Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 495: secret

"You don't even understand the rules of the game. You are definitely not Miluo. Come on, who are you?" The apostle saw the opponent's right hand blocked in front of his neck, and suddenly reacted.

Miluo is Huang Quan's real name.

Unfortunately, the words of the apostle didn't have any effect, Huang Quan squatted down and raised his right hand again to make a fist.

Obviously Huang Quan did not intend to pity Xiangyu Yu.

Only this time his fist could no longer get close to the opponent's body. A light yellow protective shield rose beside the apostle, and the white armor on the apostle also disappeared.

This incident also happened to Qian Jiangyue's body, the black armor seemed to be absorbed by the wristband, leaving no traces.

Both of them showed their original appearance, without those gorgeous decorations.

The pale yellow light prevented the two from continuing to approach.

The apostle once again focused her gaze on the opponent’s face. She thought that Miluo’s face was very different from before, but she quickly realized that she had never looked at the opponent’s face carefully, and many details were missing. clear.

But now, this idea appeared in her mind, and at the same time she had a very good opportunity, so she did it.

If you want to find faults, Miluo's front face is not very good-looking, but his profile has an extraordinary charm, which was not discovered by the apostles before.

The whole person is different, his temperament... has completely changed, no wonder I haven't noticed it before.

The apostle thought of this suddenly, and then she focused on Miluo's eyes again.

"She is watching you." Qian Cang said to Qian Jiangyue.

"Do you still use it?" Qian Jiangyue replied in an angry voice, "Now that the game is over, what should we do? Looking at the reactions of the surrounding audience, things seem to be a bit loud."

"Wait." Hawkeye said.

"Indeed, waiting for the other party's response is the best way. We have the disguised soul logo and believe that it will not be detected. In this way, they can only use other detection methods. Material detection methods are simply impossible. If a problem is detected, the only way is to ask..." Qian Jiangyue interrupted Qian Jiangyue as soon as Qian Cang said this.

"But we don’t understand what the other party is saying, so the other party can’t break through this point. In addition, we have enough attention, so it’s impossible to deal with it easily. Finally, as long as we show a little bit of logic, they It will inevitably begin to expose us to the basic knowledge of communication, and we can choose to adapt to the situation at that time." Qian Jiangyue stopped after speaking.

Because he suddenly had a different feeling, it was a very dangerous feeling, but it was not the danger of life, but the danger of being discovered secretly.

"Just as you said." Hawkeye nodded without saying too much. "By the way, can I try it?"

Hawkeye was talking about controlling Miluo's body.

"No problem." Qian Jiangyue reported the time after quitting, "1 second, slower than you." He said to Qiancang.

After the eagle eye was connected, Qiancang found that Milo, who was under the control of eagle eye, saw very clearly, as if his eyesight had suddenly improved a lot.

Because he kept staring at his eyes, Miluo's change was also discovered by the apostle.

At this moment, she wanted to ask again, but recalling what had happened, she closed her mouth again.

She felt that the other party was not interested in answering her own questions.

"Sure enough," Hawkeye said softly. This time, instead of having an inner dialogue with the other two, he spoke directly through Miluo's body.

"Well, it's not true." Qiancang nodded slightly.

At this moment, Qian Jiangyue felt that his heartbeat suddenly stopped, and his brain power suddenly reached its limit. Numerous excuses appeared in his mind. At the same time, Qian Cangyi and Yingyan's answers and questions were also taken into consideration by him.

But...in the end he just chose to ask a tentative question.

"No...what?" Qian Jiangyue's voice was very soft, like a child who made a mistake.

"Chai Tang." As soon as Qian Cang turned around, he was facing Qian Jiangyue, "After you connected, Yan Song and I found one more person in your sight. He looks exactly like you, almost There is no difference. The only difference may be that he is quiet, but his eyes remain on you."

"Is this the person you imagined? Or something else?" Hawkeye asked, this time inwardly.

Qian Jiangyue closed his eyes and did not answer any questions.


Outside the arena, some spectators were cheering, some were arguing, and some were silent. They hope to get a reasonable explanation, at least theoretically speaking the past explanation.

"We didn't spend money to come to the scene to see it as a cheat!" An audience member shouted, and many audience members responded.

Some spectators with more grumpy tempers even planned to rush into the arena and ask two players to give a statement in person, but they were both blocked out of the arena.

Amid the noisy noise, Belle walked into the arena with dozens of guards, and she came between the two players.

"Miluo?" Beth called out Miluo's name, hoping that the other party could give herself something to show.

A statement that proves that Milo is safe and sound.

But Miluo, who was being controlled by Hawkeye, didn't make any sound, just watching the guy who suddenly appeared in front of him, like the person in charge.

"Don't ask, he doesn't seem to understand what we are saying." The apostle shook his head.

"Hill, what do you seem to know?" Beth turned to look at the apostle.

Hill is the real name of the apostle.

"I should ask you this sentence, right?" Hill folded his arms around his chest, reluctant to answer.

"Forget it, can you please cooperate with us? After we clarify the matter, we will give appropriate compensation." Beth bowed slightly and stopped talking nonsense.

"I have to figure it out without compensation~lightnovelpub.net~ Hill touched his left cheek.

In the end, under the protection of dozens of guards, the two players, Milo and Hill, left the arena safely. As for the audience... either stayed and watched the rest of the game or went home. As for refunds, just think about it. it is good.


In the living room, Hill sits on the sofa, holding a cup of hot drink in both hands. Hood and Beth sat opposite her.

"That's all?" Hood frowned, because the development of the matter was beyond his imagination, so he planned to follow it up personally. He also had a fairly strong crisis handling ability when he climbed up from the middle level step by step.

"That's it. He suddenly hugged his head. I don't know what happened. I persuaded him to surrender and promised him one point. Maybe you don't know, but I can say with certainty that with my strength, I will win. He is just a matter of time, but I don't want to waste too much time in this game." Hill took a sip of the drink in his hand.

This is a dark drink, very sour, but after the sour taste, a slight sweetness will appear.