Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 29: Start disadvantage

   With the opening of the cards on the four sides of the mahjong machine, the first attempt of Lin Zheng's special countermeasures team and the election of the chairman of the Mahjong Technology Research Association have officially started.

"The game uses a scoring system. Each player has an initial score of 1,000 points, and the basic unit is 10. Among the four players, there is a division between the banker and the player. One player is the banker, and the remaining three players. The opening banker is determined by different rules. , But the second time the dealer has a set of fixed rules. Among them, whether it is a win or a loss, the dealer’s score will be 10 points more.” Ding Hao began to explain the game situation for Qian Cangyi, “There are 108 cards in total, only Tong, Suo and Wan, in which Suo is also called "tiao" in some places, there is no east, south, west, north wind and middle, hair, and white."

   "In order to speed up the speed, this time the rules stipulate that the person closest to the door is the dealer. The dealer in Lin Zheng's group is No. 10, the somewhat fat girl." Ding Hao pointed to the girl sitting on Lin Zheng's right.

   At this time, the four of the cards had been drawn, and Lin Zheng's opponent laid out the four seven barrels.

   And the numbers on the scoreboard began to change, Lin Zheng's score changed from 1,000 to 990.

   "This is?" Qiancang was a little puzzled, why the score began to change before he started playing.

"I have said before that the characteristic of this rule is that the cards are fast, and the starting hand has several card types that can be used directly. The score is equivalent to the self-drawing of the flat cards. If there are four identical cards in the starting hand, this is In mahjong terminology, it is called Big Four Happiness, which is a kind of Xiao Hu. There is also a lack of one color, that is, in the starting hand, there are only two types of three types of players. All the cards are laid out." Ding Hao began to act as the narrator for Qiancangyi.

   "Will you continue playing? Or..." Qiancang suddenly found out that he didn't know anything about Mahjong.

"Now the mahjong on the Internet is no longer playing, and we will start the next game directly, but we now need someone to draw the cards manually. In order to save time, we can continue." Ding Hao stared at Lin Zheng on the screen, wondering if he was thinking what.

   "What about the winning or losing rules?" Qiancangyi refers to the winning or losing rules for the entire game.

   "In the three-hour period, the player with the highest score wins. In addition, if someone returns to zero in the middle, then that person will be out, but for the smooth running of the game, he can still continue to play." Ding Hao spoke very fast.

   Qiancang took a look at Lin Zheng's hand and found that it was very bad.

   [tube: 2, 3, 3, 7, 9]

   [Cook: 5, 6, 6]

   [10,000: 1, 4, 6, 7, 8]

   "Lin Zheng only has one straight..." Qian Cang stroked his chin.

"Well, there are six to seven or eighty thousand in 4D. Apart from that, there are no more straights. Although there is a 2 barrel and an 80,000, you can't keep the leader at all. By the way, do you know the trump card? In the basic card type of Hu, there are a total of fourteen cards, in a group of three, straight or engraved, then there are two remaining trumpets. If you want Hu, these two trumpets must be required. The same, but in this mahjong rule, there is a requirement for trump cards, which can only be the numbers 2, 5, and 8. Teacher Ao, you can see which cards Lin Zheng has now that can be used as trump cards." Ding Hao pointed to Lin Zheng's hand on the screen.

   "2, 5, 8? 2 barrels, 5 ropes and 80,000. These three cards can be used as trump cards if they have the same one." Qiancang glanced at it and quickly answered.

   "Hmm." Ding Hao nodded.

   The situation on the court at this time was that Lin Zheng's next home, the dealer, began to play cards.

  【9 tubes】

   Lin Zheng's next home played the first card.

   Next, it was Lin Zheng's opponent who drew the cards. It was a male student. He also played 9 rounds.

  【1 tube】

   Lin Zheng's upper family played a different card.

   "Eat." Lin Zheng's voice came from the speaker.

"In the rules of mahjong,'eat' can only'eat' the cards played by the upper house, while'pun' means that no matter the cards played by the upper house, the next house or the opponent, they can be combined. The priority of'push' is higher than that of'eat'. It's higher." Ding Hao explained before Qiancang asked.

As soon as the Qiancang saw that Lin Zheng on the screen took the 1st tube to the side of his hand, he took out the 2nd tube and the 3rd tube and placed them together with the 1st tube to form 1, 2, and 3 tubes. Lin Zheng played his own card, 3 barrels.

   "Have Lin Zheng played mahjong before?" Qian Cangyi was a little curious.

   "As far as I know, no." Ding Hao shook his head, "His learning ability is very strong. Two days should be enough."

   Qiancang answered and continued to watch the game.

   After four rounds, Lin Zheng's hand has changed.

   [tube: 1, 2, 3 (eat), 7, 9]

   [Cook: 6, 6, 6 (touch)]

   [10,000: 4, 6, 7, 8, 8]

   "As long as there is another 8-tube, he will be able to draw." Qiancang said.

   "Huh? Teacher Ao knows quite a lot." Ding Hao smiled.

"Uh, then hit 40,000, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Hu, 5, 80,000, but you said that there are 2, 5, and 8 rules for trump cards. Then, 50,000 or 80,000 may not be played. This There are already 80,000 people on the field, I don't know how many other people have in their hands?" Qian Cang glanced at Ding Hao.

   "Let's see it." Ding Hao called up the pictures of the other three people.

"This person has two 50,000 and one 80,000. The probability of Lin Zhenghu's card is even smaller, wait... this..." Ding Hao called out Lin Zheng's hand and found that the female student's card turned out to be. It's all cable.

   "What did she want?" Qiancang heard the girl put out her card before Qian Cang spoke.

   "Take it yourself, all of them." Then, the girl drew another card, which was 5 barrels, "All in."

   At this time, Qiancang saw that Lin Zheng's scoreboard started to move, dropping from 990 to 850.

   "This...is just the beginning?" Qian Cangyi was a little surprised.

   However, Ding Hao didn't say anything, but sneered, "It's just a matter of changing the child, you can find out just by calling up the previous record."

   "So it was Chuan Qian?" Qiancang frowned.

   "Well, but Lin Zheng didn't catch it, so even if we say it, it's useless." Maybe because he was thirsty all the time, Ding Hao sat down and drank a glass of water.

   "By the way, if you are arrested, what is the punishment for those who have paid thousands?" Qiancangyi was very curious about this.

"In the underworld, of course it's hacking, but we are not gambling, so...thousands of people are caught and need to pay 200 points to each of the remaining three players." Ding Hao drank a third of the mineral water in one breath. "This kind of method is equivalent to a plug-in. Since the benefits are very large, the punishment must also be very large. Otherwise, every member of the research group will have to practice a thousand skills."