Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 565: Dream flash

"Really?" Hawkeye stood still.

"Yes, even if you can defeat me, you will never destroy the dream in my heart. I will always have blood in my heart, and I will never give up even if I fail forever."

"I am not interested in business at all, let alone humbly everywhere. Everything I do is to prove myself. Even if I don't rely on anyone, I can live well."

"Many people envy me, but for me, my family background is a burden, and it is the only obstacle that prevents me from pursuing my dreams."

"But I'm not afraid, because I've always been myself!" When the hunter spoke, his body glowed with dim white light. This is the white light where the value of the regulator changes.

Because "Unique" is a competitive game, the main pursuit is personal style and the blood brought by the competition, so it also takes into account the situation of super-level play.

This situation will be triggered when the player enters a state of soaring adrenaline.

On the one hand, the role of white light is to maintain a certain level of adrenaline in the players to prevent death. On the other hand, it is to modify the regulator according to the player's state to increase the strength.

"Did you see it? This is my dream!" The white light on the hunter's body became stronger and stronger.

At this time, in his eyes, there were only still eagle eyes.

If it is in peacetime, Hawkeye will definitely take advantage of the mobile hand to end the game.

But now the situation is different. He needs to destroy the opponent's will, so he needs to defeat the opponent with a relaxed posture when the opponent is strongest.

Let the other party recognize the gap between the two sides.

The ancient bell rang.

(Yan Zhou: Dream?)

After Qiancang said briefly, his heartfelt time stopped.

"Come on for me." Qiancang wanted to use the guide of the time mound to create the effect of grasping the arrow. As for the reflection in "The Old Castle", it is still a bit difficult and too conspicuous.

"No need." Hawkeye refused.

Then, Hawkeye took another step, and he lifted his right foot and moved on.

Deafening sounds erupted from the audience again, all cheering for the hunters.

Who has no dreams? If a person can always stick to his dream, who cares about his life experience, not to mention that the hunter has never been found to have played a fake match, and, in the case of an obvious intentional loss of the opponent, he will request another investigation.

His words and deeds were seen by the audience.

Because of this, even with a poor record, there are still many viewers who like him.

You can still practice if you are weak, but you must not lose your original intention!

"Kill him!" "Come on!" "I will always support you!"

In order to create an effect, the competition side also fully imported the sound from the audience, after all, this game is not a deciding game for both sides.

The hunter was waiting. He was waiting for the moment when Hawkeye relaxed.

This time, his arrows were different. Both the power, speed and accuracy were much stronger than normal.

Hawkeye took another step.

His low voice reached the hunter's ears, which was not only cold, but also a hint of anger.

"Dream, what's the use of ass?" The seven simple words explained Hawkeye's attitude.

The hunter was not affected, and he still did not shoot the arrow in his hand.

However, Qian Cangyi was a little surprised. According to his understanding, Hawkeye rarely got angry.

When a spectator suffocated and fainted, the hunter finally shot the arrow in his hand.

Because he didn't find any flaws, in that case, he could only attack by force.

What he didn't notice was that the white light on his body also appeared on the opponent. Although it was very shallow, it did exist.

The brown arrow flew through the air with an afterimage to Hawkeye. It was an arrow with a dream entrusted to it.


The sound of a beating heart sounded.

Qiancang realized that he could hear clearly, but now he didn't use any skills at all. The person who controlled Milo's body was Hawkeye.

At this moment, all the surrounding light seemed to be eclipsed, only the arrow that flew towards him still had color.

Between heaven and earth, the arrow in front of you is the only thing worth noting.

Hawkeye slowly stretched out his hand, this slowness was only a visual slowdown.

He, he intends to catch?

Qiancang thought.

Without stopping, Hawkeye only intends to grab this fast-flying arrow with his extraordinary dynamic vision.

Can it succeed?

Qian Cangyi was also infected by this atmosphere, whether dreams can overcome reality or reality will crush dreams severely.

Anyway, this kind of thing has nothing to do with life or death, so Qian Cangyi watched it with an outsider mentality.

The cheers of the audience continued to rise, and apart from cheering, no sound was heard at all.

At this moment, the people they cheered for were not only the hunters, but also themselves.

Who hasn't had a dream?

After everything was announced, the voice of cheering stopped abruptly.

Hawkeye's right hand held the arrow shot by the hunter. On the other hand, from the game, the hunter's arrow also shot the Hawkeye because the data changed, causing damage.


In the eyes of the audience, in the eyes of the hunters, including Qian Cangyi and Qian Jiangyue, everyone has no doubt that the winner of this duel is Hawkeye~lightnovelpub.net~ The hope in the eyes of the hunter has not disappeared, and he pulls again. bow.

Since you choose not to give up, there is no reason to give up.

If it doesn't work once, then do it again.

Deafening cheers erupted from the auditorium again, and the hunters at this time pinned the hope of countless spectators.

Hawkeye didn't speak, and threw the arrow on the ground, and then moved on.

How to destroy the will of a professional player, when the opponent cares the most, use the easiest way to defeat it, not only that, but also when the opponent is strongest in the depths, there is no excuse for the opponent to comfort himself.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

When Hawkeye walked to the hunter holding the third arrow, the player who had just shouted his dreams could not help but knelt on the ground.

In the audience, some sentimental audience members couldn't help crying.

Hawkeye stuck the arrow in his hand on the ground, "It turns out that what I said is correct."

The hunter clenched his fists with both hands, tears rolling in his eyes.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it, I don't believe it!" The hunter screamed, and the white light that had already faded lit up again.

This is the light of dreams!

The audience was screaming, and thousands of spectators gathered their eyes on the two of them.

The hunter rushed up, this time he will prove himself and bring his dream together!

Seeing this scene, Hawkeye's eyes cold, his right foot kicked out, unparalleled speed.

The hunter was kicked in the abdomen, and while flying in midair, his body was bent ninety degrees, his face was pale, and then he flew out. At this moment, he felt the sky spin and the pale yellow protective cover appeared on his body.

competition is over!

When the music sounded, there was a heart-piercing wailing in the audience.

"You are too cruel, but I like it." Qian Jiangyue said.