Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 274: arson

Since he couldn't hide, and couldn't leave, Qiancangyi chose to deal with it head-on.

He has a gun, and there are three bullets left.

After making up his mind, Qiancangyi held the revolver in his hand and pointed it at the door. As soon as he finished these actions, the people outside the door walked in, a total of three people.

"The light is broken, wait, there is someone inside, who is it?" A man's voice sounded at the door.

"Who are you?" Qiancang asked aloud.

"It's Chang Shuo's voice, he's Chang Shuo!" Peng Hongcai spoke, and he turned to the person outside the door.

"I don't want to repeat it again and answer my question, otherwise I will shoot." Qian Cangyi maintained his posture.

Judging from the reaction of the other party, it does not seem to be a good thing. Since it is Peng Wei's person, it is very likely that it is coming for trouble.

Qiancang thought.

"You have a gun?" Peng Hong didn't believe it, so he took another step.

With the faint light, he saw something in Qiancang's hand reflecting silver light, but he was not sure if there was a gun.

However, Peng Wei doesn't care about these at all.

What he was thinking now was the arrogant tone of Chang Shuo this morning and the kick of himself.

Chang Shuo, I said that no one can be arrogant in front of me, Peng Wei. You asked me at the time: Isn't Mr Lu also good? I can give you a true answer now, even if it's Lu Zan, it won't work!

Peng Wei thought, and walked in at the same time.

"Chang Shuo, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon." Peng Wei looked at the two people in front of the stove. Although the sky was too dark to see clearly, he could feel the aura of each other, and it was indeed Chang Shuo.

At least in Pushazhuang, he hasn't encountered a second person with this kind of aura.

"Peng Wei? What are you doing?" Qian Cangyi asked knowingly.

"Of course I'm here to take you on the road and get me on." Peng Wei waved his hand, and the people behind him rushed towards Qiancang like a dead man.

Xiao Zuanfeng looked at the door nervously, "You..." He still wanted to persuade, but the other party didn't care about him at all, as if he didn't exist.

With heads surging ahead, Qiancang Yi could only tell if there was anyone in front of him when there was no light. As for who it was, with so many people rushing up at the same time, it was impossible to tell.

Considering his situation at this time, he fired.

The thrust generated by the violent burning of gunpowder pushed the warhead out of the muzzle, and the warhead spun out. When everyone's eyes were unable to catch it, it flew over the distance of half a room, and then tore a thin layer of cotton coat, and then Tearing the fragile skin and muscles, and finally staying in the body.

Even though the rain is pouring outside the house, the shot is still as eye-catching as the fireworks in the night sky.

No one can ignore it!

"Did you hit Peng Wei?" Qian Cang gritted his teeth. He had never trained in this skill, and his shooting accuracy fluctuated more obviously.

"He...he really has a gun..." Peng Hong thought the other party was joking.

Peng Wei also realized this, and now he had to face this matter squarely. If the opponent is holding a knife or something, he can still let his subordinates rush directly up, and it will be a big deal to give more rewards, but if it is a gun, even if he gives more rewards, I am afraid it will be difficult to drive Peng Hongcai. Et al.

Based on the medical conditions and geographical location of Pushazhuang, if a bullet hits a vital part, the probability of death is as high as 99%. Even if it only hits the limbs, it may also need to be amputated.

"Quit first." Peng Wei made his own decision.

He gave an order, and the men who had already rushed into the kitchen and those who were about to rush into the kitchen immediately retreated.

There were only two people left in the entire kitchen in an instant.

"Are they... gone?" Xiao Zuanfeng turned his head and looked at Qian Cangyi.

"Definitely not." Qiancangyi didn't put the gun away.

"You should have a lot of bullets?" Xiao Zuanfeng glanced at the revolver in Qiancangyi's hand.

"Two more." Qiancang said in a low voice.

"Ah... Then, what should we do then? If they rush in again, we will... You said that the infants are still coveting us. In this way, would we not be in a desperate situation because of the enemy?" Xiao Zuifeng said. Out of his own thoughts, but... his thoughts seem to be just thoughts.

Hearing Xiao Zufeng, Qian Cang turned his head and took a look at Xiao Zufeng, "If you add you, it would be really desperate..."

"Uh..." Xiao Zuanfeng blinked, "You seem to have something in your words."

"Is it ‘like’?" Qiancang asked back.

At this time, something was suddenly thrown in, and then, flames rose to the sky, blocking the only exit between the kitchen and the outside world. More importantly, with the light, Qiancang saw several infants and ghosts on the beams of the room. The high temperature caused by the flame had a very obvious effect on them, and it didn't take long for these babies and ghosts to disappear from the kitchen.

"They set fire, what shall we do?" Xiao Zuanfeng blocked his cheek with his right hand.

Hot waves of fire came, and heavy rain outside the house, but inside the house was raging~lightnovelpub.net~ A strange feeling arose in Qiancangyi’s heart. If he could describe this feeling, it would be Double discomfort.

"Can’t stay here forever. The thing they just threw should be a combustion aid. Obviously, this flame cannot be simply extinguished by rain. We don’t have a corresponding fire extinguisher on our hands, so it can’t be extinguished in a short period of time, and the ventilation in the kitchen is not effective. Okay, if this goes on, maybe we were suffocated to death before we were burned to death." Qiancang looked at the flames that danced like butterflies.

Screams came from outside the door.

"What... Get rid of it for me, quickly..."

Before Qiancang's one or two people could do anything, a figure suddenly rushed into the kitchen, and of course, also rushed into the flames.

The two of them saw this man rushing into the flame like a madman, and then began to wailing and rushed out of the flame, but at the same time he rushed out, his body was also ablaze. The heavy rain was still falling, but the flame on this person was still lingering, and it took about twenty seconds before it slowly extinguished.

After that, the door became quiet again, only the sound of rain ticking on the tiles.

"It seems...to rush out...it's dangerous..." Xiao Zuanfeng swallowed.

"Must go out." Qiancang Yi felt the heat wave is getting higher and higher.

The space in the kitchen itself is not large, and the two of them are unavoidable at this time.

"Going out is also dead!" Xiao Zuanfeng did not forget the tragic situation of that person just now.

"Ghost...Ghost!" Another Peng family rushed in. After rushing into the flame, this person did not rush out like the previous person, but directly rushed to Qiancang's side.

Peng Hong, who had crossed the sea of ​​fire, felt that the terrifying sense of powerlessness just now suddenly disappeared, but the pain from the high temperature began to sting his nerves again.

Exhausted, his eyes went dark and he lay on the ground.