Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 445: Destroy

For the rest of the time, the seven-pointed starfish still insisted on the concept of not giving up, but it was a pity that he was still ignored.

In the evening, Qiancangyi opened the window again, but nothing strange happened this time. Everything was as usual, full of tranquility and mystery.

On the last day, Qiancang got up early in the morning.

Outside the window, there is no cloud, it can be said to be a good day to travel.

If there is no danger to face every day, it can be said that Sunset Castle is a good tourist place. After all, every day is different, and there is no situation that residents will get bored.

At breakfast, none of the three spoke.

It may be that there is a premonition, a premonition of danger.

"It's almost noon. I haven't seen the so-called black dragon. Maybe it's just that the sunset castle is playing a little joke with us?" Jing Huashui smiled.

After this sentence was said, she herself did not believe it either.

After speaking, she saw that the two did not answer, so she turned her head and continued to look out the window.

At this time, the three of them were standing at the highest place of the sunset castle, that is, the top of the spire, where they have the best view.

"Look at it." Qiancang's right index finger pointed at one o'clock. There, a black spot was flying towards the sunset castle at an extremely fast speed.

As the distance gradually narrowed, Jing Huashui also saw black spots.

"Is it... the dragon?" The shadow play was a little nervous, and involuntarily took a step back.

"I don't know, just get closer." Jing Huashui replied.

Qian Cang squinted his eyes and put his right hand horizontally on his eyebrows. He had already seen a little outline.

"It should be right, let's leave here." Qian Cang greeted the two of them back.

Although the view here is the best, once it is attacked by a dragon, it is undoubtedly the first place to be attacked.

"Good!" Jing Huashui nodded.

As soon as the three of them walked back a few steps, a cold feeling suddenly rose from the bottom of their hearts. This feeling was like a rabbit being stared at by an eagle.

When Qiancang turned his head, he found that the contoured black spot was rushing towards the steeple of the sunset castle. Within a second of his confirmation, the appearance of the black dragon had become clearer and clearer.

The black dragon's body looks like a lizard as a whole, but its size is not the same level at all. With the huge bat wings behind it, it looks like a small hill. The black scales on the surface of the dragon gleamed the same color as obsidian, and looked unusually hard.

What made Qian Cangyi most concerned about was the pair of amber vertical pupils. When he saw the vertical pupils, he knew that this huge black dragon was not a simple beast, but had its own thoughts.

The hunter and the prey chase from this moment.

"Quick, quick!" Qiancang shouted three times, "Just carry her and run!"

Now there is no spare time for the shadow puppet show to run slowly.

When the three of them first ran up the stairs, a violent crash sounded, and the entire sunset castle was shaking. It was completely different from the vibration when the underground space appeared. This vibration was more like a villain trying to tear down the sun castle. That time.

"Be careful, I'm going to step on it." Qiancang quickened his pace.

However, when the three of them were on the next floor, the steeple of the sunset castle collapsed.

Outside the sunset castle, the black dragon was constantly hitting the spire. After two or three hits, visible cracks appeared on the spire, and then began to fall to the ground.

In the roar of the dragon, the three followed the spire and fell towards the ground.

Damn it! At this level, even escape is very reluctant.

Qiancang adjusted his posture and tried his best to minimize the damage he suffered when landing.

At the moment he landed, Qian Cang felt his body almost shattered. He lay on his back on the ground, feeling black in front of his eyes. This moment seemed to have passed for a long time. When Qiancang opened his eyes again, he quickly got up and ran to the side as soon as Qiancang saw that there were continuous broken bricks falling around.

"Go away..." Qiancang didn't dare to hesitate, nor did he dare to stay.

Without wearing a helmet, maybe a large enough broken brick smashed on his head could make him unconscious.

Losing consciousness at this time is undoubtedly sentenced to death.

After rushing all the way, he finally got out of the range where the spire fell.

Qiancang checked his body once, "The five senses are okay, and the mobility is okay. It's not bad, but...has it gone?" He looked back at the spire that turned into a wreck.

There was another roar, and the huge black dragon stayed in a place not far from the money warehouse.

The sly amber vertical pupils glanced at Qian Cang, which seemed to be a threat and a warning, but Qian Cangyi thought it was a black dragon sending a message to himself.

I'll eat you later!

Immediately afterwards, the two sturdy arms of the black dragon waved left and right to open the pieces that had fallen on the ground.

Seeing the movement of the black dragon, Qian Cangyi finally knew what the other party wanted to do.

The golden treasure chest, this was the purpose of the black dragon. From the beginning, the three of them had no value in the eyes of the black dragon, they were just bugs that made it feel bad.

For my own safety, Qiancangyi chose to retreat.

The difference in strength between the two sides is not an order of magnitude at all. Maybe the black dragon only needs to sneez to make the Qiancang somersault in the air.

"In this case, it's okay, but... can the underground space be forcibly opened? If not, what will the black dragon do?" Qiancangyi has some doubts, although he is not sure, but according to the history since entering the sunset castle Development, it is clear that they will be the next goal of the dragon.

The black dragon smashed the ground with its forearm.

Qiancang felt that the whole ground was shaking, like an earthquake.

He squatted on the ground, choosing a suitable location to observe the next move of the black dragon.

The black dragon suddenly stood still, then raised his arrogant head and inhaled sharply.

As soon as Qiancang, who had been observing the black dragon, found that the air around the black dragon's head began to twist, it seemed that the temperature was rising sharply. In the next second, the black dragon opened its mouth, and its sharp fangs were extremely terrifying, but what was even more terrifying was the red flames that spewed from the throat. This black dragon was able to breathe fire.

Far away, Qian Cangyi also felt the temperature of the flame, although it was not strong, but even so, he could guess what it was like to be in the center of the flame.

"It is estimated that even the money for the urn can be saved." Qiancang's mouth twitched, "Although I know there is no way, but... you still have to be prepared for this." He took out the crossbow from his body, which was the only one. It is possible to damage the weapon of the black dragon, of course, in fact Qian Cangyi thinks that there is no such possibility.

"But at least it can attract attention." Qiancang's hands are very skilled.

At this time, the black dragon had also stopped breathing fire. After UU reading www.uukanshu.com finished breathing out the fire, the dragon's actions became a little slow, as if it was very expensive, as if it had finished that thing.

After a few seconds, the black dragon's movements returned to its original state. Instead of forcibly opening the underground space, it looked around.

Soon, the black dragon stopped. It lowered its head as if staring at something.

At this angle, Qiancangyi couldn't see what it was, and at this moment, the black dragon stretched out his right paw and grabbed it downwards. When he took it back, there was another person in his hand.

It is Jinghuashui.

Jing Huashui kept struggling, the black dragon's vertical pupil blinked, and his right paw squeezed hard.


Jing Huashui's body was broken in two. Then, the black dragon threw Jing Huashui into his mouth and chewed it up. After a few mouthfuls, the black dragon raised his head and swallowed the food in his mouth.

"Dead?" When Heilong grabbed Jing Huashui, Qiancang had already ran towards Heilong, but he only ran for more than ten meters, and everything was over.