my body." Jie Ze raised his eyebrows.

Xianglong shrugged and stretched out his right hand. Jieze grabbed Xianglong's wrist and cut Xianglong's **** with a knife, which was deeper and wider than his own cut. Xianglong took a breath, opened his mouth, and wanted to make a complaint, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"The amount of bleeding from the little finger is too little, more than one at a time, otherwise it will be very troublesome." Jie Ze explained.

Soon, Xianglong left the previously written "scarf" character sign on the wall. Of course, the stroke order was very special.

"Next one." Jie Ze glanced at Zodiac and Huadie, "Which one of you will come first"

"You go first." Huadie turned his head and looked at the zodiac.

Zodiac hesitated, nodded, walked forward, and came to Jieze before and after him. He stretched out his right hand.

Jieze repeated the previous action.

Zodiac looked down at the wound on his right **** and stood by the wall. He looked at the wall, when the blood stains on the wall had dried out, then he stretched out his right hand and pressed his **** on the wall. There was a burst of pain from the wound, and then he moved his fingers to the lower right. After a few seconds, he withdrew his hand.

"Ji" Huadie read the words written in the Zodiac, and she noticed one thing, no matter the stroke order and font, the word "Ji" hasn't changed in any way, "Why is it that this word doesn't look special."

"Indeed, it's a little different." Jie Ze lowered his head in thought.

The Zodiac looked down at the wound on his finger and replied:

"I don't know why there is no deformation. However, I carefully considered the mechanism of the symbol and found that there is no difference in the result regardless of whether it changes or not. Any symbol is different from traditional passwords. It has no restrictions. In other words, there are unlimited possibilities, although The cost of trial and error is close to zero, but with endless possibilities, it is still wishful thinking."

Having said that, he paused, then turned to look at Huadie:

"If the words you think of are also deformed, then my undistorted word may actually increase the difficulty of deciphering."

After speaking, he smiled and gave up his position, which was self-evident.

Huadie looked at the symbols on the wall, took a deep breath, and stepped forward. Jieze raised the waterjet operation. Huadie stood by the wall and stretched out his hand to leave a word "Og", but the four "mouths" of the word "Og" were replaced by triangles.

The four of them looked at the wall silently, expecting a different performance. For a time, the underground passage was extremely quiet, and it seemed that even the air remained silent in this solemn atmosphere. 1 second passed, the wall remained unchanged, 3 seconds passed, 10 seconds passed, until half a minute passed, the wall was still the original wall, except for a few more symbols on it, there is no difference from the previous one.

"Why it's still useless" Xianglong finally couldn't help but uttered.

"Will our previous guesses were all wrong?" Jie Ze began to think about this possibility.

Zodiac frowned. Suddenly, he thought of something and said:

"Maybe because of the lack of reincarnation dream flowers, do you remember the scene when we left from a different space?"

He mentioned something.

The scene of the reincarnation dream flower activating the diamond symbol appeared in the four people's minds.

After Huadie heard this, her face changed and she bit her lip lightly.

"Reincarnation Dream Flower" Xianglong looked at Huadie, "Huadie You"

Huadie shook his head slightly: "Lost."

"Where is it?" Xianglong glanced around.

"It should be the same as your dagger. It was washed away by the current." Die Ze helped Huadie relieve the embarrassment. "I think the Reincarnation Dream Flower is still in the underground passage. Or we can find it, maybe we will find it."

"We don't have much time. If you want to find it, splitting is more efficient. Of course, it will be very dangerous." Huang Dao said here and paused slightly. "My strength is stronger than you. It's not as good as three or one for the three of you to go there. "He pointed his right finger to the right, "I'm going here", and at the same time, he pointed his right finger to the left, "Whether we find it or not, we will gather in 10 minutes."

"What are you talking about? You've been helping us just now" Xianglong said, looking at Huadie and Jieze.

"This kind of thing doesn't matter. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is the most important thing for everyone to leave together alive." Zodiac shook his right hand, "Let’s hurry up and don’t waste time on minor matters. Everyone is an actor, and it is normal to be wary of each other. ."

After speaking, he walked to the left, leaving only a lonely back.

Until the zodiac disappeared from sight, Huadie didn't say a word.

Xianglong sighed, turned around and walked towards the rear. He walked two steps, and found that neither Huadie nor Dye Ze had left. Suddenly he was puzzled: "You won't go."

Huadie looked at the wall and said softly:

"Although the Zodiac has been helping us and saving our lives, the strength gap between us is too great. The point is not whether he will act on us, but whether he has the strength to act on us. There is no doubt. He has and can kill us easily, so we must be very careful. The symbol I painted on the wall just now is wrong, and now the ecliptic is not there, I plan to try the correct symbol again."

After she finished speaking, she pressed her left thumb and index finger firmly on her right middle finger, the wound split open, and blood flowed out from the belly of the finger again and gathered into blood beads.