Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 541: Reunion

Just push Hart to the designated position.

Having said that, is the Great Alchemist so terrible? At the moment of the fall, he used at least three alchemy formations.

They are visual delay, concealment and silence.

The headed female alchemist thought.

"I don't want to waste time with you, let me go, where do I go? I'll go by myself." Hart put his hands behind his back, almost completely undefended.

But the more relaxed the expression on his face, the more nervous the five sun-ring alchemists.

"Sorry, Mr. Hart." The female alchemist closed her eyes tightly, and when she opened her eyes again, an alchemy array appeared in her eyes.

However, this alchemy formation is slightly different from the alchemy formation in Hart's left eye.

Then the female alchemist's palms faced each other, blue electric currents began to appear, and the surrounding air began to become fresh.

The other four sun-ring alchemists are also preparing for their own attacks.

They don't believe Hart's words, the reason is simple, they think the other party is just playing with them.

Just as they were about to attack, a ring of fire radiated from Hart.

Before the first circle of fire disappeared, the second circle of fire appeared beside Hart again, and then the third...

At the same time, Hart's white gold-rimmed robe fluttered in the wind, revealing the appearance of the inside.

Both the inside of the robe and Hart's body are painted with alchemy arrays. These alchemy arrays are large and small, but they are all connected in a certain way, that is, independent and interrelated.

After the ring of fire completely disappeared, the five sun-ring alchemists had all turned into coke and fell to the ground.

"Why don't you believe me? Am I like a liar? The person who calls myself Huangquan today doesn't believe my judgment. Is it because I have no reputation?" Hart looked at the fallen scorched corpse with nothing in his heart. fluctuation.

"I'm so tired, I want to take a break." Jinsen beat his thigh.

Qian Jiangyue stopped.

"We'd better take a rest, otherwise we will encounter unexpected situations, and we won't even have the strength to escape." Elsa couldn't stand it either.

The main reason was that she had consumed too much life force using the Tree of Life skill just now, which made her feel so weak now.

Unfortunately, the tree of life has not fulfilled its mission.

We set off after receiving the news that the airship had fallen. A series of things happened in the middle of the journey, and Jinsen immediately walked towards the dusty city after escaping from the chase. It can be seen that the road he walked was definitely much longer than us.

It's tiring and understandable.

Qian Jiangyue thought, no longer urging. Evil Emperor and Concubine: The Best Beast Tamer

The three rested silently, and no one spoke.

It seems that what they encounter next will be very dangerous.

On the walls of Dustsha City, the guards who routinely patrol are yawning.

This is not a time of war, and their main observation object is actually the adult sand snail population.

However, the adult sand snail swarms have not occurred in decades. In other words, they are just standing guard routinely.

Do a thing, get a salary.

Oh, so boring, there are still three hours.

The guard thought to himself that he was leaning against the wall, yawning.

The reason why he didn't sleep was not because he was very dedicated, but because there were alchemical items that were monitored and recorded behind him.

There was a slight vibration.

"Huh? Did the earthquake occur? I remember that Dust City is not in the earthquake zone." The guard shook his head to make himself more awake.

At this time, the guard on the other side came over.

"Hey, did you hear any sound?" the other party asked.

"It looks like an earthquake, but Dustsha City is not in the earthquake zone." The guard replied.

"Yeah, I'm also wondering, could it be a group of sand snails?"

"If yes, the alarm has sounded long ago." The guard shook his head. "Let's go up and take a look."

After speaking, the guard pointed upwards.

There is a telescope above the city wall, which is generally used for tourists. Now it is just right for the guards to confirm the situation.

Coming to the observation deck, the guard opened the mirror cover of the telescope.

"Let me see, what is it?" He began to adjust the angle of the telescope.

In the lens, he saw a vague figure walking towards the dusty city, "Something is coming." He said, and then began to adjust the focus.

"Yes... a huge man made of stones?" The guard didn't believe it when he said it.

"Let me see." Another guard said hastily.

"You said, could we have hallucinations? Would you slap me?"

Snapped! Pop!

"It shouldn't be an illusion... Let's go and notify the sir!"

…Winter love and warm summer

On the sandy ground far away from the dusty city, Hart gradually slowed down and landed on the ground.

Although the five sun-ring alchemists who ambushed him just now have died, Hart knew that this conspiracy against him was far from over.

He already had some guesses in his mind.

Very few people know his identity and dare to attack him.

Among these people, there are even fewer motivated ones.

The evening breeze passed by gently, but the surroundings fell into deathly silence.

A faint light appeared not far in front of Hart, as if someone was walking up with a light.

It was an old man, wearing clothes similar to Hart's alchemy suit, but with a slightly different color. This man's clothes had a black background and red edges.

"Long time no see, old friend." The man put out the candle in his right hand, then bowed slightly as a greeting.

"It's you, Lubb." Hart frowned.

The alchemist in front of him is not a great alchemist, but his strength is not inferior to the great alchemist.

"Hand over things." Lu Bu smiled.

Even in the face of the great alchemist, he did not have any respect or fear.

At this time, there was only a confident look on this old face.

Lu Bu is a wanted criminal, and he is also known far and wide. As long as his soul identification is detected, only one result will be obtained, and the matching result will be sent directly to the National Security Agency.

And the reason why he would become a wanted criminal is because there is no moderation in the research of alchemy.

As long as it is a subject who can conduct experiments, he will not let it go, no matter if this person knows alchemy or not, no matter if this person is a civilian or a high-level child.

At the beginning, he was not suspected because of his identity and talent.

But because of this, he became more and more intemperate, and finally became a wanted criminal.

Lu Bu looks very old, but his actual age is younger than Hart.

"What?" Hart didn't move. Lu Bu is not afraid of him, nor is he afraid of Lu Bu.

"Of course it is a clue to the Sage's Stone. Did I come here to find you to relive the past?" Lu Bu grinned.

Hart didn't answer, he glanced at the side of the road, then turned and left.

For Lu Bu's request, Hart directly chose to ignore it, not only that, but even turned and left.

This is Hart's arrogance, except for a few people, he doesn't care about the rest.

With his status and status, he doesn't need to care at all.