Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 1931: 1 point closer

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"Are you afraid? I have met many gods, and none of them is afraid of human beings. Why don't you eat me now and go to the end with glory? At that time, there will be more flowers and applause waiting for you."

As soon as Qiancang turned the silver brilliance of his right hand, his goal had been achieved. As to whether it will be swallowed, and what will happen after it is swallowed, that is not something that needs to be considered now.

When he procrastinated, because of the threat of time, both of their skills were equivalent to being in an unusable state. Therefore, the shadow puppets that had almost stopped in place continued to lurch in the shadow of the dark clouds and move on.

Although hiding in the shadows, the shadow puppetry is not completely ignorant of the outside world. Due to the carpet-like exploration and Qiancang’s behavior of destroying time and space fragments, the street she was sitting on has actually been destroyed by a half. The two confronting each other will approach her location, but she can clearly know that she has not been discovered by nothing.

Hurry up! Hurry up!

She is urging the dark clouds in the sky, hoping that a gust of wind will blow now, and the dark clouds will accelerate, so that she can get closer to the entrance of the End.


The squally wind passed by.

In the future, Qiancang squatted halfway on the ground, and his body was covered with blood. The blood was indeed his own blood, but there was no obvious wound on his body.

"Is the body unsuitable?"

He remembered that when he first used the guide of the Time Tomb, the pain of being torn apart almost made it difficult for him to continue to act. Now, it is the same situation, the only difference is that at this critical moment, there is no **** movie to come. To repair his body, he must last until the end.

The stars are shining in the night sky.

He stood up slowly and walked forward two steps, his body swayed slightly and seemed to be unstable, but after a few more steps, he felt a warm current gushing out of his body, which relieved his fatigue and pain at the moment. Power from the unyielding will.

Endless flames ignited on the horizon behind, and then quickly approached.

As his way of traversal becomes more rude and direct, the resistance from space-time force becomes more intense. The normal way of using it is to hide after each passage of time and space, waiting for the body to gradually adapt, and waiting for the end of the exploration of space-time force. If necessary, even need to travel back, avoid the carpet search of time and space force. But now, he has no time.

The community ahead was brightly lit, and people's voices were heard from time to time.

He leaned on the wall and walked forward step by step. With every step he took, his footsteps became firmer and firmer, because there was no retreat behind him.


"Cang Yi, the violent general method doesn't work for me."

Wuyou turned and continued to walk towards the entrance of the End.

Silver bullets flew from behind him, but were blocked by broken stones.

Although he could no longer use the power of time, his unique power was not disturbed, and he was still able to manipulate nearby matter.

"Is that enough?" Qiancang asked back, and at the same time ran to Wuyou. As soon as he ran two steps, two long and narrow pieces of rubble flew from his side. He bowed his head and avoided the flying rubble. Interspersed in the block, and then relied on the second jump to the second floor of the building, where the line of sight is better, and you can see farther.

In the shadows ahead, a figure emerged from the shadows, also wearing a white coat, but with long hair. It was a shadow puppet show.

The shadow play stretched out her right hand, and the iron chain quickly flew towards the intertwined iron chain fence. When she used the seventh connection, the blood-colored vortex on her shoulder also began to rotate, and a unique scarlet light spot followed the iron in the palm of her left hand. The chain continues to the blocked entrance of the End.

After the scarlet light touched the chain wall, it spread quickly like a bomb, and the scarlet ripples swept the front wall. The intertwined iron chains gradually stopped twisting under the scarlet light spots, and began to move in an orderly manner. The lock that blocked the passage between the Ending Land and the Time Tomb was being opened.


A warning came from behind.

The shadow play heard a familiar voice. The teammate from the return journey from **** was also the only teammate she could rely on now.

She turned her head and saw three pieces of rubble flying towards her. The flight path was her head and body, avoiding them sideways. Crushed stones flew past her with the sound of breaking through the air, and plunged into the ground, throwing up a cloud of dust.

"Wuyou can no longer use time skills now!"

Qiancang shouted loudly and told the most important information to the shadow puppet show. At the same time, he took off with his right foot, stepped on the gravel under his foot with his left foot, and continued to move forward with the help of the flying gravel.

The shadow play took a deep breath, looking at the nothing that was quickly drifting towards him, his eyes full of alertness. Although she had considered this, when it really happened, she realized that things were not as simple as she thought-it takes time to unlock the lock.

Her left hand needs to use the seventh connection to connect the chain wall, so that the power of the **** movie can continue to pass.

In other words, she is now restricted.

Qiancangyi fired at Wuyou's back again, but the silver bullets could still only hit the pieces of broken stones together. He took out the Curse of Bone with his left hand, aimed at Wuyou, pulled the trigger again, and the phalanx bullets flew towards Wuyou, taking the initiative Avoid the blocking gravel and move towards the real goal.

"No, you have to get closer."

He jumped down from the second floor. In an instant, four or five pieces of rubble flew towards his landing point in a semi-circular arc. If he hadn't changed the falling trajectory with a double jump, his legs would probably be cut off. After he landed, he rolled half a circle, avoiding the rubble falling from above, but when he was about to stand up, the rubble from the left hit his chest.

Severe pain came from the chest, and then spread all over the body.

As soon as Qiancang lay on the ground, the moment he landed, he rolled in the direction of the fall, avoiding the gravel that followed.

He realized that tactics close to nothing would work at all. Wuyou's ability to control broken stones is related to the distance. The broken stones attacked at a long distance are easy to hide, but the broken stones at close range can change the route at will in the air.

Suddenly, the light in the sky dimmed suddenly.

As soon as the Qiancang stood up, he looked to the sky. Above, the rubble was gathered together with a radius of about half the size of a basketball court. Then, the gathered rubble flew towards the shadow play.

There was a loud bang.

The gathered rubble hit the location of the shadow play, and then the rubble broke apart and splashed around, causing secondary damage.

The scarlet light spot on the iron chain wall gradually disappeared, and the unlocked wall stopped in place, with a faint tendency to return to its original state.

The shadow play left the shadow. Before she was about to be hit, she hid in the shadow to avoid the fatal blow, but also ended the unlocking behavior of the **** movie~lightnovelpub.net~the shadow play! Leave it alone! Get away! "

Qiancang roared with a wave of his right hand.

The shadow play looked at Qian Cangyi's discovery, but saw an unbelievable scene. Behind Qian Cangyi, a group of flesh and blood was taking shape.

"Cang Yi!"

However, when she issued the warning, it was too late.

The beating heart left Qiancang Yi's body, was grasped by an unfamiliar palm, and clenched tightly. The blood stained the ground red like splashed water.

Qiancang looked at his chest in surprise, a white arm stained with blood was retracting. He instantly understood what had happened. He had no choice to pretend to attack the shadow puppet show, and when he was just getting up from the ground, he used the gravel to create a blind spot of vision, and came quietly behind him. If in normal times, he could detect it, but his Attention has been distracted, becoming insufficiently focused. On the other hand, this is also the hard power gap between the two sides.

"Cang Yi, the arrogant person doesn't seem to be me." A void voice came from his ear, still calm.

Qiancang felt that the surrounding voices were getting farther and farther away from him, and his eyes became darker and darker. The edges of his pupils gradually turned red, and the ancient gaze started, but this time the effect was not to fear the enemy, but to heal himself. Injury.

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