Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 496: focus

Hearing Hill's words, Hood glanced at Beth.

He was asking with his eyes.

"This is indeed the case. Whether it is simulated by the fighting style of the two or compared with previous data, the probability of Hill winning is as high as 72%. If you add the level of obstacles to the environment, the probability of winning is only Higher." Beth nodded and said what she knew.

When Hill heard it, he stroked the hair in his ear and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"Your judgment is that Miluo's eyes and temperament have changed? In addition, are there other changes? I mean the difference is very obvious and can be easily verified." Hood's face is still not good. .

"Executive Hood, I have already said that, he can't understand what I say, or say... is not interested in what I say at all. In addition, Miluo seems to have forgotten the rules of the game. If he is really Miluo... …Speaking of which, does it take so long to check the soul logo? If it is not Milo, just follow the process directly."

"By the way, my three-pointers can't just be forgotten, this game must be counted as I win. Ah... So, I suddenly remembered that his attributes have become quite high, especially Defense, my ultimate skills seem to have no effect on him. This has definitely reached the point of disrupting the balance of the game." Hill put the cup in his hand on the tea table.

Hood glanced at Beth again, he didn't seem to want to answer this kind of question.

"Miss Hill, the problem now is...there is nothing unusual about the soul logo in Miluo, that is, there is nothing wrong with the soul in Miluo." Beth was very embarrassed when she said these words, which is actually true. This is where she and Hood are embarrassed.

At this moment, Hill was thankful that he was not drinking a drink, otherwise he would definitely squirt.

At this moment, a tall woman walked in from the door, "Hill, what happened?"

The woman's appearance and figure are not worse than Hill's, but her personality is much more calm. Her name is Vina. She is Hill's event leader, similar to the profession of an agent.

"It's that Miluo suddenly changed a person, but it was the same person when the soul identification was checked, so..." Hill spread out his hands, very helpless.

Vina sat next to Hill, took Hill's shoulders lightly, and then whispered to Hill: "You go back first. Just leave it to me here."

Hearing Vina's words, Hill hesitated and then nodded, but when he was about to get up and leave, he was yelled by Hood, "Please cooperate with me, please." Hood's tone was very strong.

"Hood, this matter is enough for me. Hill will have a tough battle to fight the day after tomorrow. How could she spend it with you all the time? Not only does she spend time researching the opponent's information, she also has to formulate tactics. There is nothing superfluous. Time is wasted here. As for the matters of Miluo, all issues should be dealt with by your organizer. Now I am sitting here and I am already very cooperative with your investigation." Vina stood up first.

"Can't go." Hood crossed his fingers and covered the lower part of his face.

Beth smiled, not daring to interrupt at all.

"Hello, may I come in?" A very young man stood at the door, looking like a teenager, but his movements were very mature. The most noticeable thing was that his voice was very soft.

This man is the person in charge of Milo's race, and his name is Roland.

"Please come in!" Beth said quickly.

"Are you the person in charge of Huang Quan's event?" Vina fixed her gaze on Roland.

"Are you the person in charge of the Apostle's event?" Roland also set his sights on Vina.

The two of them are about the same height, so they will face each other.

But what is contained in the two pairs of eyes is not love, but... irritability that dislikes each other!

"Two people, I think it's more important for us to deal with business matters." Hood also stood up, holding the two of them under pressure.

"Executive Hood, how is Miluo's situation now? I mean... is he still Miluo? If it's Miluo, then I still have to perform my duties, if not, then I will leave now." Roland Asked softly.

Hood took a deep breath, he really didn't want to answer this question.

"There is nothing wrong with the soul identification check, but..." Roland interrupted Hood in the middle of speaking.

"Meaning that he is Miluo?" Roland's tone suddenly became tough.

"I'm afraid it's not the Miluo you think." Hill blinked after speaking.


Unlike Hill’s treatment, Miluo, the one or three people in Qiancang, was sent to the Soul Examination Room.

During this period, Qian Jiangyue had not spoken, and the two did not persuade, but also chose to remain silent.

They are now planning to build a team. In this way, it is bound to deepen mutual understanding. As for the degree of understanding, it depends entirely on the relationship between the two parties.

It's just that no matter how deep the relationship is, it must be maintained at a certain distance. Many secrets cannot be known to anyone except yourself.

With the help of the staff, Miluo was imprisoned in a very large eggshell.

Immediately afterwards, in the inner space where the three of them could communicate with each other, an eyeball suddenly appeared, and this eyeball kept revolving around the three of them. At this moment, the aperture suddenly turned gray, and then Miluo's figure appeared outside the aperture. After seeing Milo's figure, his eyes shifted his target.

After checking, Miluo was sent to the simple interrogation room.

After a while, a middle-aged man in a robe walked in with a small sand table in his hand.

"Hello, Miluo, can I ask you some questions?" The middle-aged man placed the sandbox on the table between the two.

Hawkeye did not speak. In this situation, he could only choose to remain silent.

The middle-aged man waited for nearly half a minute, and finally determined that the person sitting across the table would not answer his own questions.

"Then let's talk casually, anything can be done." The middle-aged man said earnestly.

But Hawkeye still didn't speak, he just quietly watched the opponent open his mouth.

"Do you... understand what I'm saying?" The middle-aged man shook his feet.

No answer~lightnovelpub.net~Are you deaf? "The middle-aged man asked again.

But the situation remains the same.

"Hey!" The middle-aged man stretched out his hand and waved, "The expression has changed. It shouldn't be deaf, that is, can't you understand what I'm saying? Or is there something wrong with my head?"

After thinking for a while, the middle-aged man pressed his hands on the sand table, and then changes began to appear on the sand table.

The colored sand forms some patterns, which are divided by lines, like a puzzle.

Then the pattern of a puzzle piece disappeared on the sand table, and beside the puzzle, three very different patterns appeared. Then the middle-aged man pointed at the place where the pattern disappeared with the index finger of his right hand, while the index finger of the left hand kept staying next to it. Move on each tile.

"He is testing basic logical thinking ability." Qian Cangyi told Hawkeye of his thoughts.

"Yeah." Hawkeye didn't say much, reaching out and selecting the right piece.