Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 564: request

The game will start right away.

This is a personal battle.

Unlike usual, this time, Qiancangyi's opponent is a bit special, and the title is hunter.

It's not that he can't beat it, but because of his opponent's identity.

Simply put, a hunter is the kind of person who is often ridiculed in the real world as "If you don't play the game hard, you will go back and inherit hundreds of millions of fortunes."

Qiancangyi has confirmed this point on the intercommunication, but considering the rules of the game and the soul test, the situation of counterfeiting is basically ruled out, so he does not need to worry.

However, there is another situation.

One minute before the soul test, a middle-aged man found Qiancangyi.

"Excuse me, excuse me, are you Mr. Miluo?" The middle-aged man's back was straight and he looked very energetic.

"Yes, may I ask." Qiancang stopped.

He guessed that the man in front of him was an actor in a **** movie, but after the exchange, he found that it was not. The other party was just someone who helped spread the news.

"That's the case. Now the Cooper Kingdom is getting more and more weird. His family hopes that he will stop working in this profession. After all, he hasn't achieved much for so many years." The middle-aged man smiled.

It's just that Qiancang knows that the hunter is not without results, but the results are not too dazzling.

Since his first year as a professional player, he has entered the finals and is much better than an untalented person like Milo.

"So, you want me to lose?" Qian Cang showed an interested expression on his face.

As long as the opponent's bid is appropriate, Qian Cangyi doesn't mind the fake match, after all, Qian Jiangyue can completely escape the soul test.

"No, with Mr. Milo's strength, if you lose the game, it would be too fake."

"What I want to ask Mr. Miluo to do is, on the basis of guaranteeing victory, let him have desperate thoughts so that he...recognizes his gap and chooses to give up."

"In return, we will provide Mr. Miluo with something. As for what is needed, Mr. Miluo can decide for himself." The middle-aged man's tone was calm.

"This is also considered a counterfeit match?" Qiancang asked.

"I believe Mr. Miluo has a way to pass the soul test." When he said this, crow's feet appeared on the corners of the middle-aged man's eyes.

Is that so... Then agree to it.

"I will try." Qiancang nodded.

The results of the soul test are comprehensive. Since there is no need to change the outcome, the questioning of the game process is definitely not the focus.

"Thank you." The middle-aged man bowed deeply.

Back on the court, the hunter was a handsome man, dressed just like his title, with a wild style. According to statistics, his fighting style is more biased towards archers.

The scene generation is over, it is a forest.

"I will end your winning streak." The hunter's determined face was full of righteousness.

The fans in the audience began to cheer.

After all, they are people who will inherit hundreds of millions of fortunes if they lose. Of course, the number of fans is not comparable to that of the money warehouse. In addition, because they have been winning streak, many people have expected Huangquan to fail.

On Qiancangyi's side, after the three discussed, they decided on the tactics of the game.

To be precise, it should be the way to win.

They intend to replicate the victory of the first game, without weapons, but with fists.

"Hawkeye, come on."

Because of the hunter's attack method, the eagle eye controls the body in this game, because his dynamic vision is quite strong.

As soon as the countdown was over, the hunter hid in the woods.

This is his home court.

Hawkeye directly stuck the **** sword on the ground.

The audience began to cheer. This method has not been used since the first battle with the apostle.

Seeing this, the hunter walked out directly.

"What do you mean? I don't need you to let me." He was puzzled.

"Thirty seconds." Hawkeye shook his arm.

"What?" The hunter wanted to say more, but the opponent had already rushed over, "I warn you, don't be too arrogant!"

He started to draw a bow because it was a game, so it didn't require much skill and had assisted aiming function.

Under everyone's gaze, Arrow Feather flew past Hawkeye's ears.

As soon as Qiancang was under observation, he could almost clearly see the flight trajectory of the arrow from the perspective of the eagle eye. Of course, a little bit of anticipation had to be added to avoid it.

"Impossible!" The hunter drew the bow again, and the result was exactly the same.

Unknown fear suddenly spread in the hunter's mind. He thought of Huang Quan's first record, but because it was later proved that there was a problem with the regulator, he didn't care.

Only then did he discover that perhaps the problem with the regulator was never the root cause.

On the big screen, the two arrows just now were broadcasted slowly, and all the audience could see them clearly.

The distance quickly narrowed, and Hawkeye soon came to the hunter.

"In that case, I'm not welcome." The hunter's eyes gradually became cold.

Skills, three consecutive shots!

"It's over." Hawkeye whispered.

The closer the distance, it also means that the eagle eye can avoid less time, but the hunter also forgot one thing, the closer the distance, the clearer the opponent will see!

His three consecutive shots had no effect other than making Hawkeye pause for half a second.

Skills, hounds!

A ferocious three-headed dog appeared next to the hunter, of course, just an illusion.

Even if the opponent draws closer to him, it is two-to-one. The hunter is not worried. In theory, ~lightnovelpub.net~ no one's fighting style can restrain him, of course, the reverse is also true.

After Hawkeye approached, the hunter took out his melee short knife as a weapon.

The two sides are on the verge of breaking out.

The audience who had originally cheered began to hold their breath, and even felt suffocated.

Who can win on both sides? Many people make choices in their minds.

With the help of the rules of the game, Hawkeye's full punch directly smashed the image of the three-headed dog, and at this time, the hunter had already stabled out with a knife.

However, compared with Hawkeye, the hunter's speed is too slow, and more importantly, not at all.

After a sideways avoiding the hunter's attack, all this also came to an end.

But Hawkeye did not directly solve the hunter, but attacked the limbs and other unimportant parts.

"To be honest, you don't have any talent." Hawkeye's voice came into the hunter's ears.

It's like a judge's verdict.

He covered his face with his hands and refused to admit defeat.

Now he still has a chance.

The voice of cheering for the hunter also rang from the audience, layer after layer, the voice getting louder and louder.

I can't lose this game! There are still so many people cheering for me, and I still have dreams that have not been realized. One day, I must stand on the championship podium, definitely!


The three-headed dog appeared again, but this time he was kicked flying by the eagle eye before he even started posing.

Hawkeye did not accelerate, he walked towards the hunter step by step.

At this time the hunter has been re-equipped with the hunting bow, "I finally know the reason why you did this, but I will not give up. Even if I lose this game, I will not give up. Let them die. !"

Hearing these words, Hawkeye stopped his footsteps.