Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 313: Relieve stress

"Well, I was a little excited just now." Xiao Ming waved his hand, his tone weaker.

"Let's do it, assuming you don't consider the cool breeze first, how do you choose? Will you continue to use the same method as the cool breeze, or use ordinary methods to achieve the requirement of 15 white lights like the No. 1 dancing girl." Qiancangyi narrowed the scope of thinking.

"This..." Xiao Ming hesitated to speak.

"If you can't choose, just list the pros and cons of each. If you choose the ordinary way, what are the benefits?" Qian Jiangyue asked.

"We won't suffer life danger from unknown existence." Xiao Ming answered with a frown.

"So, what's the disadvantage?" Qian Jiangyue continued to ask.

"The results will not be too good, which will result in the inability to get hidden rewards. In addition, it may not meet the basic requirement of 15 lamps, or even...the most basic requirement of 4 white lamps." Xiao Ming took a deep breath. With a sigh of relief, the mood seemed to have completely stabilized.

"If you take the method just used by Cool Breeze and use the seven deadly sins to generate a large amount of electricity, the advantage is that it can easily meet the mission requirements of 15 lights, and it may even hit hidden rewards. The disadvantages are also obvious. We may suffer unknown dangers. , Assuming that the oppression brought by the megalithic statue just now does not make us kneel, but makes us suicide or produce other changes, maybe we will really die."

Without waiting for Qian Jiangyue to ask again, Xiao Ming directly said all the following.

Qiancang slapped his palm.

"Yes, but you missed a little bit." He smiled, turned his head and glanced at the cool breeze.

"What?" Xiao Ming didn't react for a while.

"We may be able to release the evil thoughts hidden in our hearts in this way. Although we basically still follow the original code of ethics, after becoming actors, our mentality has changed more or less, no matter this Whether the change is good or bad, it is inevitable that there will be some conflicts with the previous ideas."

"There are conflicts, there are contradictions, and conflicts will change our thinking and concepts. Take Liangfeng’s power generation process as an example. Obviously, to this world, the love he just used to generate power is a peaceful life. Longing for love, but this kind of love begins to deteriorate over time and becomes jealous of oneself, so that it will pull the completely innocent oneself into the **** movie, and let it feel the despair that one has experienced. ."

"When he released the jealous emotions in his heart, to a certain extent, he was really venting, and it was an effective vent, and it could even be called a scene simulation."

As soon as Qian Cang said this, he paused. He looked at the two and found that only Xiao Ming was listening to him. Qian Jiangyue was completely absent and seemed not interested in his words at all.

"After releasing this emotion, Liang Feng's mentality has returned to normal. The jealousy of the former self has turned into encouragement, and destruction has turned into believing, so that the two finally supported each other and walked towards the future together."

"For Liang Feng himself, the release of such evil thoughts also eased his radicalism to a certain extent."

"Basically, it can be regarded as a means of relaxation." Qiancang did not continue to speak as soon as he finished speaking, as if waiting for the other two to express their views.

For a while, all three of them fell into a state of silence.

"Since the pros and cons are clear, let’s say that if two people choose to generate electricity in a normal way, the other can only choose to generate electricity in a normal way. If two people choose to use the evil thoughts of the seven sins to generate electricity, then the rest One of you can choose any way to generate electricity. In my case, I still want to try. If you can determine matter through consciousness, maybe things you once thought can really be done here, although it is probably just your own fantasy. "Qian Jiangyue made a summary.

"Don't ask Liang Feng?" Xiao Ming was a little surprised.

"There is no need to ask, our choice has nothing to do with him, he can only choose to accept or passively accept, there is no other choice." Qiancang shook his head.

"Then what do you choose? Cang Yi." Xiao Ming quickly understood what Qian Cang Yi meant.

"I want to try too, it's a rare opportunity." Qian Cang smiled.

"In this case, I will try it too. You two have already chosen. It would be a waste if I don't try." Xiao Ming spread his hands and said that he was very helpless.

After the three discussed, the generator No. 51 had also finished the power generation process.

With 8 white lights, the No. 51 generator who got this result was very excited. The bright smile on his face was like the sun in the sky. After he came out of the protective cover, he kept touching the palm of his hand that had just touched the cool breeze. , As if after touching the cool breeze just now, his strength suddenly increased by two grades.

The mood of the generator on the 51st also infected his successors~lightnovelpub.net~ These people are a bit regretful, and hate why they didn’t immediately rush to the man named Gu Yue just now. If the first person to contact Gu Yue is Own, maybe you don't have to worry about passing the problem now.

Although Liangfeng’s perfect performance just now made the female rater also interested in No. 51, the gap between the two also made her realize that superstar generators are not so common, not to mention the continuous encounters in a short period of time. It's such an extremely low probability thing as two people.

Therefore, even though she was unhappy, she did not have any more dissatisfaction.

In the eyes of the remaining generators, generator No. 52 walked into the protective cover. This is an ordinary man. Everything is very ordinary, so that his final power generation results are also very ordinary, 4 white lights, just right Get the passing line.

It's just this achievement that made him very happy, perhaps, this is the first time he has passed.

The next one is the man with glasses of generator No.53.

"Is it my turn finally?" The man with glasses pushed the glasses with his right middle finger, and then walked towards the protective cover.

His footsteps are very steady and seem to be full of confidence, but after not taking two steps, Qiancang found that the man with glasses seemed very hesitant, and his steps changed from step by step to slow movement, which could be walked by a few steps. The distance has swayed four or five times.

Finally, after the female rater coughed very annoyingly, the man with glasses finally entered the protective cover tremblingly.

He stood in the center of the round table, bowed his head not knowing what he was thinking.

With the blue electric current flowing into the protective cover, the man with glasses who had been commenting for Qiancangyi and others before finally became the object of his commentary.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

But this thing that is usually easy to do is now as difficult as climbing to the sky.