Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 480: immortal

When Wen Chengzhi turned around, Hawkeye had already arrived in front of him.

"Strange, aren't you ordinary students?" Wen Chengzhi asked softly.

The two looked at each other, but there was no panic on Wen Chengzhi's face, as if everything was in his expectation, and nothing could surpass his control.

Hawkeye raised his shield to meet Chengzhi's right hand. Under this circumstance, the air cannon could not change Wen Chengzhi's current situation.

"His weapon can be changed!" Qian Jiangyue's voice came.

Before Hawkeye could react, he felt a huge force on the shield, as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer. He squatted on the ground to prevent himself from falling to the ground.

However, the time that Hawkeye has bought for Qiancangyi is enough.

With force under your feet, Qiancangyi's speed is faster than before, because Wen Chengzhi's left hand has been aimed at Qiancangyi. This hand can also release the air cannon!

The heart contracted sharply, all the surrounding sounds disappeared, and everyone remained motionless.

This is the time that belongs to Qiancang alone.

He stepped hard with his left foot, leaped up high, and shot a knife with his right hand. All the movements were done in one go, without any muddling.

Only at this moment, Qiancang found that the balance of personality in his mind was extremely unbalanced, which represented that his left part fell sharply, and finally stayed at about 30 degrees from the median line.

One blow to death, this is obviously not something Yan Zhou would do, at least he would not choose to do so as soon as they meet.

Time began to turn again.

Wen Chengzhi was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect this student named Yan Zhou to be so fast that he was so fast that he could not even see him.

"I hate other people's manipulation of my soul, even if I think that the soul does not exist." After landing, Qian Cang added a sentence as an excuse for Yan Zhou's behavior at this time.

This reason is very easy to understand. Take the villain as an example, even if the person who was pierced does not believe that this kind of thing is really useful, but he can feel the malice in the heart of the person who pierces the villain.

When he said this, the balance of personality was slightly balanced, but the tilt was still serious.

But at this time Qian Cangyi couldn't take care of this anymore, because he found that there was no blood flowing out of Wen Chengzhi's neck!

Next, the wound on Wen Chengzhi's neck healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye. The wound went from scabs to scars falling off, and it took no more than one second to add up to full play. This level of self-healing ability, measured by the weapons that three people can master at this time, can be considered as an immortal body.

This is Wen Chengzhi's true support.

"I'm more and more satisfied with you. Maybe you can really find something." Wen Chengzhi's eyes suddenly became gloomy. At the same time, the lines on the wall suddenly changed color and turned into a mysterious purple. Then, A trace of electric current jumped out of the wall.

Seeing the change, Qian Cang blinked one eye, and the folding knife left three holes in Wen Chengzhi's body.

For ordinary people, such a wound would directly incapacitate him, but Wen Chengzhi was different. Not only did he not lose his mobility, he also grabbed the folding knife held by Qiancangyi's right hand with his right hand.

Although Qiancangyi didn't say anything, Hawkeye and Qian Jiangyue can clearly know what the situation is now. In this situation where they can't escape, the only thing they can do is to strengthen the attack.

But their idea was not a fancy plan, and Wen Chengzhi had already expected it.

A strong wind blew from Wen Chengzhi's body. Qiancang standing in front of Wen Chengzhi was two meters away before he stabilized his figure. After blowing away the three of them, Wen Chengzhi knelt on one knee and pressed his right hand to the ground. .

The purple electric current dances in the room like a pulsating elf.

"Electric shock?" Qiancang glanced around, and the only hiding place he could find was the wine rack that was visible when he entered the storage room.

Simply avoiding it is not too difficult, of course, but the problem is that we have to deal with Wen Chengzhi's endless patterns and his bizarre immortality.

But before Qiancang made an evasive action, a purple electric current resembling a lightning stayed in midair, and then three small electric currents stratified on the three of them.


Qian Cang began to tremble, his limbs were already numb, and he couldn't move at all.

At this moment, an eagle sounded in the room.

Wen Chengzhi was very curious, stopped his movements, and turned around to find a bald eagle stretching out its sharp claws to grab him.

"Here... why is there an eagle?" Wen Chengzhi's eyes widened.

The three of them ignored Wen Chengzhi's complaints and were ready to gather strength to counterattack again.

Who knows whether the withdrawal of the soul is a rigid rule of the movie plot or a plot that can be circumvented?

Whenever there is a chance, try as much as possible.

In the end, Eagle Claw grabbed one of Wen Chengzhi's arm, but Wen Chengzhi was an adult, so an attack of this level of the bald eagle could only be a simple interference and could not cause any substantial harm to Wen Chengzhi at all. Not to mention that it is now in a cramped storage room.

But the time the Bald Eagle bought for the three was enough.

This time, the three approached again.

If the wound can heal, what if the head is cut off? Will there be another head?

This idea appeared in Qiancangyi's mind.

Thinking from a realistic perspective, this idea is also fully possible to be successfully implemented.

It is a pity that Wen Chengzhi did not give the three more chances.

The powerful electric current instantly flooded the entire storage room, and even the collections stacked on the wall showed signs of destruction.

The bald eagle shrank and fell to the ground. Then it turned into a little white starlight and disappeared. As for the Qiancang one and three people, the situation was also bad. They were all lying on the ground at this time, enduring the discomfort and pain from their bodies. .

Fortunately, their will is still sober now.

"Maybe you still have some secrets, but it is enough for me. Now, let us start the next step." Wen Chengzhi shook the arm that had been attacked by the bald eagle, and then he walked to the door of the storage room. , Opened the door and walked out of the storage room.

Obviously, Wen Chengzhi has to do some ‘preparation’ work.

Only when the door of the storage room closed again, a chain was blocked between the door and the edge of the door.

Qian Jiangyue ran to the door at a speed of 100 meters~lightnovelpub.net~ It is impossible for him to escape...special props?

Qiancang reacted instantly.

With his character, there is only one thing he intends to do when he ran out...for the hostage...

In this movie, Qian Cangyi also brought special props. When he bought it, he hesitated for a long time because the pay for this special prop was too expensive.

The special item he redeemed is the "Shattered Time" with a price of up to 500 pieces.

A special item that can provide two seconds of ‘invincible’.

The reason why I didn't use it just now is because the situation won't change much after two seconds have passed. After all, he didn't know how many other players Wen Chengzhi had.

Even if he escaped the current shock, he still had to face the fate of being locked in the storage room.

Then Wen Chengzhi focused on it.