Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 528: trap

   Qian Cangyi didn't tell Roland about going out, because he didn't want to cause extra trouble.

   It is not easy to convince Roland, especially today.

   The dusty city at night is still brightly lit. Just like in real life, some people’s biological clocks are slightly different from those of the rest. They are more active at night.

   It seems that only in the dark can they cheer up.

   Qiancang found the ride service within a short period of time. After he asked to follow the city safety bureau, the other party did not let him get off the car, but asked for five times the price.

   "Deal." Qiancangyi didn't want to waste time.

   He knew that the other party was slaughtering himself, but he now has a windfall, Hart’s liquidated damages, so he doesn’t care about the small money at all.

   Driven by money, the driver quickly caught up with the city safety bureau vehicle.

   "I declare first, I will leave as soon as I arrive, and will not wait for you." The driver stated his request in advance.

   Generally speaking, as long as the customer gives enough money, the driver will happily stop there and wait, but this situation is obviously not a good thing. No matter how much money is, he still has to spend his life.

   "Yeah." Qian Cangyi wondered whether he could buy the other party's labor tools.

   He thought about it carefully, and found that it was unnecessary, because this time he was only following the city security bureau to understand what happened, instead of rushing to Longtan Tiger's Den alone.

   After a while, the driver spoke again.

   "They are going out of the city. If so, they have to add money." Such a situation where there are no repeat customers. Of course, the driver will not let it go.

   Qiancangichi did not answer.

   He doesn't mind double the extra money, but he minds that the other party keeps changing the conditions.

   As soon as Qiancang didn't speak, the driver gradually reduced his speed, seeing the city safety bureau's vehicle out of sight.

   "You stop and try." Qiancang glared at the driver.

   "Add money." The driver is not nonsense.

   "I will smash your car if I lose it." Qian Cangyi agreed with the other party's request, but he also gave the driver a message.

   The passenger in the back seat is not easy to provoke.

After    went out of the city, the lights dimmed a lot in an instant, and some strange sounds were heard around from time to time.

"Actually, I don't recommend that you go out at night. The last few months have been the active period of sand snails. You may be in trouble. Once you are attacked by sand snails, although you will not lose your life, you will not feel very comfortable." Perhaps it was the charm of money, or Qiancangyi's threat just now. At this time, the driver's tone became much better, and the content was no longer simply'adding money'.

   But he just finished speaking, the sudden change suddenly appeared.

   A huge black shadow emerged from the ground, covering half of the sky.

   Qiancang discovered that it was a sand snail, but an adult, not the larva Roland had asked him to eat.

   The size of adults and larvae are totally two different magnitudes.

   "God!" The driver hurriedly stepped on the brakes.

   After a sudden stop, the sand snails burrowed into the ground again, as if everything had never happened before.

   "Looking at the size, the sand snail worm just now has probably metamorphosed six times. Fortunately, he is not very interested in humans. Maybe he has suffered a loss, otherwise we may just..." The driver was cold sweating, and now he is still a little afraid.

   "You lost it." Qiancang's tone was very calm, but there was a bit of chill in the calm.

   The prerequisite for continuous price increases is to be able to meet the requirements of the other party. The higher the price increase, the more serious the retaliation suffered when the other party's requirements cannot be met.

   Of course, the current situation is not too bad, it's just lost for a while and will catch up soon.

   The driver did not talk nonsense and started again.

   Qiancang turned his head and looked out the window. The evening breeze kept blowing in his ears, dispelling his sleepiness.

   Driven by the carrot stick, the driver quickly caught up with the city safety bureau vehicle. Just as the driver was planning to keep the distance between the two sides, a white light suddenly lit up in front of the city safety bureau vehicle.

   This light is already very familiar to Qian Cang Yi, of course, not to mention it in Cooper, a country with alchemy as the foundation of civilization.

   The light of the alchemy array, a huge alchemy array.

   is about the size of two basketball courts.

   After the white light, there was a fire that soared to the sky, and then an explosion.

  At this point in time, the vehicle of the Urban Safety Bureau was at the center of the explosion. Because of the rush to the scene of the accident, the vehicles behind did not keep a safe distance, and there was no time to brake in a short time.

   Therefore, the series of rear-end collisions that often appear in blockbuster movies appeared in front of Qian Cangyi at this moment.

  At this moment, the night was completely illuminated by the fire, the broken vehicles rolled on both sides of the road, a gust of wind blew by, and the smell of meat came over.

  Because of the long distance, the driver stepped on the brake in time and was not involved in this man-made accident.

   "Oh!" Of course, the driver who smelled the meat knew why it had such a smell, because what happened just now was too abrupt, and he couldn't accept it for a while, so he vomited directly.

   saw his right hand waved in front of his nose, and got out of the car.

   "It seems that everything is calculated, and only someone with the identity of Hart can make the other party pay such a large cost." Qian Jiangyue said.

   Qiancangyi didn't answer, he took out the conch that he could contact.

   Elsa's lines still remain.

   The call process is very long, because I have already left the city and there is no signal amplification station nearby, so the connection is very unstable.

   But after three seconds, it was still connected.

   "What a coincidence." Elsa was breathing non-stop as she spoke, as if she had undergone strenuous exercise.

   Are the sequelae of overuse of skills?

   Qiancang thought.

   "Where are you? Specific location." Qiancang glanced at the scene of the accident. It was a mess, which can be described as tragic.

   "Ah, are you following?" Elsa gave a wry smile, "Don't move, I'll find you."

   About thirty seconds later, Elsa appeared in Qiancangichi's line of sight, along with four other people.

   After they approached, Qian Cangyi found that these five people were all injured in varying degrees.

   Elsa wiped the blood on her forehead, "Would you like me to introduce it?" She pointed to the four people next to her.

   "I'm afraid it's not the time for the introduction." Qiancangichi's eyes crossed the five people and looked back.

   There are already some people in black clothes approaching.

   At this time, the driver still did not recover from vomiting.

   "You can help me out some time." Elsa said to the people around her.

   "Don't worry." A middle-aged and young man nodded, and then walked towards the man in black who was forming an encirclement.

   Elsa chose a clean place, and then pressed her right hand to the ground.

   Then, the ground under her hand began to roll, forming a small mound, and a small sapling grew from the center of the mound at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   A faint green light radiated from this young sapling. When Qiancang found himself standing around this sapling, his mood was much calmer.

"I've seen this skill before. The tree of life is a recovery type skill. The healing effect depends on the vitality provided by the user. The higher the vitality, the stronger the tree of life." Hawkeye told two of the information he knew. people.