Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 472: invite

When Hawkeye walked to Wen Chengzhi's side, the three people who participated in the movie finally got together.

The three looked at each other, and then looked away.

They know very well that the easy life in the early stage of this movie is about to come to an end, and the danger is about to come, but they don't know how.

"The three classmates all have their own ideas. I am not very busy lately. The weather today is also very good. If you don’t suggest it, I would like to talk to you more about the ancient country of Cooper. Whether it’s like it, hates it, or It doesn't matter, it's always right to know more." Wen Chengzhi laughed and took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

"Everyone, add a friend, and I will post the address of the party in the group, which is actually my home." After speaking, Wen Chengzhi reported his number.

Qiancangyi and Qian Jiangyue both added Wen Chengzhi, but Yingyan did not.

Obviously, Yan Song, who is played by Eagle Eye, does not have a lot of favor with Wen Chengzhi, nor does he have a favor with the ancient country of Cooper. The main purpose of his coming to this lecture is to hit the ground, but unfortunately, he showed his intentions. After that, Wen Chengzhi directly resolved the threat posed by Yan Song without discussing it.

Because of this, Yan Song would not immediately agree to Wen Chengzhi's request.

Unless... Yan Song had other goals.

"Haha, are you worried or unwilling? If it's the former, I can use my position to guarantee it. If it's the latter, I think you may change your opinion after you come. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't change it, just treat it as it is. An ordinary dinner is ready." Wen Chengzhi still smiled.

"Yes, it's okay, it's a rare opportunity." Qian Jiangyue pushed Hawkeye with his elbow.

There is no doubt that for Hawkeye, he must go to this party, because it may involve the progress of the movie plot, but for Yan Song, the situation is not necessarily the same. Therefore, Hawkeye is now What needs to be done is how to find a reason for Yan Song to agree to Wen Chengzhi's request.

At this time, a young woman walked in from the door, "Professor Wen, it's time to go, everyone is waiting for you!"

"Okay, I'll be over." Wen Chengzhi nodded to the woman, and then said to Qiancang three or three: "I'm sorry, I have something to deal with, let me go. There is still a meeting to attend in the afternoon, but there is nothing in the evening. It's better to set the time for tonight."

"What do you like to eat? I asked my wife to prepare it for you. Although her craftsmanship is not as good as a professional chef, she is also quite good. Most of the flavors of dishes are competent." Wen Chengzhi put the phone back in his pocket.

"This... how is this embarrassing?" Qian Cangyi touched the back of his head with his right hand.

"Yeah, Professor Wen, you are too polite. Just cook some home-cooked dishes. It's ok, like steamed pork, braised pork, braised fish, kung pao chicken, husband and wife lung slices, sweet and sour pork ribs, and hot and sour chicken. "After Qian Jiangyue finished speaking, she smiled like Wen Chengzhi.

You said this easy-to-do home-cooked dish is deliberately not wanting others to refuse, right? Having said that, are these requirements Chai Tang's requirements or your own requirements?

Qiancangyi spit in his heart.

"No problem." Wen Chengzhi nodded affirmatively, and then he said to Hawkeye, "I hope you can come too."

Then, Wen Chengzhi left the classroom, but before leaving, he said a word.

"I hope you will bring our Ouroboros coins with you when you come."

After Wen Chengzhi left, the expressions on the three people's faces suddenly changed.

Although the regulations only prohibit discussing information about the **** movie and using code names to address each other, it does not prohibit discussing matters related to the movie, but the three of them still did not speak immediately.

The reason is simple, there is a balance of personality.

The setting of this rule is quite flexible. The reason for saying this is that the actor can make corresponding changes according to the specific situation, instead of giving up everything and losing his life for the role he played.

However, there is no life threat now, and they must take into account the existence of a personality balance.

"If there is nothing else, I will go first." Hawkeye said. When he said this, he glanced at Qiancang. Obviously, Hawkeye believes that the key point that can change the current rigid situation. On Qiancangyi.

"If you feel that you have been smashed because I refuted your statement just now, then I formally apologize to you, but I don't think I did it wrong." Qiancang said loudly.

At this time, there are only three people left in the entire classroom. It won't be long before the next lecture will begin. In other words, they don't have much time to stay here.

"I don't know why, I have an idea in my heart. Perhaps, tonight, Professor Wen Chengzhi will give evidence that the ancient country of Cooper did exist. Maybe it can prove the existence of alchemy." Qiancangyi continued.

"How could it be possible that he has this evidence, it has been announced long ago, why should he hide it?" Qian Jiangyue took the words.

Hawkeye was silent.

"I don't know, maybe he has other considerations." Qiancang shook his head. "Step back and say, there is no loss for us to attend this party, isn't it?"

"Why is there no loss? Isn't the wasted time a loss?" Hawkeye asked back. "In addition, can you just go if you want to go by yourself? Why are you holding me?"

"I think... it should be that your opinion is very important. It is not difficult to see that the three of us have different views on the ancient country of Cooper. If we need to discuss it, this is undoubtedly the best situation. It can be seen from different aspects. Question." Qian Jiangyue shrugged and said that he didn't care.

"Because I think the two of us are similar, because our Ouroboros coin~lightnovelpub.net~ we both lost something, but we also gained something." Qiancang Yi's voice suddenly became very disappointed.

"Enough!" Hawkeye whispered, "I have nothing like you!"

Before Qiancang answered, Hawkeye suddenly snorted, as if thinking of something, "I can go, but there is one condition. If Professor Wen Chengzhi can't prove the existence of the ancient country of Cooper, then your title tail Give me the snake coin!"

"Huh?" Qian Jiangyue's eyes widened, "If you want it, mine can give it to you. Anyway, this thing is of no use to me."

"No, I want him!" Hawkeye pointed to Qiancangyi's pocket.

Qiancang looked down at his pocket.

Yan Zhou...Will it do this?

Qiancangyi was very hesitant, and then he only had to agree to the conditions proposed by Hawkeye, and this plot would be able to smoothly transition to the next one.

He glanced at the balance of his inner personality. At this time, the balance was basically balanced. Although there was a slight tilt, the angle was not very large.

"No, this thing is very important to me, I won't use it for trading." In the end, Qiancang Yi made his own choice, and he chose to reject it. He believed that this was also Yan Zhou's choice.

The balance of personality has not changed.

"That's it." Hawkeye dropped this sentence and started walking outside the classroom.

"You wait." Qian Jiangyue wanted to stop Hawkeye, but the latter did not stop.

Qian Jiangyue glanced at the two of them, then came to Qiancangyi and whispered to Qiancangyi: "You promise him, I will give you my Ouroboros coin."

Qiancang glanced at Qian Jiangyue, then shouted to Yingyan, "I promise you!"

Hawkeye stopped.

At this moment, the sunlight outside the window happened to shine into the classroom and sprinkled on the three people at the same time.