Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 273: abandon

"Old Yan, the front is almost here." Yan Wen pulled Yan Xuan and ran in the first echelon.

The muddy road wet by heavy rain is extremely difficult to walk. Every step requires a lot of effort. The ground seems to be covered with a layer of glue, which is undoubtedly worse for the current Yan family.

There are not many people in the first echelon. There are only five people. These five people include Yan Xuan, and the other four are the people Yan Xuan trusts most.

Should... how should we survive?

Yan Xuan thought while panting.

How long can these people help me delay? Ten minutes or one minute? After running into the house, can I survive tonight? It seems that my assumptions are impossible to complete. I have to leave Pshazhuang tomorrow...No, I will leave now, this place cannot be stayed, it is too dangerous!

After the decision, Yan Xuan said to the person next to him.

"We won't go back, let's leave Pushazhuang directly!" Yan Xuan's voice was extremely firm.

But except for Yan Wen's approval, the other three did not agree with what he said, and one even mocked it.

"Old Yan, did your brain get damaged by the rain? Isn't it looking for death if you run into the mountains in such a heavy rain? It's midnight, if something happens, then it will be really bad every day. It doesn't work, why don't we just run back? Those people are all dead outside, we just have to go home and close the door." This person spoke very fast.

Just after saying these words, he realized his rudeness.

"Sorry old Yan, I just..." When the apology came out, it was also interrupted by Yan Xuan.

"No need." Yan Xuan waved his hand.

No, I was too impulsive just now. I shouldn't tell them my thoughts directly. It is indeed my mistake, and can I really escape? I don’t even know how the people behind me died. I’m sure by then...should be able to come up with a solution...

At this time, Yan Xuan felt a sense of powerlessness.

There is a feeling that the forces that have been in business for many years are useless.

"Chang Shuo..." He muttered in a low voice, "Will he have a way? He is completely different from the people in Pushazhuang, maybe it can solve this kind of thing, and from his reaction, it seems that he has experienced After this kind of thing, you can stay calm no matter what happens."

I can only take a gamble, but...how will Chang Shuo help me? When I made a condition with him before, he chose to directly refuse, what kind of condition I want to put forward... Forget it, this matter can be put aside, now it is relatively close to the Pushazhuang police station, and it is too late to rush over.

"Yan Wen, do you believe me?" Yan Xuan whispered, and distanced himself from the other three.

"Old Yan, when I never believed you, you taught me, and you promoted me." Yan Wen's eyes were sincere.

"I plan to find Chang Shuo." Yan Xuan took a deep breath.

"But Old Yan..." Yan Wen's eyes were full of incomprehension, "It's already this time, do we still need to help him? Maybe they are dead now, just like the people in the Zuo family. "

"No." Yan Xuan said affirmatively, "Do you remember when he was called by Lu Bin today? Finally, when Peng Wei left, he asked if Chang Shuo went out after the seven left. Do you remember Bai Hanyan's answer at the time? It was the little policeman. He first answered No, and then added: He slept later than me."

"Lao Yan, what do you mean... Bai Hanyan is suggesting that Chang Shuo went out at night?" Yan Wen said his guess.

"How is it possible, why did he suggest us?" Yan Xuan shook his head, "What's more, Peng Wei asked this question later: Who knows if he went out after you fell asleep?"

"Well, I remembered it, and then Chang Shuo was very angry, saying that Peng Wei framed him, and then Peng Wei left." Yan Wen recalled some details.

"Yes." Yan Xuan nodded.

"But what can this prove?" Yan Wen speeded up a bit.

"Of course you can't prove anything from here, but you have forgotten one person, Wang Pan. When testifying, Wang Pan did not speak from beginning to end. He chose to be silent. I understand Wang Pan's character well. He is a man. And the muddy person, if he is sure that Chang Shuo has not gone out, he will definitely speak. Even if he is not sure whether Chang Shuo has gone out, he will speak, but he did not. He chose to be silent."

"At that time, I felt a little strange, but my attention was completely attracted by Chang Shuo. I couldn't see through this person at all. Now when I think about it by accident, I discovered the strangeness of the king plate."

"I can be sure that Chang Shuo went out last night, and if he knew something, maybe he did something else. That's why we went to him." Yan Xuan smiled.

"Would you like to tell others?" Yan Wen glanced behind him, and the number of Yan's family had been reduced by about half.

"No, let's switch directly to the road above, and then walk in the direction of the police station. These people will follow me if they believe me. If they don't believe it... then it has nothing to do with me." Yan Xuan's eyes were cold.

At the same time, the Yan family finally figured out what was killing people~lightnovelpub.net~It's just...just knowing this can't save their lives.


In the dark kitchen, only the flame of the stove was beating.

During this period of time, Qian Cangyi added a charcoal fire again, "I feel that something is wrong. Even if I act on Wang Pan, Zuo Ying doesn't need so much time. Is he afraid of these flames? As a different existence from infants and ghosts? She didn’t even try. In addition, although flames can affect the infants and ghosts, the flames themselves will also be consumed. In other words, as long as there are enough infants and ghosts gathered, as long as they rush over together, only death is waiting for us."

"But..." Xiao Zufeng let out a long sigh, "Where can we go, such a heavy rain... Maybe we will be killed by infants before we run out of the gate. Look at this rain, and there is no need for it. The sign of stopping, maybe it's still going down after dawn."

Qian Cangyi touched his chin with his right hand, "I'm also thinking about this question, maybe we already know the answer, but we just haven't realized it, the way to survive tonight..."

"What is it?" Xiao Zuanfeng asked subconsciously, without even thinking.

"Probably..." As soon as Qiancang spoke, a group of people appeared in front of the kitchen. These people were wearing raincoats.

"There seems to be someone inside." A voice came in.

"Go in and take a look." Another person's voice also came in.

It's Peng Wei!

Qiancang heard a familiar voice.

Damn, there is no place to hide here at the stove. If you leave, you may be attacked. Although there have been no babies and ghosts up to now, who knows which dark corner is there? Although the principle is not clear, it is a fact that they can move through water. In this heavy rain weather, infant ghosts can obviously appear anywhere.