Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 409: Willow

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Team interest or personal interest?

Jing Huashui really hopes that someone can say something at this time, anything is fine, as long as she can stop insisting.

If the drum stops at the moment she handed out the safflower, everything she had done before would be in vain. Even if seven masked men have been eliminated, the final winner will still be the masked man.

At this moment, Jing Huashui suddenly realized the trap in the rules.

Sending only one actor to participate can certainly minimize the danger, but at the same time, the chance of winning the drumming game is also reduced, especially in this case.

From the beginning, this was just a game that seemed fair.

Jing Huashui couldn't help stretching out her right hand. Because there was no chance, she didn't need to raise her left hand anymore. To be precise, raising her left hand had no effect.

Cang Yi... why didn't he speak anymore? By the way, I remember he asked me to quit at the beginning. It doesn’t matter if I quit now, right? Although this is a bit unfriendly to him, but with his performance all along, such a little thing will not have any effect on him at all, and then I only need to take the initiative to admit my mistakes.

Even though I did not meet the expectations of the team, I still survived myself!

Sure enough, when it was my turn to die, I couldn't keep calm...

After some struggle, Jing Huashui still saw the red flower in her hand handed it out. She did not deny that some people would sacrifice themselves to complete the team, but now that she is asked to do this, she can only answer "cannot do it."

After Jing Huashui handed out the safflower, everything remained the same as before, nothing happened.

She was defrauded.

The remaining two masked men adjusted their positions and passed red flowers to each other.

Seeing this, Jing Huashui did not stop, stood up and patted the dust on his body, and then returned to the actors.

"I..." She started to explain her behavior just now, but was interrupted by Qiancang.

"Is there a chance? At least, it's not over yet." Qiancang rubbed his eyes.

"Once they stop, it will be over." Mo Ran said, he didn't save face. In fact, there is no need to save face at this time. Solving the problem is the most important thing.

"Oh!" Lan Xing shook his head, "It would be nice if there were one or two newcomers at this time." Although there was no name, the other actors knew exactly who they were targeting.

"Used to be your cannon fodder?" Shadow Play asked in a low voice.

"I thought you were going to say something. As far as I know, the newcomers in **** movies are growing at an amazing rate. Do you know what happens when there are more people? After the actors can establish contact with each other, Groups will inevitably be formed, and **** movies also have a tendency to push actors into this structure. In this way, different classes will surely form among actors in the end. Actors of different classes can control different amounts of resources and are in The actors of the upper class are destined to be more valuable than the actors of the lower class." Lan Xing was not angry, and started talking.

Not far away, the remaining two masked men are passing on each other. This pass may be a whole day. No one knows when they can stop, and no one can stop them. More importantly, once one of them is swallowed, the remaining masked man will be the final winner.

This is a sure thing, at least under current conditions.

"I know what you want to say. Actors in the upper class will die in a certain movie. That's right, when they are alone as an individual, this is true, but the actors of different classes are analyzed as a whole and have more resources. The survival rate of actors must be higher than that of lower-class actors." Lan Xing added.

"If you can use your thoughts on cracking the drumming pass, I think everyone will be very happy." Qian Cang said in a low voice.

"What else is there to think about? This noise-like drum has stirred our brains into a paste. We didn't expect that a masked man would be swallowed when Jing Huashui withdrew. If it were before, We will definitely think of this right away, and then send an additional actor to participate in drumming and spreading flowers in advance. Now... I really didn't expect the five of us to make such a low-level mistake at the same time!" Lan Xing shook his head with a very decadent expression.

After hearing what the Blue Star said, for a moment, everyone chose to be silent.

"Who told you I didn't expect it?" Qiancang turned his head and looked at Blue Star.

"Huh?" Jing Huashui was a little curious.

"But you..." Lan Xing stopped in the middle of speaking. He felt that he had forgotten something, so he turned his head and looked at the masked people who were still communicating with each other, but no matter how he looked at it, he didn't find anything wrong.

"Think about the rules." Qiancang sighed, and then repeated the important rules. "Anyone who violates the rules will be disqualified. Only ten people are allowed to participate in each round of flower passing. When there is only one person left, the drumming and flower passing game ends."

"You mean..." What Mo Ran discovered, "From the very beginning, all of us have been participants in drumming and spreading flowers?"

"What?" Lan Xing frowned.

"Let me briefly explain the rules of the game by drumming and passing flowers, ignoring the gameplay. The rest is that team a and b will participate in drumming and passing flowers. Only ten people are allowed to participate in each round. Those selected by the red flowers will be Swallow, players participating in this round can also use the rules to disqualify themselves and save their lives. When there is only one player left in the entire drumming pass, the game is over." Qiancang Yi looked at it. Drum people.

"But ~lightnovelpub.net~ why..." Jing Huashui also didn't understand.

"Have you forgotten Lava Heart? Someone said that the difficulty is completely different? Generally speaking, although the functional area is dangerous, the difficulty can usually be judged directly. I think, if it was the first round of Chang Yeshuo At the time, the situation may be completely different. These masked people will probably tell the truth about the rules, and in this way, it will become a head-on confrontation between the two teams." Qiancang's tone became heavier and heavier.

"But we are not the same. The two sides are completely unequal in the way of obtaining the rules. Because of this, the Mask Man formulated a strategy. First, they sent nine people in the first round, creating a way that you only need to send one. The illusion that people can just participate in drumming and spread flowers."

"But in the first round, we did not send anyone to participate, so they started to use some hidden rules to delay time. After all, the goals of the two teams are different. Our team belongs to the attacker, and the masked team is the same. It belongs to the defender. In other words, they have no need for special dice. All they have to do is to prevent us from obtaining special dice, and then on this basis, they will kill us!"

The sun shone on everyone through the window, but the actors did not feel any warmth. (Horror Studio: 7878233)--(Horror Studio)