Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 503: Training

In the early morning of the next day, Qiancang woke up just after dawn.

When he woke up, the other two also opened their eyes.

"It seems that we must synchronize in this regard. I am afraid it is related to the aperture under our feet. There are advantages and disadvantages. Generally speaking, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages." Qiancang said in a pair.

"Come on, I'll take a break." Hawkeye gave up his position.

The large aperture began to rotate, and as soon as Qiancang came to the operating table, he pressed his right hand up.

Opening his eyes, Qian Cangyi felt that his body was still a little tired, but it was still in the normal range, which was obviously caused by too much experience yesterday.

Opening the door, Roland's door was still closed, and there was no movement in the house.

After washing and breakfast, Qian Cangyi sat on the sofa.

He opened the sand screen and looked at the news inside. Because he couldn't understand the content inside, Qian Cangyi could only look at the patterns made up of colored sand, and then guessed according to his own experience whether the sand screen was playing news or virtual at this time. Scenes.

"Are you awake?" Roland said while rubbing his eyes.

"Oh, forget, you don't understand me, breakfast... have you eaten it?" Roland yawned, "Alas, today is also a day filled with work."

"I have discussed with the conference venue last night. They will take you to the training center in a while. I hope you can learn to communicate as soon as possible, otherwise I will take care of you for the rest of my life." Out of the embarrassment of his future life, his body trembled.

As the person in charge of the event, Roland could not only deal with Milo alone, because the money received from Milo was simply not enough to support his normal expenses. In fact, it is precisely because Roland is the player in charge of the event that Miluo will Choose to become a professional player.

Among the eight players Roland is in charge of, Miluo's strength is only ranked fifth, and as for commercial value, he ranked seventh, which is very average.

After half an hour, the conch next to the sofa made pleasant music, and Roland immediately picked up the conch.

"Have you gotten downstairs? Okay, let's get down right away." After speaking, Roland glanced at Qiancang, and then glanced out the window again.

"Let's go." Roland patted Qian Cangyi on the shoulder.

Qiancang nodded his head and stood up.

"Huh? Can you understand?" Roland took two steps back, but after reading it carefully, he confirmed that the other party only understood his intentions and didn't understand what he was saying.

Downstairs, Beth is sitting in the passenger seat.

"Come on, how was last night?" Beth pointed to the back seat.

The two were sitting in the car.

"How about what? Isn't it the same? But your Hood said that Miluo wanted to kill me, but there was no sign at all." Roland put his hands on the back of his head.

Beth gave an apologetic smile, "Sorry, Executive Hood..."

"Ah, you don't have to apologize to me." Roland stretched out his right hand to stop him quickly, "It's also hard work for you. Working as a errand for this kind of person, I said Beth, have you ever thought about changing a job?"

"This is my sixth job now, where is the easy job now so easy to find." Beth shook her head, and the smile on her face became bitter.

"Indeed." Roland sighed. "Actually, how do you say? Different people have different tolerances to different things. If you think that a person with Hood's personality doesn't matter to you, this is indeed one. A pretty good job."

Beth smiled, did not speak.

Soon, the training center will be here.

The training center is a huge white sphere, which is definitely an outlier in the dusty city, but apart from the building of the City Security Bureau, the entire city is the most stylish training center.

"Go here." Beth pointed to the door.

Roland and Qiancang followed Beth to the lobby of the training center. Even at the dawn of the day, there are people coming and going, but it is very quiet. Everyone is doing their own things, and those who have nothing to do for the time being are also quiet. Wait, no small talk.

When she came to a counter, Beth pressed her hand on the black area of ​​the counter.

"Hello, what service do you need?" A clear and sweet female voice came.

"Basic language knowledge training and assessment." Beth said.

"When and where to make an appointment?"

"The time is now, and the place is in the dusty city." When Beth spoke, she looked back at Roland.

Roland nodded and said yes.

Afterwards, the questioning voice no longer appeared, but Beth was still thinking, nodding her head from time to time.

Seeing this scene, Qiancang tilted his head.

"It seems that this person should be performing follow-up operations, which is understandable, but what I can't understand is why the residents of the ancient country of Cooper didn't use the item of'Cooper's tempered coin' as currency for trading? If Cooper has developed to the point where no coins are needed, why are these coins remaining? Could it be that the'Cooper's tempered coin' itself hides any information?" He threw his question to another. Two people.

But for the time being, he didn't expect Qian Jiangyue to actively participate in the discussion.

"If you say that, it is indeed possible. Maybe the'Cooper's tempered coin' itself is a sort of screening. The person who can get it is the selected person. As for why it has this function, I am afraid that we will wait for us. You can understand it after you have a deep understanding of the world." Hawkeye thoughtfully.

At the counter, Beth has already gone through the formalities.

She handed a card made of colored sand to Roland. The pattern on the card was constantly changing, turning into a white cloud for a while, and a dolphin again for a while.

Immediately afterwards, Beth took the two away from the training center and sat in the car again.

"Executive Hood attaches great importance to this matter. In addition, Miluo's learning ability is very good, so I chose a high-intensity trainer. Of course, because of the high requirements and the appointment time is now, So the price is quite expensive, it cost 2000 Moore." Beth turned her head and said to Roland.

The Mohr is the basic unit of Cooper's currency.

"It's not very expensive." Roland looked indifferent.

Tsk~lightnovelpub.net~ It’s good to have money. Anyone who can get basic training can spend so much.

Roland said in his heart.

After arriving at the destination, Qiancang found himself in front of a tall building.

After getting off the bus, there was already a middle-aged lady in formal dress waiting at the door.

"Are you the one who made the appointment just now?" The middle-aged lady said, her voice was round and her lung capacity was full.

"Well, my name is Beth and this is Roland. This is the person who needs training, and his name is Miluo." After Beth finished the introduction.

"My name is Lin." The middle-aged lady nodded slightly, "May I have the credentials?"

Roland passed the card.

Lin took the card, and then took out another card of the same colored sand from her body. She put the two cards together, and suddenly, the pattern on the card turned into a dolphin swimming in the cloud.

"Come with me." Lin said and turned to enter the tall building.