Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 356: Rescue rope

"No matter what, everyone, hold on first. I don't believe that the Luo (日 rì) castle will fall." Jing Huashui yelled, and there was a cold temperament in her voice.

When the two newcomers heard this, their faces became less worried.

There was a loud noise.

Luo (日 rì) castle began to tilt, the direction of tilt is exactly the direction of the chain.

At this time, Qiancangyi felt like he was playing a pirate ship, but now he had no more protection measures besides the protection measures he had just done himself.

The (body shēn) body follows the sunset (日rì) and the castle begins to tilt, and Qiancang adjusts its position at the beginning.

However, the inclination angle does not change uniformly, and when it reaches a certain point, the entire stone pillar falls quickly. This sudden change made all the actors have no time to react, even if they had been prepared to deal with it before.

A group of people fell on the window. Fortunately, the quality of the window was so hard that it didn't make the situation worse.

Soon, weightlessness became overweight.

This sudden change caused Qiancang Yi to directly hit the window, dizzy and almost fainted.


"Are you all right?" Mo Ran's voice sounded in the room.

As soon as Qiancang raised his head, there was a dimness in front of him, and he couldn't see everything clearly, and it took about two seconds to return to normal.

He pressed his right hand on his head and slowly stood up.

Then, through the window under his feet, he saw the lava sea in a violent state.

The action of the giant beast caused the lava sea to start to surging, and the lava sea at this time was like a rough sea, which was daunting.

"Fortunately." Qiancang replied.

"I'm fine, but they..." Lan Xing pointed to the two five-color stones lying beside him (body shēn). The falling process of the stone pillar just now made Qiancang and others not completely spared, let alone these two. A newcomer with insufficient physical strength.

Under the dim red light, Lan Xing turned the two over, and at this time there were large blood stains on their faces.

"There is still breathing. If you don't speed up the treatment, you may be life-threatening." Lan Xing wiped the blood on the faces of the two of them, but no obvious wounds were seen.

"Where is Lu Yuan?" Qiancang looked around.

Lu Yuan is the name of the character played by Jing Huashui.

"I'm here!" Jing Huashui's voice came from the next room, and she herself appeared, "They are all right, there is me here, you go and see Ayman first."

Compared with the six people in the Luo (日 rì) castle, the shadow puppet show may be more fortunate at this time.

A group of people came to the outside of the Luo (日 rì) castle, and they walked in the direction of the chain according to the direction in their memory. The originally very flat road has become very steep at this time, and every step forward is very difficult.

"Gone!" Qiancang pointed at the chain, and there was no one on it.

"Hey..." Lan Xing sighed.

"But maybe it's still alive." Qian Cangyi took off the rescue rope tied to (body shēn).

The reason why several people (body shēn) are still tied to the rescue rope is because the length of the rescue rope was specially expanded when the shadow play started. Because it is too long, this safety measure was not affected at the beginning. Optimistic.

Because assuming that the shadow puppet fell from the chain, such a long rescue rope would not help at all. During the fall, the shadow puppet would be pulled towards the stone pillar and hit to death. But now, (情qíng) is different. The stone pillars are in a slanted state. In this (情qíng) situation, even if the shadow puppet falls off the chain, it is likely to swing from side to side like a pendulum until it stops.

Originally not optimistic about the method, now it has become the only support for shadow puppets.

"That's all." Mo Ran shook his head, obviously not very optimistic.

The three people came to the edge of the stone pillar. At this time, the rescue rope was pulled straight, indicating that there was a heavy object hanging below.

After looking at each other, Qiancang walked to the edge of the stone pillar and grabbed the rescue rope connecting the shadow play.

"Come by turns, one person pulls, one person collects, and the other person handles emergency (qíng) situations." Qiancang began to divide the labor. "I will mention that Beicheng will help you to collect the rope." He pointed to Lan. Xing, then turned his head and looked at Moran, "Chang Yeshuo, you deal with the emergency (qíng) situation, if the rope suddenly breaks, you can remedy it. After a while, Chang Yeshuo you lift the rope, and Beicheng will deal with the emergency (qíng) qíng) By the way, I take the rope and loop like this."

"Yes, I have no opinion." Mo Ran nodded. At the beginning, he was responsible for dealing with the emergency (qíng) situation.

"Just do what you said." Lan Xing spread his hands.

After everything was arranged, Qiancang began to lift the rescue rope up. Compared with diagonal pulling, this can reduce the occurrence of rope wear and tear (qíng), but the requirements for strength are very high. Standing next to Qian Cang Yi (body shēn) was Mo Ran. At this time, Mo Ran stared at the rescue rope in Qian Cang Yi's hand. Once the rescue rope broke, he would connect it as quickly as possible.

As for the Blue Star, standing behind the two (body shēn), arrange the rescue rope so as not to affect the two in front.

After pulling about forty meters of the rescue rope, Qiancang immediately asked for a replacement. On the one hand, it was physically exhausted, and on the other hand, it was accidentally touching the rope that held the magma. Although such a little magma only made a small gap in the rescue rope, the remaining temperature still almost let the money warehouse loose its hands.

"I always feel that the (sexuality) may not be great~lightnovelpub.net~ At this time, it is already Blue Star's turn to lift the rope.

Qiancang squatted half aside, ready to take over the broken rescue rope.

The current situation of (情qíng) is indeed as Blue Star said. There are more and more pits and pits on the rescue rope, but after the money warehouse accidentally touched, the two of Blue Star did some things when they lifted the rope. Prepare for protection to prevent the same situation.

"How is it?" Jing Huashui's voice sounded from behind (身shēn).

"It's more than a hundred meters..." Mo Ran shook his head, "I hope she can be favored by Goddess of Luck, otherwise, most of the bones will be lost in the end."

"Why don't we save it?" At this time, brandy's voice also appeared.

As soon as she said this, the beautiful face of melon seeds made people feel even more disgusting. The five-color stone standing next to the brandy (shēn) pulled her sleeves, trying to stop her from continuing.

"Sun Lu, even if Ayman is dead, we have to get a definite result." The other senior actors did not speak, only Lan Xing paused a little and said something instructive.

"But..." Brandy wanted to say something else.

"Lu Yuan, let her go back." As soon as Qian Cang spoke, he tried his best to keep his voice from getting angry.

At this moment, the rescue rope in Blue Star's hand suddenly broke, and the rescue rope, which had been eroded by the magma, broke suddenly, like a tightly broken rubber band.

Qiancang, who had been focusing on the rescue rope, made a decisive move, grabbed the rescue rope, and then wrapped his arm around the rescue rope, letting the rescue rope wrap around his arm.

This sudden pulling force made half of his body (shēn) reach beyond the stone pillar.

Seeing this scene, Bailan walked over with underground consciousness.