Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 357: Rescued

"What are you doing?" Jing Huashui blocked the brandy (body shēn).

The people present can of course see what Brandy is thinking at this time, but as long as the brandy does not directly express it, the senior actors will not hurt the killer.

On the one hand, it is because they are not people who kill into (sexual xìng), on the other hand, in this kind of movie, there is one more person, and there is more possibility of survival (sexual xìng).

Take Barrett as an example. Although this newcomer actor died early, his experience can provide some information for the senior actor before he died. Of course, his death also had its own factors. He didn't tell the situation of encountering King Roulmin, and cut off the help of the others.

Upon seeing this, Wu Se Shi hugged Brandy's arm, with an apple-like smile on his face, "Well, Sister Lu Yuan, Sun Lu just wanted to come and help."

It's just that Brandy didn't answer, and the newcomer's eyes fixed on Qian Cangyi.

It is as if Qiancang is the culprit of everything.

Whether she enters a **** movie or experiences the fear of being chased by human skins, Qian Cangyi bears an unshirkable responsibility in her heart.

"Yang Rui, you take her back to the (日rì) castle, here is enough for us to deal with it." Jing Huashui's cold voice is hard to refute, plus she has treated the injuries of the two people just now, so at this moment she The words seem extremely weighty.

Qiancang Yi grasped the rescue rope with both hands and adjusted his body posture so that he would not lose his balance.

"I saw it, she is right below!" When Blue Star was about to help, he happened to see the shadow puppet under the stone pillar.

It's just that the shadow puppetry is motionless at this time, and it is impossible to distinguish life and death.

After Mo Ran heard it, he rushed over to help. The three of them worked hard together and easily lifted the shadow puppet show up.

"There is still breathing." Mo Ran directly picked up the shadow puppet, "Go back to the (日rì) castle first."

In the shadow play at this time, there are burn marks all over (body shēn), even on the face, as if the appearance is broken.

Returning to the ancient castle of Luo (Rì), Jing Huashui began to use his skills to heal the shadow puppet show. Except for the five-color stone staying to help, everyone else left the room.

Dim white light came from the room for a long time.

"Unexpectedly, she actually survived." Lan Xing put his hands in his pockets, his expression (qíng) shows that he is very shocked now, after all, in the situation just now, it was described as a life of nine deaths. Not an exaggeration at all.

Jing Huashui came out with a small white dice in her hand.

"This is?" Qiancang asked.

"I found it from Aiman ​​(body shēn)." Jing Huashui said.

"I'm afraid this is the prop that we can increase or decrease the number of dice by one. Although it is just an ordinary dice, it almost lost a person's life, and I don't know if it's worth it." Mo Ran said something. Lost, it seems that something has been thought of.

But he quickly returned to normal.

"By the way, Ayman is okay?" Mo Ran looked at Jing Huashui.

"Her (body shēn) has very good physical fitness and strong resilience. There is no major problem anymore, but she needs a certain time to rest." Jing Huashui sighed after speaking, "You said, how long can we hold on like this? ?"

Although the end of this movie can be seen at a glance, as long as the white skull goes to 100 points, you should know that every point basically corresponds to a kind of danger.

"As long as you keep going, isn't it all right?" Qiancang said, "Speaking of which, everyone is already hungry. I'll go get some food."

"It's easy to say, it's as simple as that." Brandy stunned Qiancang.

But the latter didn't care, and just treated it as not hearing it.

Many times, brandy's hatred came inexplicably, but Qiancangyi didn't intend to put brandy in his eyes. For this kind of person, as long as necessary, he could kill it at any time without any psychological burden.

The main reason for not doing this is for the whole team.

Soon after, the ancient castle of Luo (日rì) began to shake.

The underground space reappeared. This time, no one died, but no one felt relaxed. Although the shadow play survived, judging from the wound on her (body shēn), the pain she experienced during this period, I'm afraid that most people can't stand it at all.

Even using punishment to describe it is not an exaggeration.

"She is awake!" Wu Se Shi ran out.

Everyone walked into the room. At this time, a lot of bandages were tied on the shadow play (body shēn). These bandages were found in the utility room.

This actor, who has experienced everything on the chain just now, is now looking at Qian Cang first class with weird eyes, which is different from the heavy heart (love qíng) of Qian Cang first class, but there is a smile on the face of the shadow play. , It seems that everything just now is nothing to her.

She smiled, showing her white teeth.

"Ha, why are you all bitter? Could it be that we are all dead?" The shadow play tried to sit up, Jing Huashui wanted to stop it, but when she was about to do so, the shadow play had already sat up.

Strong resilience.

"No, you look very energetic~lightnovelpub.net~ Qiancang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, it's okay if I'm not dead, but my left foot seems to be injured." The shadow play touched her left foot. "It is estimated that it will take a day or two to recover. Oh, yes" she touched her (body shēn) Touch, "Uh, did it fall down?"

"Is that this?" Jing Huashui took out the white dice from his palm.

"Hmm, I was scared to death. If this thing falls, then I will run away for nothing!" The shadow puppet hurriedly stood up, "Speaking" she looked down at the lava sea below, "Fortunately, it didn't fall. "

"Thank you!" Qian Cangyi said.

"What's the reason for this, isn't it decided by lottery?" The shadow play was stunned. "Could it be that you did your hands and feet? Okay!" She pointed her right finger at the other money warehouses, "I didn't expect you Such a person!"

"How is it possible?" Lan Xing shook his head quickly, "I wouldn't do such a despicable thing (love qíng)."

"The underground space has been opened. You brought this dice back, so you will come this time." Jing Huashui handed the white dice to the shadow puppet show.

The shadow play glanced at the white dice, and seemed to see what he had just experienced (情qíng).

The rest of the actors are staying in the ancient castle of Luo (日 rì), and she is lonely hanging in the air, underneath is the raging lava sea, and the lava splashing from the lava sea falls on her shēn) on. In many cases, in order to prevent the rescue rope from being completely burned by the lava, she chose to use her body to block the high temperature.

At that moment, what came into the shadow play's heart was deep despair.

"Ha, then I'm not welcome." The shadow play took the white dice, "Hey, someone will help me. Anyway, am I also a hero?"

A group of people walked towards the underground space.