Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1915: New height

In the middle rock wall of the branch road, a shadow slides forward at full speed. This is a long road, longer than any road ran before the shadow puppet show. Her vitality was quickly consumed, and, with the passage of time, the amount consumed to maintain the shadow state was still increasing.

Once the vitality is exhausted and the current state cannot be maintained, she may break away from the shadow. However, there is still only the gap in the middle of the rock walls on both sides that can pass through, which means that once she breaks away from the shadow, what is waiting for her will be Tragically died on the spot.

As time passed, the vitality slot had come to the red-green gradient part, and the green part was almost invisible. Now, it was the only chance to return. She was able to return to the original place from the gap. Once she continued to move forward, unless she escaped from the gap before her vitality was exhausted and went to the vertical channel Qian Jiangyue pointed out, there would be no other result.

When the shadow puppet realized this, she did not hesitate and continued to move forward, but the speed was faster than before, and the path of the shadow's advancement was also straighter, without the slightest sway.

No matter what happened, no matter what was waiting for her, she couldn't look back, she had to keep moving forward, even if the possibility of surviving was slim, she had no other choice. Life and death are no longer what she considers, and now she only thinks about one thing, to reach the final place, which is earlier than Wuyou.

This time it was for the actor's opportunity and revenge, but it was for herself, for the dream that was not beautiful, but 10,000 times happier than it is now.

The vitality continues to be consumed, the red and green gradients have completely disappeared, and only the red part is rapidly consumed.

Finally, when the vitality in the vitality slot reached the danger line close to 20%, the gap suddenly widened and was no longer as crowded as before. After confirming this, the shadow puppetry immediately ended the Lord of Shadows and separated from the shadows.

She knelt on the ground, gasping for breath, holding her hands on the ground, and Dou's sweat slid down her face, dripping onto the ground in front of her, completely dampening the ground in front of her. The whole process lasted for nearly 5 seconds before she stood up.

After a slight shaking, she held the rock wall with her left hand to prevent herself from falling, and then she looked back at the gap behind her.

She didn't know how far she ran, but it was definitely more than 1,000 meters, and maybe even 2,000 meters. For such a long distance, as long as nothing is activated now to turn back time, she would basically be impossible to catch her.

The reason why this road is so difficult and dangerous is also one of the reasons Qian Jiangyue chose. There is not enough length to stop the footsteps of nothing.

The shadow play looked at the gap with deep eyes. In an instant, countless images flashed in her eyes, and the past appeared one by one, but she soon stopped reminiscing and focused on the top.

The vertical passage she is now in is surrounded by rock walls in all directions. The falling rock wall is more closed than she imagined. If there is no perception ability, it is almost impossible to find this hidden passage. There is no end in sight from above, but because of the collapse, there are many places for foot and climb.

She took a deep breath and waited for her vitality to recover. Then, she stretched her right hand upwards, and the iron chain flew out of her palm. After flying to the specified height, she turned and hooked on the convex part of the rock wall. She tried the firmness of the iron chain and started. Recovering the iron chain, during the recovery process, she stepped on the rock wall with her feet and adjusted her posture so that she could reach the nearest footing faster.

I will not lose, absolutely not!


Fork in the road.

Wu You squatted on the ground and looked at the unusual traces on the ground. What he saw in his eyes was different from before. In the past, his eyes were only for seeing, but now, they are for observation. When his gaze swept across the ground, the rocks on the ground evolved into an accumulation of countless lines, just like the ground simulated by software. On this basis, information such as the hardness and distribution of the rocks naturally came to mind.

"The trace of the shot down is not a trap."

Wuyou blinked, stood up, looked around, and soon his gaze fell on the rock wall in the middle of the branch road. In his eyes, Qian Jiangyue's refilling of the rock wall is as eye-catching as splashing ink on white paper.

Standing in front of the rock wall, the thought of moving rock fragments flashed in his mind. After that, the rock fragments gently floated out of the gaps covered by them, and then gently fell to the ground. The gap where the shadow play escaped appeared before his eyes.

"It seems that they have split their way, let the shadow puppet show escape from here?"

During the time he was speaking, with a wave of his right hand, countless blue threads appeared around him. These threads continued to entangle and rotate in the air until the scene of two figures was formed. These two figures are Qian Jiangyue and the shadow play.

He speeds up the video playback and listens to the conversation between the two silently.

"Qian Jiangyue had two chances to kill me, and this opportunity was won through the skills of shadow puppetry~lightnovelpub.net~ Unless he has a problem with his brain, it is impossible to divide into teams. The only possibility is one, he I learned some intelligence from other sources, and my evolution reached a higher level of intelligence."

"It is impossible for the gods of Yuandi to inform him specifically, so...it must be related to the alienated humans of Yuandi. Although I don't know the specific reason, I believe that he can detect this passage and know my information for the same reason. ."

"Are you going to keep me? That is to say, the seventh connection is on the shadow puppet show."

Having said that, he took a step back, stretched out his right hand, and placed it on the gap. In the next second, the rock walls on both sides began to shake slightly, and the gaps were gradually opened. As time passed, the gaps opened wider and wider until they could be passed by one person. However, the open part was only about 10 meters. , The farther gap is still the original width.

"No, the distance and time are not enough. It seems that we can only solve him first."

Wu You frowned as he watched what Qian Jiangyue said at the last moment.

"He is contacting the gods in Yuandi, is he planning to negotiate a deal? It seems that he must be resolved quickly, otherwise, there will be trouble."

Although he was talking about trouble, there was no boredom on his face. Instead, there was a hint of excitement on his face, as if a confident student was ready to accept any surprise test at any time.

He walked forward along the left side of the branch road, and at the same time, four round rock fragments flew out from the rock walls on both sides, rotating around him, becoming his new shield, used to block sneak attacks that may appear at any time. Even if he has grown to the present level, he knows that from the destructive evaluation, Qian Jiangyue's new skills may still kill him, but just pay attention.


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