Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 321: Blue thorn fruit

It seems that in the days of several updates, the scenes around the village have also been supplemented. Although I do not explore the surroundings frequently, this place seems to have been there before and there is no valley.

Qian Cangyi said in his heart.

He didn't know exactly what changed because there was no updated explanation.

"Is there any danger in it?" Qiancang asked.

The salted egg yolk sat down, judging from its expression, it seemed to be thinking about how to express his true thoughts to his owner. After three seconds, it started to walk, which was about the level of a casual walk, relaxed and comfortable, and when it was walking, the salted egg yolk suddenly fell straight to the ground.

Just as Qiancangyi was about to manipulate his character to check, the salted egg yolk got up again.

It ran back to its original position and then lifted its forelimbs off the ground. The action at this time was to walk upright. Although the walking speed is very slow, but it is very stable, has been walking a long way.

"Two meanings. First, the valley is very unfriendly to animals that walk on four legs and will die, but it will not have any effect on the two legs. Second, the valley is dangerous to animals with low shoulders, but it is dangerous to humans. In other words, it doesn't pose a danger." Qiancang paused after speaking, "If it's the first type, you will bark, and if it's the second type, you'll bark twice."

The salted egg yolk barked twice.

"Okay, I see, you can stay here." Qiancang was about to start operating his character to enter the valley.

Taking into account the special environment of the valley, he did not intend to bring a medium-sized dog into it, even if it was only in the phone screen. Without the aid of special props, the price of holding a medium-sized dog in both hands is that it cannot handle emergencies. Assuming there are other dangers in the valley, then the dog can only be left behind and run.

"By the way, how did you know?" Qiancangyi's finger on the screen stopped.

The salted egg yolk wagged his tail and looked at Qian Cangyi with a confused expression.

"Is it set?" Qiancang thought for two seconds, and decided to go first. After all, even if the food problem is not solved now, it will be solved in the future. If this is the case, it will inevitably enter the valley.

He controlled the character to walk into the valley. Although he was sitting on the bed, he couldn't relax thinking that the life and death of the character on the screen had a major impact on him.

A natural and harmonious scene in the valley can even be described as the fragrance of birds and flowers.

On the way forward, Qiancangyi has been paying attention to whether there are warnings on the screen, and also paying attention to whether his character has any abnormal reactions.

"At all... I didn't see any corpses, nor anything special..." Qian Cang whispered.

Soon, a fruit tree appeared in front. After approaching, Qiancang found that the color of the fruit was blue and the size was about the same as that of grapefruit, except that there were many spikes on the surface. What's interesting is that these spikes are concentrated in the fruit. The bottom half, the top half is hardly much.

The fruit tree is not high, Qiancang can reach the fruit on the tree at a glance.

He clicked the fruit, and then, an option box appeared on the screen.

[Whether to pick the blue thorn fruit? 】

After clicking Yes, the character on the screen stands on tiptoe, reaches out and starts to pick the blue thorn fruit, and a translucent ball appears on the screen. The ball can move left and right, and next to the ball, it is a half Transparent rectangular bar, this is a small game to control the sense of balance.

"So troublesome?" Although I felt a little unhappy, Qiancangyi still started to operate.

The semi-transparent rectangular bar controls the Z-axis distance, which is the height of the character's reach, while the small ball controls the position of the plane.

【Blue thorn fruit: The fruit of the blue thorn tree has a sour taste and can effectively fill the stomach with certain side effects. 】

"This... there are side effects?" Qian Cang felt a little depressed as soon as he looked at the introduction information on the screen.

At this time, he found that the three words "Blue Thorn Tree" were blue and underlined, which seemed to be clickable, so he clicked, and another introduction message appeared.

[Blue thorn tree: a fruit tree that grows widely in Laurasia, famous for its blue thorn fruit. 】

"The amount of information is a bit big!" As soon as Qian Cang stared at the introduction, he felt that the expansion of the game was a bit beyond his expectations.

However, he didn't plan to delve into it for the time being. After putting the blue thorn fruit in the backpack, he continued to reach out and pick the blue thorn fruit.

Because of the load, the blue thorns he picked were not enough, but it was enough to solve the recent food problem. Originally Qian Cang Yi planned to let his character try one first, but the side effect made Qian Cang Yi dismiss his thoughts. Assuming that the side effect is dizziness, maybe his character will lie on the ground, and then... Die.

Just as he was about to control his character to go back, the screen suddenly went black.

Qiancang held his mobile phone in both hands ~lightnovelpub.net~ for a while, and he didn't know what to do, and he couldn't even determine whether the black screen was caused by a broken phone.

Soon, there was a slight change in the screen, and the black screen was separated a little bit from top to bottom, then joined again, and then separated again.

Qiancang understood that this was his character blinking.

It's still the same picture, no different from before the black screen.

The blue thorn fruit on the blue thorn tree is still the same after the harvest, and the unnamed weeds around are still swinging in the wind. Qiancangyi feels a little uneasy, but still chooses to control his character to return. He turned his character, but found a faint blue path extending from the character's feet to the depths of the valley.

This is an indication path.

If he is really playing a computer game, Qian Cangyi will definitely choose to let his character follow the indicated path to see what mystery is hidden inside, but now, the first thought in his mind But let his character leave the valley as soon as possible, because this way the chance of surviving is greater.

Returning along the original road, Qiancang looked back from time to time. As he left, the blue path not only did not fade away, but became thicker.

Out of the valley, the salted egg yolk still squatted at the gate of the valley.

As soon as it saw Qiancang coming out, it rushed over, then raised its head and looked at Qiancangyi, with expectations in its eyes.

As soon as Qiancang opened his backpack, he lost two blue thorns at the feet of the salted egg yolk.

The salted egg yolk uttered and ran to the side, but soon came back, biting a stone in his mouth. It threw the stone on the blue thorn fruit, and after smashing it several times, blue sap came out of the case of the blue thorn fruit, and there were some white things in the juice similar to fruit particles.

I would like to see what are the side effects of blue thorn fruit?

Qiancang thought.