Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 489: Prelude

At this moment, in the luxurious room not far from the Colosseum, the person in charge of the Colosseum is staring at the largest sand screen in the room. The fine sand in the sand screen is colorful, and the fine sands of different colors are combined together again. Can combine new colors.

From this sand screen, we can clearly understand the current situation in the Colosseum.

"Why, haven't you caught it yet?" The talking was a middle-aged man, who was close to fifty years old in appearance.

His name is Hood.

"Five fox guards have been dispatched, and the defense mechanism has been activated. It is only a matter of time before the three souls are captured. From what the three-headed dog guard knows, none of these three souls have appeared before and committed no crime. Record, not a dangerous person on the list." Beth, a woman in her twenties softly answered Hood's question.

"This game is very important. I don't want any accidents." Hood glanced back, "I mean you should understand."

"Well, I will deal with it myself." Beth did not look at Hood, but chose to lower her head.

"Go now." Hood no longer has much, and continues to look at the sand screen in front of him.

In the sand screen, there are two young people ‘fighting’, and various cool moves and skills are constantly being issued from the hands of the two. Of course, the actual effect is not directly proportional to the appearance.

The reason why this effect can be created lies in the connection device they wear. The shape of this device resembles a wristband, which is very light and will not affect their movement in any way.

Before the start of the competition, the connection device will be matched with the soul of the contestant. After inspection and review, the contestant will be armed with the internal energy source of each Colosseum. In addition, the connection device itself also takes into account the role of the regulator, which can reduce the damage caused by the energy impact to the range that the soul can withstand.

This setting can not only give the audience the illusion of life and death, but also ensure the safety of the contestants.

On the one hand, it has realistic attributes, running and jumping, all of which require the contestants to actually operate, instead of staying in a fixed position and only moving their fingers; on the other hand, they have fantasy attributes. According to the styles of different contestants, Can create very cool and gorgeous skills and moves, giving people an epic sense of blood.

It is precisely because the two can be combined in a harmonious way, so this entertainment method is very favored by the capital, and it is widely promoted, and its quality is hard enough, so it has swept the entire Cooper Kingdom and the world. On the rest of the country.

With capital and market feedback, the development of connection devices has become more and more in-depth.

In addition to being able to issue cool moves and skills, it can also adjust the clothing and appearance of the contestants. In this way, Yan control, orc control, etc. have also become the goals of this entertainment project. With the increasing number of interested people, women have also begun to enter the entertainment project in large numbers.

As for the physical gap between men and women, because there are regulators that can target individuals, it does not have a big impact, at least it will not become a decisive factor.


The three stepped onto the stage where fierce fighting was taking place.

In terms of safety, the level of danger here is much higher than that of the auditorium. The energy that occasionally flies at extreme speed has a lot of impact on the three of them. Although it will not be killed by a single blow, it will also reduce the strength of the soul a lot. .

After continuing to approach, Qiancang one and three chose to crawl forward.

After all, the energy that flew to the three of them was escaping energy, which was equivalent to a stray bullet.

"The strength of the souls of these two people is only a little stronger than that of ordinary people, but the fluctuations are far greater than those of the audience watching off the court, but we still have to pay attention to it. Every once in a while, a little bit of what we just saw will appear in one person. Green raindrops, and the strength of this person's soul will recover a little." Qian Cangyi discovered his own.

It stands to reason that it would be better to choose another person, but the situation is not as simple as imagined, because the soul strength of the other person has been maintained at a relatively high level, although the person who continues to lose is likely to be him, but There is no trace of the end for now.

"This is troublesome." Qian Jiangyue stopped moving.

"Do you want to choose again?" Hawkeye was expressionless, obviously very unhappy with this situation.

"This is the only way. We are taking risks. If we start with two people at the same time, the risk is too great." Qiancangyi continued to observe secretly.

At this moment, Hawkeye suddenly moved.

He rushed straight to the person who could not quickly restore the strength of his soul, even sacrificing a small amount of his own soul strength, in order to allow himself to reach that person faster.

"What did he find!" Qian Jiangyue followed.

"Discovered..." Qiancang glanced again, and suddenly understood what Hawkeye had found.

There are some differences between the soul strength of the people in battle and the soul strength of the audience outside the field. The audience outside the field pays attention to maintaining the whole. In other words, the soul strength of different positions of the body may be slightly different, but they are maintained very close. In this way, choosing a'weakness' point is meaningless.

But for people in battle, this "balance" will change. For parts that are often impacted ~ lightnovelpub.net~ such as hands, the soul strength is much higher, and for the inner thighs and back of the neck, The strength of the soul will be much weaker.

Hawkeye was keenly aware of this, so he launched an attack directly.

After Qian Jiangyue followed, she immediately understood Hawkeye's thoughts.

Qiancang didn't rush over immediately. He needed to maintain his own soul strength. In addition, the speed of normal movement was not slow, so that there would be no missed opportunities.


In the arena.

The two sides are in a short stalemate.

The contestant on the right is a female, with a clean face and tall figure, coupled with white armor and lightsaber, a heroic appearance, like a heroine.

This woman is the one who keeps releasing green raindrops for herself.

The contestant on the left is much worse in appearance. The appearance of this person is a dark armor. His head is covered by helmet except for his eyes, so he can't see his appearance at all. In his hand is a two-handed sword.

Although both weapons are swords, their fighting styles are completely different. The contestant in white armor does not intend to confront the contestant in black armor from start to finish. She has been ‘kiting’ each other.

Because of the advantages of speed and recovery, you only need to use some long-range energy to continuously reduce the opponent's soul strength. When the opponent's soul strength drops to a certain value, you can win the crown of victory in one fell swoop.

This is quite a rogue dismissal, but whether the audience hates it or not depends on whether the person who uses this style of play has personal charm.

If it is an ugly monster who uses this disgusting style of play, the audience will usually complain about it, but if it is the current contestant, then the situation is completely different. ()

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