Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 315: Collective hallucination

The audience was silent.

What happened just now was beyond everyone's expectation. Although the spectators and generators off the field did not feel any danger, the incident that the man with glasses had just cut off his skull was clearly happening in front of them.

"Just... was it a collective illusion?" Xiao Ming was stunned.

Although seeing it may not be true, but seeing so many people at the same time, coupled with the reaction of the man with glasses who is generating electricity, it is difficult to regard this as an illusion or a delusion.

After about three seconds, someone finally took action.

It is Qian Jiangyue.

He came to the entrance of the protective cover and found that the protective cover had been opened at this time. Looking at the spectacle man who was still sitting in the center of the round table, he hesitated for a while and walked in.

Be very careful at every step.

The behavior of the Blue Shadow Devil just now has proved that he can come back at any time, but Qian Jiangyue does not know whether the Blue Shadow Devil still has the ability to return without generating electricity.

"Alive?" Qian Jiangyue walked into the protective cover and did not approach the man with glasses, but first stood at the entrance and asked.

no response.

Coming to the man with glasses, Qian Jiangyue waved his right hand in front of the man with glasses, but the latter still did not respond, as if he had become a wooden man at this time.

"There is still a sniff, it seems that I am not dead, but... this brain is not normal." Qian Jiangyue touched the cut of the man with glasses just now, but did not feel any scars, as if it had never happened before. .

Then he pulled the spectacle man up, and then dragged it out of the protective cover.

"Hey, come here to help!" he shouted.

At this time, the rest of the generators rushed past.

The female rater and the person in charge of the assembly also rushed over. Qiancangyi stood there and did not move, but he could see the worry and incomprehension on the faces of the two women.

From the perspective of facial expressions, I am afraid that they have not encountered such a situation before. I am afraid that it is the problem of the glasses man himself? Is there any mystery hidden in it?

Qiancang looked down and began to think.

After a simple examination, the man with glasses was judged that his life was not in danger and his consciousness became normal. More importantly, if there is no wound on his head, even if many people testify, what happened just now may not be 100% sure, unless you check the surveillance camera and replay the scene at that time, so that you can really determine what happened just now. Did it happen, or some kind of collective hallucination, or an unusual love energy release effect.

The man with glasses was helped by the generator who had completed the power generation evaluation, and the two male raters went to check the video in the surveillance camera.

The person in charge of the assembly began to stabilize the emotions of the crowd.

As for the female raters, they seem to be discussing something with Liangfeng.

"Gu Yue, what do you think? You and I have seen what happened just now. With your talents, I am afraid you can see something?" The female rater completely ignored the obese man on the side and turned all eyes off. Focus on Liangfeng.

"Have this happened before?" Liang Feng didn't dare to analyze it casually.

"Never, at least, I have not heard of it. I think that even if something like this has happened before, I am afraid it will not be made public, but will be recorded in a top-secret file. The authority in this area cannot be viewed at my level. , Maybe, only after you become the top ten power generation, can you read the files inside." The female assessor's eyes are full of envy.

In her eyes, it seems that Liangfeng is already one of the top ten power generators in her mouth.

"So, is there any situation where the generator has been hurt by the release effect of his love?" Liang Feng frowned.

"There have been, but it is completely different from what happened just now. In the past, generators were injured in the power generation process because they improperly operated and forced themselves to release the love energy. Because the love power converter was slightly imperfect, there will be leakage. The generator was also injured by this electric current, completely different from the scalpel-like injury just now.” The female assessor shook her head, her expression very serious.

"What happened just now is like a magic trick without notice. I don't understand the distance at all." Liang Feng had some guesses in his heart, but he didn't intend to say it.

At this time, two male raters came back, but their expressions were strange.

One of the male raters said something in the ear of the female rater, and the latter was taken aback, and then stood up, "Gu Yue, you stay here first, I'll be back soon."

She followed the two male raters to the rear internal staff passage.

After Liang Feng waited for her to leave, he immediately stood up and walked in the direction of Qiancangyi.

He wants to hear the opinions of the other actors.

"So, we are all very curious..." Xiao Ming broke the silence.

"More importantly, we don't know what this means? Is it a hint or a warning, or something else!" Liang Feng took a deep breath, and the shadow of the giant stone statue had not disappeared.

"There are many possibilities, and it is impossible to tell with just such a little information. In other words, if there is no wound on the head of the man with glasses, is it because the camera has not captured anything?" Qian Cang glanced at the cool breeze~ lightnovelpub.net~ Hmm... just now after the male rater said, her expression is very strange, I think it is possible, but from another angle, no matter what or not there is in the camera, it will make people Surprised? "The cool breeze is not sure.

"Perhaps it's just a little spice for our boring time." Qian Jiangyue yawned, "So far, we are not even sure whether what happened just now actually happened in this world, if we can't even get a A definite conclusion, then, discussions on this basis are of little significance at all."

At this time, the female rater returned to her seat.

Seeing she beckoned, the person in charge of the assembly walked over.

After a while, the voice of the person in charge of the assembly rang from the horn, "Some unusual things happened just now. In order not to put everyone’s lives at risk, we plan to end this evaluation early. Among the remaining people , Is there anything to continue?"

When the person in charge of the assembly said these words, the female rater's eyes were on Liang Feng, and she also noticed the three people who were talking with Liang Feng.

"Yes!" Qiancang raised his hand.

The other two also raised their hands. After all, they couldn't continue to wait for the second evaluation. This was just a small movie. Another factor was that they did not intend to continue investigating what happened just now.

Who knows what that means?

"Three people have raised their hands, they are No. 56, 58, and 59. What about the rest? Are there any other people who want to participate in the evaluation? Originally, we planned to postpone everyone directly, but considering that some generators may not want to give up this This is the second chance, so we offered this choice." The head of the collection said loudly.