Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 312: Superstar generator


The four actors were shocked by the despair they experienced just now. They had touched these unknown existences, and they were able to distinguish whether this feeling was real or illusory.

The real horror of these unknown existences is that their needs are pure and unpredictable. Such needs are more aimed at the soul level rather than the material level.

Take the megalithic statue just now as an example. Maybe when you see a similar megalithic statue on the earth, you will also be surprised and shocked. Maybe you will feel afraid of remembering the past (love qíng), but these are all caused by It arises from the feeling of (body shēn), which is completely different from the feeling of real face.

This difference is like being stuck by a needle and seeing the needle and remembering that I was stuck by a needle.

Just now Cool Breeze, including the other three actors, felt that they were directly pierced by needles.

"This method is too dangerous, right?" Xiao Ming wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"If my thinking is correct" Qian Jiangyue took a deep breath, "We should have been calculated by Xiaoxiao."

"We should pay attention to this from the very beginning. The so-called (爱ài) release effect actually belongs to the category of consciousness affecting matter. People here, even if they can imagine a certain monster or some unknown life, will The strength is illusory because he has not touched it before. Even if someone else came up with the same thing as Cool Breeze just now, it will never produce the same effect." Qian Cang rubbed his own temple with both thumbs and thumbs. ).

"And we are different. We personally (body shēn) have experienced, the (爱ài) release effect may be related to the existence that we have been indirectly or directly in contact with, so as to truly simulate the (situation qíng) situation of these existences. ."

Xiao Ming frowned when he heard it, "If that's the case, aren't we?"

"It's still a problem of the coexistence of risks and benefits. If we don't adopt this method, we will not be able to overload the electricity, and we will not get the rewards for hidden tasks. If we adopt a more mediocre method, there will be no danger, but we can't be sure. Can it meet the requirements of fifteen white lights? This is the difference between the two." Qiancang glanced at the (爱ài) electric converter.

At this time, the cool breeze has come out of the protective cover.

His power output has far exceeded that of the obese man No. 23, and it has far exceeded the requirements of female (sexual xìng) raters.

At this moment, the rest of the people finally recovered from their shock.

They wanted to cheer, but they were very scared. The feeling they had just felt like a (yin yīn) shadow lingered in their hearts.

After Liang Feng took two steps, (body shēn) staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Xiao Ming and Qiancang hurried over.

"I'm fine." Cool wind waved his hand, showing a weak smile.

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen (love qíng), I apologize to you." Xiao Ming felt a little thirsty after speaking.

"If it's okay, you'd better take a good rest first. If you get this amount of power generation, I believe they will give you a special treat. By the way, are there any residues? Are there any special feelings?" Qiancang asked.

Liang Feng's face began to improve.

He thought for a while, "There are, but I can feel that they are dissipating. They seem to be the remnants of the original (love qíng) emotions. Look at my hand." Liang Feng saw his right hand stretched out, and it was enveloped. A trace of black smoke, very indifferent.

"Can you touch it?" Qiancang asked.

"It should be possible. I didn't feel the danger. Since the rest of the people can accept the remnants of No. 23 (爱ài), then I shouldn't be dangerous to my life." Liang Feng smiled.

When Qiancangyi was about to reach out to touch it, another person preempted him.

This person is generator 51. His (body shēn) is very thin, but his eyes are full of cleverness, like a monkey.

"Such a powerful (爱ài), my goodness!" After he touched, the black smoke on Liangfeng's hand drifted away a bit, wrapping No. 51 in it, and No. 51 closed his own The eyes seem to be trying to appreciate the energy contained in them.

"No, it will disappear soon, I want to generate electricity immediately!" No.51 opened his eyes and hurriedly ran into the protective cover.

After No. 51 said that, the rest of the generators who had not yet generated electricity rushed up.

The cool breeze at this time is like the stars holding the moon.

Qiancang thought for a while and took his hand back. He just wanted to learn more, but since the stay was not long, it didn't have much effect for him.

The female (性xìng) rater asked the other two male (性xìng) raters to pull away the generators who were in the way. Then, the female (性xìng) rater hurried to the cool breeze.

"It's perfect, I can't find a better word to describe you. Is your name Gu Yue? You will definitely have your seat in the next Top Ten Power Generation Awards." The female (sexual xìng) assessor's tone was very excited. "I never expected to meet a peerless genius like you here."

"Using a star generator to evaluate you is really an insult to you. Only a super star generator can be worthy of it. The rest of the star generators are just a foil in front of you, not worth mentioning at all." ) The rater held Liang Feng's right hand with both hands~lightnovelpub.net~Ah, is this the (爱ài) you just released? It's so thick, it's like it will never melt away. "

"Uh, I think, take a break first." Liang Feng swallowed.

"Of course!" The female (sexual xìng) rater nodded heavily, and then turned to the two male (sexual xìng) raters and said, "What are you still doing in a daze? Don't you help Mr. Gu Yue to rest?"

"Yes!" The two male (sexual xìng) raters did not dare to neglect, whether it was the cool breeze that made their female (sexual xìng) raters or has become a superstar generator.

This time, Liang Feng sat in the same position as the obese man No. 23, while the original obese man sat further away. Because of the huge gap between the two, the obese man has even lost the position of the obese man. The idea that the wind competes against each other, the whole person is like a dog in a family with one eye down.

Qian Cangyi and Xiao Ming returned to their original place.

"He's okay, just a little collapsed." Qian Cang said to Qian Jiangyue.

"So, what should we do next? Should we still adopt this method? For Liangfeng, it may be better for us to adopt insurance. After all, he has already completed the task requirements, even if he does not get the hidden reward. It's nothing more than making less profit. Compared with his own life, it is not worth mentioning at all." Qian Jiangyue asked.

"Qian Jiangyue, although your idea is very reasonable, but I think Liangfeng is not such a person." Xiao Ming retorted.

"You don't think it's useful." Qian Jiangyue replied directly.

Xiao Ming still wanted to talk, but he was held back by Qiancang Yi.

"Qian Jiangyue is right. For both Cool Breeze and us, choosing a mediocre power generation method is a good choice. Even if cool breeze is not considered, this choice still has its value." Qiancang Yi Stopped the two people's argument.