Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1916: Go against

"If there is no chance, can you do nothing?"

Qian Jiangyue stood on the edge of the cliff, holding a stone with a net light source in his right hand. Then, he took a step back, lifted the stone, and then threw it downward.

Although it is very troublesome to use the shared effect of the net light source to climb, but, on the contrary, if you are heading towards the bottom of the abyss, the distance that was once unattainable is now like a bag. The stone with the net light source rotated and fell, like a lighting rod, sinking into the deep darkness.

Here, it is precisely why Qian Jiangyue chose the left side.

When Wu You learned that he could not catch up with the shadow puppet show in a short time, the first thing he did was definitely to kill him first, and he could just use this to delay the shadow puppet show. Returning to the bottom of the abyss, even if Wuyou can use the time to stop and hurry, there will still be gaps in the middle, and a longer distance can increase the number of gaps, thereby prolonging the time for Wuyou to catch up with the shadow puppet show.

Qian Jiangyue squatted on the ground, creating a clean light source on the ground, and at the same time, using the underground sensing ability attached to him after the alienated human was rescued to detect the height below.

"The stone has almost fallen to the ground."

After confirming, he entered into a state of coexistence, and his figure became blurred in the net light source. At the same time, he fell into the side of the rock below the cliff, and a figure gradually emerged. About two or three seconds later, Qian Jiangyue's body fully emerged, and he had reached the bottom of the cliff.

"The fuzzy state in the middle lasts a little longer. It seems that the longer the distance, the longer the transfer time."

Even if he is heading towards the bottom of the abyss, he still collects this information subconsciously. Although it may be useless in many cases, his long career as an actor has made him a habit and even an instinct. Perhaps, even if he loses his memory, this ability Will never forget.

"You can't go too fast, you have to leave some traces, or you may give up chasing me at any time. I need to control the distance. It would be wasteful to let him kill me without doing it, and it takes a certain amount of time to do it."

Qian Jiangyue took a deep breath, feeling very difficult. If there is no such factor, the distance can be well controlled. However, the problem is that not only can it stop sometimes, but it can even be used for a long time.

[I don’t think you need to control the distance. 】

[He will definitely kill you. I don't know the exact reason, it may be that you have offended him, or he thinks you are still a part of his evolutionary process, maybe both. 】

[He is about to catch up. 】

The divine warning sounded in his ears.

Qian Jiangyue raised her head and glanced, then turned and ran towards the back. It was a road leading to the bottom of the abyss, which could be delayed for a longer time.


The shadow puppet held her shoulders with her hands and gasped for breath. She used to consume a lot of life force through the cracks, but now, her physical strength has been greatly consumed. Although she has some special items that can be restored, it is still slightly insufficient.

She lifted her left hand and wiped the sweat from her forehead, and continued to climb upwards. Occasionally, she would look down. Even with the helmet light, there was darkness above and below, as if no matter which way she took, there was no The end.

Suddenly, the rock hooked by the iron chain loosened for some reason, and then fell off the rock wall.

The sense of weightlessness came in an instant.

The shadow play hurriedly stretched out her left hand and sent out an iron chain to the spare rock, however, this could not stop her from falling down immediately.

The loose rock fell. After lightly colliding with the protruding position of the rock wall, it bounced, and then fell downward at a faster speed. Unfortunately, the falling route was exactly on the route of the shadow play transfer.

The shadow puppet watched the huge black rock rushing towards her, and she happened to be stuck in the position she was about to reach. She quickly accelerated the recovery of the iron chain in her left hand, and adjusted her posture so that she could deviate from the falling path of the boulder as much as possible. Too late.

The boulder rushed down with a violent posture, hit the head of the shadow puppet show, and continued to charge downward. A huge noise echoed in the vertical passage, and at the same time a cloud of dust was stirred up, until the last loud bang, the boulder finally landed steadily.

The shadow play is leaning on the rock wall, and her neck has been separated by iron chains. Her head is not above the neck, but at the back position. The seventh link connects them together. Even though it is temporarily safe, she His heart still couldn't be calm for a long time.

She paused for about two or three seconds before the iron chain around her neck returned to normal, and her head returned to the top of her neck. She looked down, and the light of the helmet lamp rushed into the darkness, but she still couldn't see the end and didn't know the location of the boulder. She swallowed, grabbed the chain, and continued to climb.

After about a few minutes, she found a resting platform, which was about the size of a desk, allowing her to rest for a short time.

"This is……"

When she was about to sit down, a discovery made her eyes bright. She saw a peculiarly shaped plant with a rounded top and jagged lines on the edges, and finger-like leaves on both sides of the rhizome. This is The strange plants she saw when she went to the bottom of the abyss.

"Are you also alienated humans?"

She asked softly, this question was not so much a question as a greeting. In this world where the end has come, there will be no other possibility other than outsiders like them.

As if hearing her question, the leaves of the plant began to swing ~lightnovelpub.net~ A dense white mist was secreted from the top of the round.

The mist slowly drifted towards the shadow puppet show.

The shadow play looked suspicious. Considering that the alienated humans had never harmed them so far, she decided to stretch out her left hand and gently touch the white mist.

After the water mist touches the skin, it is quickly absorbed by the skin epidermis. If you don't look closely, you may even think that it is the white mist that chooses to get in.

The shadow play hurriedly retracted her left hand. She looked at the back of her left hand and palm, but did not notice any discomfort. Suddenly, she realized that her exhaustion had been lessened, so she quickly checked her vitality gauge. The vitality that should have been maintained in the red zone was unexpected. A small part of it has been restored, although it has not yet reached the gradient color area, it is already very close.


As soon as she spoke, the words stopped, and the strange plants that sprayed white mist had completely withered, lost their vitality, and turned into a waxy yellow rhizome.

The white mist just now was a restorative medicine produced by this peculiar plant consuming its own life, and its duration and efficacy were limited, but at this critical moment, it gave a great help to the shadow puppet show.

The shadow play wanted to ask anything, and also wanted to thank, but couldn't say anything when the words came to his lips. Her choice is the same as Qian Jiangyue, but because it is Qian Jiangyue’s own business, she did not comment, but if she is allowed to choose, she will still choose her teammates. Although the alienated humans in the abyss are very friendly, they are still Her teammates are more important. However, the selflessness of alienating humans made her feel very uncomfortable, even heartache.

It shouldn't be so.

She sighed, retracted her thoughts, and looked up. An idea came to her mind: if we can see human beings alienated into plants, it should show that we are not far from the ground.


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