Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 531: Sand Stone Forest

  一   did not spend much time distributing weapons. After the three got off the car, they exchanged a few words and then proceeded to the same place tacitly. The place where they were going was the deserted tourist attraction sandstone forest.

   "It's strange to say, why did he a driver put so many weapons in the car?" Qian Cangyi asked casually, his voice was very soft, only the two people beside him could hear him clearly.

   "Many locations have been released. I am afraid that this driver had been robbed in the middle of the night before, otherwise he would not be so cautious. Unfortunately, his preparations did not come in handy at all." Elsa replied.

   "It's not useless, isn't our situation better than before?" Qiancang touched the dagger in his hand. Although it lacks maintenance, it is still relatively sharp, and there will be no situation where the skin cannot be cut.

   "It would be great if the compression gun was not destroyed." Elsa sighed.

   Compression gun is a weapon equipped by the police of the Urban Security Bureau. The energy source is still the insect box. It works far away from the air combat device, but has a single function. It can only shoot at long distances and cannot switch between form and attack mode.

   "Hush!" Qiancang stopped suddenly.

   The rustling voice sounded again, but this time the source of the sound was from the same direction.

  The chasing soldiers are chasing the footsteps of the three people. At this speed, it won't take long for the three to be overtaken.

   So the three of them speeded up, but the road in the desert was not easy to follow. In addition to preventing possible attacks by sand snails, the three of them had to be careful of traps formed by nature, traps that can easily deprive life.

   Fortunately, there were no accidents on the way to Sand Stone Forest.

   After entering the sandstone forest, the three of them suddenly felt lost. If they were not behind the exit, the three of them might think they had lost their way.

"I remember that there is a large alchemy array underground in the sandstone forest, which can confuse people's perception. Although this alchemy array is no longer working, perhaps some parts of the alchemy array are still in operation by coincidence, which is why This is the situation now." Elsa gave an explanation, and she herself didn't know if it was the correct explanation.

   But now only this area can be used to divide the enemy, if they want to survive, they have no other better choice.

   at least not in this case.

   The night is still mysterious.

   The three of them turned their heads and found that a dark shadow had appeared not far away, and the dark shadow was approaching quickly, and within a minute, the other party would be able to reach here.

   There are about a dozen black shadows that can be seen. If you add the invisible shadows, I am afraid that the number is already more than 20.

   If there are only twenty ordinary people, Qiancangyi is actually not a big threat.

Taking into account the physical fitness and mutual cooperation, twenty ordinary people are completely scattered. As long as the opponent does not have a weapon that can kill you in one shot, it will not be effective in front of people with fighting experience and a certain level of training. Resistance.

   It is a pity that these twenty are not just ordinary people, but well-trained desperadoes.

   For them, killing and drinking water may be no different.

   "Go in." Qiancang looked away and walked into the depths of the sandstone forest.

   Elsa followed closely behind.

After entering the sandstone forest, the three found that they did indeed enter the maze. Although the surrounding stones looked very different, but because there were too many, they looked completely different from different angles, so it was difficult to compare them. The matching of the pictures in the memory, coupled with the inexplicable interference, has affected the sense of direction of the three people to a certain extent.

"Why don't we make a mark?" The woman said. This is the best way to deal with the maze, but the problem is that there are chasing soldiers behind them. "If we are afraid that someone will follow, we can make a few more marks to mislead their judgment. ."

"There is no need to waste time in this area. No matter how many marks we make, based on their number, we only need to send a few people to guard the entrance, and then spread out in groups of three or four to search. There is no need to circle so many circles with us." Qiancang shook his head.

   This is the gap between the number of people. As long as you enter the sandstone forest and push it all the way, you don't have to worry about not finding three people.

"Miluo is right, let's move on, find more places where we can ambush, use the opportunity of the other party's temporary dispersal to gradually reduce the number of enemies, and then take the opportunity to escape. If there is a chance, catch a few livelihoods and go back for interrogation. Not bad." Elsa finished, and the dagger in her hand was cut on the side of the stone.

   Although Qiancang couldn't see Elsa's expression clearly because of the darkness, he could still guess that the latter should be quite angry at this time based on the tone just now.


   "Four of you, stay here, and the others will follow me in." A black-robed man took the people around him into the sandstone forest after finishing his orders.

   They have only one purpose, not to leave a living.

In the explosion planned just now, two accidents occurred. The first accident was that not all of the people from the Urban Safety Bureau died, and there were still alive. Moreover, these five people who survived all have a large status. They returned safely to Dust and Sand City, although they still have back-hands to prepare, but once the back-hands fail, the troubles that ensue may be endless.

Another accident is the vehicle following the city safety bureau. According to normal circumstances, it is impossible for a vehicle to drive outside the dusty city at this night. Because of the existence of adult sand snails~lightnovelpub.net~, this road is not. Not very safe.

   It’s just that accidents are not just that...

   In a hidden place deep in the sandstone forest, there is a square table surrounded by four alchemists.

   "It failed again. If it fails at all, why would the National Alchemy Institute prohibit the soul fusion experiment?" An alchemist was puzzled.

   They hid in this unmanned scenic spot in the middle of the night, just to continue exploring the mystery of alchemy. Originally, they thought that after they got enough alchemy materials, the experiment would make a little progress, but unfortunately they still stayed in place.

   "It's been three times, maybe something went wrong." Another alchemist didn't feel depressed. In his understanding, failure was normal. It would be weird if it succeeded once or twice.

   "We have basically tried all the alchemy materials, as well as various souls. The only thing that hasn't been tried is the human soul." A short stature alchemist said his opinion.

   The other three were dumbfounded, but no one refuted. They were thinking about this possibility.

   The reason why they are thinking now is not because they didn't think about it, but they didn't dare to think deeply about this issue.

   The experiment of secretly conducting soul fusion has violated Cooper's regulations. If human souls are used, the nature is even worse.

   The former can also be considered to be trying to explore the mysteries of alchemy, while the latter is a lunatic who is desperate to study alchemy.