Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 471: alchemy

Wen Chengzhi stared at the Ouroboros coin that fell below the podium. It looked so ordinary, but in the eyes of different people, it represented a completely different meaning.

The student sitting in front of the podium was hesitating whether he should pick up the coin. After all, this matter actually has nothing to do with him, so he rashly participated in it. If he is ridiculed by Yan Song, who seems to be very troublesome, he will Quite embarrassing.

So most of the students gave up after thinking about it for a while.

Da da da.

The gentle professor walked down from the podium. He stood in front of the Ouroboros coin, glanced at the student who had just expressed his opinion, and then bent over to pick up the Ouroboros coin.

However, before he picked it up, the other hand had already grabbed the coin.

It is Chai Tang played by Qian Jiangyue.

"Teacher." Qian Jiangyue straightened up, "In fact, this Ouroboros coin." He shook the coin he had just picked up in his hand, "I have it too." After all, Qian Jiangyue used the other hand to remove it from his pocket. Took out the coin that belonged to him.

"Huh?" Wen Chengzhi smiled at the corner of his eyes. "I didn't expect to see three coins belonging to the ancient country of Cooper at one time without prior arrangement. It really surprised me."

Although they said that, Qian Cangyi, Qian Jiangyue and Yingyan did not find any surprise in Wen Chengzhi's tone and expression.

Qiancang restrained himself from frowning. After all, Yan Zhou, who he played, didn't like to do this action.

"It's just a coincidence. In fact, I'm very surprised." Qian Jiangyue replied with a smile, "I'll give it back to him. No matter if this thing is true or false, it is always wrong to litter.

"Okay." Wen Chengzhi nodded, "Then I will trouble you." After speaking, he walked back to the podium.

Qian Jiangyue came to Hawkeye in three steps and two steps, "I can understand your thoughts, but regardless of whether Cooper actually exists, it doesn't exist anymore, isn't it? There is no need to be so angry." Qian Jiangyue returned the Cooper coin to Hawkeye and blinked at the same time.

Of course Hawkeye understood, but he didn't say much.

But at this moment, Qian Jiangyue found a strange and unfamiliar feeling suddenly coming from behind, even though the Ouroboros coin had not been completely handed over to Hawkeye, he still chose to look back.

Looking around the classroom, nothing strange happened.

As a result, Qian Jiangyue turned his gaze to Qian Cang Yi, and he found that Qian Cang Yi was also looking at him at this time, but his eyes had been staring at the direction of the podium.

It's him?

Qian Jiangyue raised his head and set his sights on Wen Chengzhi. This gentle professor still maintained an elegant posture, no different from when he first appeared.

Without asking or saying much, Qian Jiangyue returned to her seat.

"Okay, let's start now. Just now... by the way, this classmate, what is your name?" Wen Chengzhi looked at Qian Jiangyue.

"Chai Tang." Qian Jiangyue nodded as she spoke.

"The views of Chai Tang, Yan Song, and Yan Zhou just now represent the three mainstream views, but our lecture is not to argue about the existence of the ancient country of Cooper, but to tell the alchemy itself. You can listen to it as a story. As for the true and false, the current science and technology has proven that there is no need to argue." Wen Chengzhi coughed twice after speaking.

"Alchemy, a simple understanding is to turn base metals into precious metals. If it is called alchemy, then it is to transform ordinary medicinal materials into elixir for prolonging life. No matter how you understand it, alchemy itself contains a certain expectation of human beings. It is precisely because it can bring wealth and rights in a very "simple" way that it is so popular with modern people. However, there are many things that can be done in science now, the only difference seems to be that people are reluctant to do so. Learn more about your profession..." Wen Chengzhi said with a smile.

The students in the seats also laughed.

"In the 4th century BC, with alchemy as the center, a system of philosophy of natural science was established, which is known as the element theory. The world is composed of four elements: air, water, earth, and fire. I think everyone has seen the new release last week. In the movie, the setting used in it is elementalism."

"This kind of thinking provides a theoretical basis for the material transformation of alchemy. Some students may be curious. Since elemental theory provides a theoretical basis for alchemy, why do I say that elemental theory is built around alchemy? Quite simply, we have a problem with our understanding of alchemy. Specifically, there is a problem with the definition of alchemy."

"The previously mentioned turning stones into gold and refining elixir belong to the technical level of alchemy, just like when we talk about modern civilization, the first thing everyone thinks of is air conditioning and firearms. In fact, these are just modern civilizations. More accurately, it’s only a small part."

"If you think of alchemy as some kind of tutorial that can make people become gods, it would be an exaggeration of alchemy. In this way, it seems that people who study alchemy are all humpbacked old people hiding in the basement and doing secret research." Wen Chengzhi Shook his head.

"So, what exactly is alchemy? It is the ancient people’s way of understanding the world. It includes two aspects: theory and practice. Just like we talk about scientific methods every day, for ancient people, alchemy This way of understanding the world is often talked about by ancient people."

"With all that said, it's time to get to the point. What is Cooper's alchemy like?"

"In the deciphered Cooper text, there is frequently a data, that is 1:0471. I don’t know if you understand this aspect. In what we usually think of as alchemy, the transformation of matter is usually considered to be The conversion of less than 1 means that the gold produced by alchemy from 1 gram of iron must be less than 1 gram."

"Some people think that this data represents the transformation limit of Cooper's alchemy theory, that is, 1 gram of iron can only produce 0471 grams of gold after alchemy." Wen Chengzhi said here and took a look at Hawkeye. .

"Corresponding to the theory of elements, the ancient Cooper country has a similar classification. Compared with air, water, earth and fire, the ancient Cooper country has a much more peculiar classification, namely matter, soul, space-time, and energy. This is everything that makes up the world. In addition, if you want to use alchemy, you must meet these four conditions at the same time."

Wen Chengzhi stopped here and seemed to be waiting for students to ask questions, but none of the students meant to ask questions.

"As for the process of initiating alchemy, it is actually similar to the alchemy theory of the first century in the park. There are three parts, namely understanding, deconstruction and reconstruction..."


Ding Ding Ding.

"By the way~lightnovelpub.net~ Have you ever wondered why you think that Cooper has alchemy? In fact, the two deciphered texts are all about alchemy, so it is not surprising to have this conjecture Suppose our civilization is suddenly destroyed, and a book unsuitable for children is accidentally saved in the post-disaster world."

"At that time, people in later generations may have some strange ideas. Okay, after class, if you are interested, you can find out on the Internet for yourself."

Wen Chengzhi stood up and left the podium, but instead of leaving the classroom, he walked to Qiancang.

"Can I talk to you?" Wen Chengzhi said to Qian Cangyi and Qian Jiangyue.

"Of course." Qiancang showed a panic and chuckle.

"Okay, I also have some questions I want to ask you, teacher." Qian Jiangyue nodded.

Wen Chengzhi nodded, then shouted loudly: "Student Yan Song, can you come here for a while?"

Hawkeye, who had already walked to the door, stopped after hearing this shout.