Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 481: showdown

When passing Qiancangyi, Qian Jiangyue also took the folding knife in his hand.

In fact, even without a folding knife, he could still harm Tang Jingwan's life with small items such as chopsticks.

Not long after, there was a ping-pong-pong-pong sound from outside the door, followed by an extremely quiet silence.

"What's the situation outside now?" Qiancang asked.

His body has recovered a little now, at least the feeling of his limbs has returned, but he can't move for the time being, and it will take at least one to two minutes.

It is precisely because of this that he threw this question to Hawkeye.

He still remembers the skills of Hawkeye.

Being able to send an eagle spirit to investigate within a range of 100 meters, although it may still be a bit weird when used indoors, it is better than staying in place and knowing nothing.

But Hawkeye did not answer, just shook his head.

After half a minute, the door was opened completely by Wen Chengzhi.

There were some blood stains on his body, but it was obviously not his own, because when Qiancang cut his neck, Wen Chengzhi didn't shed a drop of blood.

When he came to the two, Wen Chengzhi gave an electric shock alone. Compared with the previous one, this time it was more intense because both of them fainted.


I woke up again in a windowless room, which looked like a laboratory, but it was a very old kind.

Qiancang glanced around and found that he was locked in a huge empty bottle. Although the process was different, the result was no different from the script information.

Qian Jiangyue and Eagle Eye were closed on his left and right sides, and the two were also in separate empty bottles.

It is worth noting that the three empty bottles are each connected by a tube.

"I originally planned to use the feelings between the two of them to threaten it, but I didn't expect him to kill Tang Jingwan directly. Judging from the actions of Professor Wen, he seemed to have thought of this day." Qian Jiangyue leaned back. Wiped it with my hand on the bottle wall.

With a creak, the door was pushed open, and the mysterious Cooper alchemist walked in.

He was still holding Tang Jingwan in his hands, although Tang Jingwan seemed to have no life aura at this time.

"Where is this?" Qiancang asked. He didn't expect the other party to answer, but don't ask, what if the other party answers?

"She doesn't seem to be dead yet, won't you send her to the hospital for rescue?" Qian Jiangyue pointed to Tang Jingwan in Wen Chengzhi's hand.

"I need a complete soul, she is just right." Wen Chengzhi smiled, then walked to the center of the three bottles and put Tang Jingwan on the ground.

The dark ground has red patterns. On the ground where Tang Jingwan is, the patterns seem to be more complicated.

After doing all this, Wen Chengzhi walked to the experimental table and flipped a switch. Suddenly, the whole room shook, and then, dense belching sounds continued.

"Soon, the facts will appear in front of you, whether you believe it or not, you will get the answer." Wen Chengzhi said to the three of them, and then began to make potions.

Most of the solutions on the laboratory table are colorless and transparent, and the thin-necked bottles containing the solutions are labeled, but the meaning of the symbols on the labels is not clear at all.

"You are crazy." Hawkeye said to Wen Chengzhi.

"Haha." Wen Chengzhi's movements were not affected in any way, "I'm just doing what I should do. Based on your experience, you can't understand this at all."

"Are you going to send us to the time period when the ancient Cooper country still exists?" Qian Jiangyue sat cross-legged on the ground, "If your alchemy is so strong, can you just send yourself to the past? Or, This is simply a scam. You can't do this at all. In fact, it's just making us some kind of hallucinogenic potion."

"When you are bored, drink a bottle to pass the time, and then have the dream that the Cooper Kingdom still exists in the world. Even if we take a 10,000 step back, we did go back to the past and found the reason, then? How do you get this Information? Even if you get this information, what can you do? The ancient kingdom of Cooper has disappeared."

"We cut your throat just now. You didn't bleed. Considering that you are still alone now, I can make a conjecture like this. You are not a descendant of the survivors of the ancient country of Cooper. You were originally from the Kingdom of Cooper. People just don’t know how to save them to the present human society."

"You have a wealth of knowledge, strong learning ability, and a strong physique, but these will not allow the Cooper Kingdom to regenerate. The reason is very simple. You can't give birth at all. In this way, you can't even judge whether the current person is It’s not reproductive isolation from the Cooper people."

"In view of the fact that you did not use cloning technology to copy yourself, although the reason is likely to be that the current technical conditions are not available, the bigger reason should be you. You can exist for such a long time without aging, which speaks for itself. Things, you should be someone who has been transformed through Cooper's technology."

"Speaking of which, this should be your biggest flaw. Every world has people who want to live longer by themselves, and you can live in seclusion until now and you have not been arrested as a test product. I have to Say you have good luck. Oh, yes, you should have been treated like this, otherwise you will not carry weapons with you."

Qian Jiangyue said a lot of his own conjectures. Of course, these alone can't let Wen Chengzhi let him go, but he can learn more about it. After all, according to the script, they have no ability to change what will happen next.

The three originally thought that they needed to follow Wen Chengzhi to some ruins to find the disappearing ancient country. Now it seems that Wen Chengzhi sent them directly to Cooper in order to find the mystery of the disappearance.

"Matter, soul, time and space, and energy. You know that matter and energy can be transformed, so do you know that the soul can connect with the past and the future? According to the ultimate theory of alchemy, these four basic conditions should all be one in nature. Technology has not yet developed to this point."

Wen Chengzhi didn't care about Qian Jiangyue's remarks involving personal attacks ~lightnovelpub.net~.

"Even back then, your soul is still connected with the present. In other words, you might still come back. How about? This news is good for you, isn't it?" Wen Chengzhi said with a chuckle.

"You are lying to us." Qiancangyi's voice was low, "We can't come back at all."

"Oh?" Wen Chengzhi was a little curious, turned his head and looked at Qian Cangyi in the bottle, "Why should I lie to you? There is no reason at all."

"It's very simple. According to your theory, you obviously cannot unilaterally obtain the information of the ancient country of Cooper, because if it can be obtained, you don't need to use this method. As for the essential reason, I think it is nothing more than the four you mentioned. Where conditions are unsatisfied, I tend to prefer energy and soul."

Now that he has been captured, there is no need to hide his thoughts.

Although Chengzhi stated in the lecture that it was a wrong idea to think of an alchemist as a crazy magician, but from what he is doing now, it seems that there is nothing wrong with ‘crazy’.