Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 407: Variety

All he can offer is his own advice.

Jing Huashui clearly understood this, and she nodded without saying more. At this time, it is useless to say more, unless she wants to slap herself in the face, and chooses to give up the next time the safflower is passed, and directly hand the safflower out without raising her left hand.

In this way, the red flower has been passed for three rounds, and the drums still did not stop.

It can be seen that Qian Cangyi's discovery just now blocked the Mask Man's plan. At least for a short time, the Mask Man's plan to use precise time to kill the actor could not succeed.

After a few more rounds, a masked man was swallowed by safflower. This time, Jing Huashui survived without any accidents.

"This is normal." Lan Xing said, the expression on his face was full of joy.

"There are five masked people left." Mo Ran glanced.

As the number of masked people gradually decreases, even if no traps are set, the probability of Jing Huashui being selected will increase.

Qiancang said nothing, just one round of security, it could not prove anything at all.

The next round starts again. Jing Huashui, who has played three rounds, is already very proficient. Whether it is receiving flowers or handing flowers, they are the same as the masked person and completed in the shortest time.

After several rounds in a row, except for one time that he almost picked Jing Huashui, the other two rounds belonged to the type of surprises and no dangers.

Now, including Jing Huashui, there are only three people who participated in the drumming and passing of flowers.

As long as he persists for two more rounds, Jing Huashui will be the last survivor and get a special dice.

You can also use this to prove your value, although the gold content is not high.

"Come on!" The shadow play knew the current situation from Qiancangyi's account, so she loudly encouraged Jing Huashui. Although she did not agree to Jing Huashui's invitation to cooperate, the scene of Jing Huashui's rescue before is still vivid. If it weren't for Jing Huashui's healing skills, I am afraid that one day after Lava Heart, she would die early because of her wound infection.

It was originally just an ordinary sentence, but this sentence reminded the people present of the first resting area.

On that day, seven people were still alive, and they even gathered in the room at the top of the minaret to tell stories.

At the end, all the people gathered together and shouted the words ‘Come on’.

Among the five people, Blue Star can be said to be the most sensitive person to this matter. Although he himself did not believe this, he organized the story at the time.

In retrospect, there is a hint of hindsight, but if you think about it carefully, it seems that the undercurrents were already raging at that time, and only a little external force will detonate the contradictions between different actors.

Lan Xing thought to himself, and then shook his head, aside the thoughts in his mind, and focused his attention on Jing Huashui. After all, Jing Huashui is now the protagonist among the five of them.

"There are only three people left. Now it's almost completely luck. I remember you said that your luck was very good, and I hope it's just as you said, otherwise, I'm afraid..." Mo Ran turned his head and looked at Qiancangyi.

"Really?" Qiancang asked back. "What do you think is luck? Destiny?"

"Forget it." Mo Ran looked away, and set his gaze on Jing Huashui, "If you are lucky, doesn't it mean my luck is bad if you meet you? But think about it, resurrect this kind of thing. This is to change fate against the sky. If the sunset castle has a certain consciousness, then my behavior will definitely cause it to resist."

"Considering from this perspective, my bad luck seems inevitable." He finished with a wry smile.

"You talk too much nonsense." Qiancangyi put his hands in his pants pockets.

After speaking, Qiancang has always been drumming people walking away. Although they didn't show up in the process of playing drums and spreading flowers just now, it does not mean that there is no need to consider this matter.

Can the masked person also use that opportunity for rapid delivery?

He walked not far in front of the drum beater and said his question, after which he got an affirmative answer.

Mask people can use this opportunity, but they have not used it.

"It's really insidious. I feel that the situation of drumming and spreading flowers is very similar to the situation in the sunset castle. Only some basic conditions are given. The rest of the conditions are all required to explore by yourself." Lan Xing complained.

This reminded him of the review standards in various film and television works in the real world.

"Although we have discovered this, we don't know what traps the masked people will use to make?" The shadow play has been facing the direction of Jing Huashui, so that the ears can hear more clearly.

Maybe it was the answer to her, or maybe it was pure coincidence.

The drumbeater picked up the drumsticks and started the next round.

Jing Huashui swallowed, and he traveled a hundred miles for half and ninety. Now, drumming and passing flowers may be the real beginning.

Boom! Boom! Boom boom boom!

Different from the previous drums, the drums this time have completely changed the rhythm. It is no longer a rushing drum beat like a rainstorm, but a completely traceable rhythm, one two three one two three.

At this moment, every actor knows what it means. The drum beat with this rhythm seems to be completely for killing. As long as the masker agrees in advance, it will stop at a certain rhythm~lightnovelpub.net~ know In addition to this, plus the result of Qian Cangyi's question just now, it is completely clear **** the actor.

"Exit!" Qiancang yelled.

Faced with this approach, which is close to shame, the result of hard work is likely to be your own death. Instead of placing hope on the almost impossible situation where the other party will make a mistake, it is better to take a step back and imagine the solution carefully. Ways to deal with it after you are prepared.

At this time, the safflower had been passed to the masked person to the left of Jing Huashui, and in two seconds, Jing Huashui was about to take over the safflower that might consume his life.

Jing Huashui took the safflower, but she didn't do what Qian Cangyi said.

She didn't give up, she only needed to hand out the safflower within two seconds, and she quit the game of drumming and passing flowers by default. However, in the next time, there may be endless transmissions between two masked men. Maybe... …It may be too old to pass to the sky, and there has never been a time limit for each round.

In terms of physical strength, there are no restrictions on the masked person.

Two seconds later, when the time limit expired, Jing Huashui handed out the red flower in his hand.

"What you said just now was heard by the drumbeater. In this way, with the lesson of the last time, he will definitely doubt whether this sentence is another trap. After all, he has been played once. If he stops, And you are lying to him, so as long as I use one of the opportunities that I have in every round, the dead will be masked."

"If I don’t stop, whether I use that opportunity, or really choose to quit, or fake action, it will have no effect on him, because they have already discussed their plans. In this way, here During the lap, the drums will definitely not stop!"

Jing Huashui explained his reasoning.