Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 444: Dragon's Nest

"It's not bad, but it's not good." Qiancangyi didn't say much. "Let's take a break first. By the way, don't play slot machines anymore. It's too dangerous. Cotai promotion's luck cannot guarantee anything at all. Maybe the problem Somewhere else."

"We know." Jing Huashui nodded.

At night, because there was no consumption today, Qiancang did not immediately fall asleep.

He opened the window and sat on the edge of the window.

Outside the window was thick darkness, and there was no starlight.

It stands to reason that you will win when you reach 100 points, but...will something else happen? If 100 points is itself an event area, what would it be?

Qiancang thought.

"Hey, let's play the slot machine!" Outside the door, the voice of the seven-pointed starfish sounded.

Opening the door, Qiancang saw the seven-pointed starfish lying on the ground waving its tentacles.

"I can provide you with two suggestions for free, without charging any fees." Seven-pointed starfish began to make conditions.

However, he received no answer.

"Three times, no, five times!" The seven-pointed starfish increased the volume, but Qian Cangyi's expression remained unchanged, "Well, you won, you defeated me, seven times, no more!"

The breeze blew into the room, Qian Cang glanced back at the window, then he squatted down and looked down at the seven-pointed starfish.

"I ask you, slot machines are not actually controlled by programs, right?" His voice was very soft, but he made sure he could hear the seven-pointed starfish clearly, "I hope you don't lie to me and give me an honest answer."

"Of course it's controlled by the program, otherwise, how is it called a slot machine?" Seven-pointed starfish asked back, "I said you think too much, right?"


The door closed.

"Hey, open the door!" The seven-pointed starfish tentacles patted the door, but unfortunately there was no response, "What a smasher!" After finding that the other party would not open the door at all, the seven-pointed starfish cursed and began to move, "Go Find those two girls, it will be easy to convince them, and tell them that the extra coins can be used for beauty, and they will definitely be hooked."

At midnight, Qiancang suddenly bounced off the bed. He felt a sharp pain in his left arm. Through the weak light, he saw that his left forearm was missing a small piece of meat, not much, but it aroused his alertness.

"Is it caused by the missing coins? Or..."

After the simple dressing, Qiancang opened the door and walked out.

I came to the room where the slot machine was, but there was nothing inside, even the seven-pointed starfish disappeared.

"Did you change the room?" Qiancangyi didn't look for it alone, but went to the shadow play room. After knocking on the door, there was no result. It seemed that there was no one inside. After trying to break in, the room was indeed empty. Then he immediately ran to Jing Huashui's room. As expected, there was no one in Jing Huashui's room.

At this moment, it seemed that everyone had disappeared, and there was only one person left in Qiancang in the entire Sunset Castle.

In the end, he chose to return to his room.

The moment he saw the situation inside the door, his heart contracted sharply and his skills were activated. The reason was simple. The person standing in the room was someone Qiancang knew, and a random move made the five actors into a cannibal situation. Time.

Ren's black and bright eyes were as eye-catching as the stars in the dark night.

Qiancang's face was strained, his left foot stepped out forcefully, but his body couldn't move at all.

He was set in place.

One second passed quickly.

"Are you very angry?" Shi Ren blinked, his tone full of sarcasm.

Qiancangyi did not answer.

"Are you thinking why I am here?" The time was not in a hurry, and after walking around the room, he sat on Qiancang No. 1's bed, "How should I say, I'm here to listen to you thank me of."

"Why?" As soon as Qian Cang knew that he was not the opponent's opponent, no, he didn't even have the qualifications to become an opponent, so he also gave up the idea of ​​punching.

"Not why." At that time, the snake head looked out the window, "Well, time is running out, I am leaving here, I have a chance to see you again." He finished speaking and stood up and walked to the window.

"Thank you." Qian Cangyi said these two words from his mouth.

There was no loss anyway, after all, it was unilaterally crushed.

He said in his heart at the same time.

Nothing stopped in the footsteps of the time, so Void walked out of the room on non-existent steps.

As soon as the money warehouse came to the window, shut the window.

"Inexplicable." He shook his head. Except for the wound on his left forearm, there is no evidence to prove that he had been to Sunset Castle just now.

Next, Qiancang repeated the route he had just walked.

The slot machine and the seven-pointed starfish are still in the original room. The seven-pointed starfish greeted the money warehouse very enthusiastically when they saw it. Unfortunately, the money warehouse ignored it. It is worth noting that the coins on the iron rack were restored to their original values. The number is up. The shadow play and Jing Huashui were also in their rooms. They thought Qiancang came to them because the seven-pointed starfish persuaded them to gambling. Qiancang didn't correct them, and they just found an excuse and returned to their room.

"Thank you?" Qian Cang said as he lay on the bed, "Pushing forward from the present point in time, I don't have any place to thank him, can it survive the improvement of the absolute perspective vortex? No, this is not an improvement, for me On the contrary, it weakens. Like yesterday’s slot machine, I can’t spend all my energy thinking about it, because it’s likely to trigger the feeling at the time. Then it can only be the other way around, in the future? Do I need to thank him in the future?"

"The future in a long time? It shouldn't be possible, because it doesn't make sense. In that case, it's...tomorrow?" Qiancang thought of the question he had just thought about.

At this time, the Sandman came, and he fell asleep in the blink of an eye.

The sun was already high when I woke up.

"Hey, don't sleep, get up and play the slot machine?" The seven-pointed starfish's voice sounded from outside the door.

"You give up, we won't play again, it's too bad." Jing Huashui was very upset.

The money warehouse opened the door.

"It's okay?" asked the shadow play.

"I'm fine." Qian Cang looked down at the seven-pointed starfish, "Go aside."

"You will die if..." The seven-pointed starfish persuaded perseveringly.

"Get off." Qian Cang glanced at his left forearm.


The night came quickly.

At eight o'clock, the underground space opens as usual.

Ignoring the cry of the seven-pointed starfish, the three of them walked in.

"It's up to you." Qian Cang glanced at the shadow play.

"It's okay, take it easy." Jing Huashui rubbed his shoulders for the shadow puppet show, "We will all survive."

The shadow play picked up the half-high dice and threw it out.

Two points, without relying on special dice.

At this moment, Qiancang Yi suddenly thought of a possibility.

Could this be what the time was talking about?

He frowned and didn't tell what happened last night.

The white skeleton walked to 100, then squatted down, put his hands on the golden treasure chest, and then began to slowly push upwards.

Phew, it seems that I have been worrying too much. I remember that I said that the white skeleton will open the treasure chest when it reaches 100. The thoughts last night were a bit groundless and worrying!

Qiancang snorted softly.

However, just as the three of them were looking forward to it, the roar sounded in the underground space, and this roar gradually started to vibrate in the underground space.

After the three of them stood firm, they found a black shadow falling from the sky, on top of the golden treasure chest.

This is a black western dragon, and the roar comes from its mouth.

The white skeleton was slapped away by the black dragon and fell into a pile of broken bones in the distance. After that, the black dragon turned his eyes to the place where the three of them were standing, and there was another roar that made them unstable. .

[Event area: Dragon's Nest]

[Note: The surviving warrior can get the reward of the golden treasure chest, and the game will also end. Here, I wish you all a happy game in advance. 】

There was another roar.

The three were stunned.

"This... what the dragon said..." Jing Huashui didn't know what to say.

If this is a computer game, then no matter what the dragon is, it is just killing monsters for the player. However, this is not a computer game, and they are not dragon-slaying warriors.

There is almost no way to make up for the difference in body size between individuals ~lightnovelpub.net~, which has been proved in the level of the villain.

In addition, there are only three actors, and only cold weapons can be used.

There is another most important question, the black dragon can fly...

"At least there is good news, this movie is about to end soon!" Qian Cang gave a very reluctant smile.

"No, we will all die." The shadow play tossed the cane aside.

"Don't be so discouraged, the situation may not be the same as you think." Qian Cang glanced at the black dragon.

"Yeah, there may be some special weapons and the like. In short, if you don't give up, you won't survive, but you won't survive if you give up." Jing Huashui persuaded.

"Have you ever experienced it?" Qiancang asked.

"Yeah. I hope as you said..." The shadow puppetry didn't say the rest.