Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 590: content

Under Hart's gaze, Qiancang opened the book in his hand.

The air seemed to freeze in an instant, maybe there was something unknown inside it, maybe... it was a secret hidden in this world, or maybe it was some wonderful theory.

But after opening it, the content inside is not shocking.

On the contrary, from the point of view of Cooper, this work is contrary to the law of development of things.

Because the content in the book is actually discussing the idea of ​​not relying on alchemy to develop a civilization of the same intensity. From the current perspective, many of the ideas in it have the possibility of realizing, although there are still many problems in the details, and some are even The emperor’s golden **** thought, but there was nothing wrong with the overall idea.

"It... doesn't make much sense, right?" Qiancang turned the page quickly, and he had already read nearly half of it. Of course, he didn't take a closer look, just watch some important clips.

The quiet library sounds soothing music. With this music, the alchemists who browse the books in it can also calm down.

"The significance is not great, but what if you consider it in conjunction with the author of this book?" Hart pointed to the author's name on the cover of the book.

If you compare alchemy to the third hand of humans, the content in this book is to prevent humans from using the third hand. It is not some kind of balance training, but a complete abandonment.

Now, if someone from Cooper discusses this kind of thing publicly on Intercommunication, they will definitely be despised by the rest of the people. It's very simple. The other party just needs to ask, if there is no alchemy, how can you still speak here? ?

Just this sentence can prevent the discussion from proceeding.

In addition, it is precisely because of the existence of alchemy that humans can surpass the rest of the creatures and firmly occupy the position of the boss of the natural world. Even among humans, they also stand proudly because of alchemy and established the current Cooper civilization.

"Indeed." Qian Cang smiled.

It doesn't matter if ordinary people say these things, but as heroes who lead ordinary people to fight for rights and interests, what the alchemist prisoners say is not necessarily the book written.

Obviously, the reason why people in later generations have such extreme views on prisoners is because of this.

One Night Wife

"There is one more book, do you want to read it?" Hart handed over another book.

Qiancang lowered his head a little, and looked over.

This book is more sensitive than the previous one, because the content of this book classifies people, demonstrates the relationship between ordinary people and alchemists, and at the same time predicts the rights of money and alchemy. On this basis, it also named the inevitability of this contradiction.

In the classification of alchemist prisoners, all people can find the corresponding class position in this book, and the various descriptions are quite accurate, but the accuracy is a little too accurate, and the people who are seated may be surprised at first glance. But after a few more glances, he will become more and more angry.

Because in the description of prisoners, these class characteristics are almost all explicit vicious words. Only by overcoming or abandoning these class characteristics can people live in a better world. As for the few people in the upper class, it is even more difficult for them to accept, because in this work, their failure is inevitable, and they will also be defeated.

Not only that, but the prisoner also used two examples from his own personal experience to demonstrate, the angle of the argument can be described as tricky.

"This surname... is a bit familiar." Qian Cang glanced at the prisoner's example.

He suddenly recalled the sponsor of the national game "The Only". The last names of several famous sponsors seemed to be this one, but it is worth mentioning that these last names are also common in Cooper, so they cannot It is so simple to recognize this point.

After turning over the books, Qian Cangyi placed the two books on the shelf.

Hart looked at Qian Cangyi with a puzzled look, waiting for the latter's conjecture or comment on the two books.

Most alchemists will be very touched after seeing it. On the one hand, they can find their own position and the limitations of their own class. On the other hand, because the words used by the alchemists are very simple, it is like a good one. Friends telling stories when chatting is very attractive.

"So, is there an answer to this question?" Qiancang turned his head and asked Hart.

The topic jumped too quickly, and Hart didn't react for a while.

Qiancangyi pointed to the first book.

"Why do you mean the prisoner wrote this book? No, no one knows the reason, and because of this, people at the time were completely puzzled. Alchemy at that time had already begun to develop and had reached the point where it could change people's lives. The prisoner as the leader wants to stop all of this." Suspicious clouds and mists

"Although you haven't seen the scene at the time, it is undoubtedly a disaster, and it is a man-made disaster. No one can be spared from a man-made disaster, whether it is a high-ranking bureaucrat or a beggar who is begging everywhere. lightnovelpub.net~If the leadership is not well controlled, it will become the stubbornness of the tyrant. Unless the hero takes action, ordinary people will never unite to resist the tyrant. Then when the tyrant itself is a hero? Or a terribly strong one hero."

Hart shook his head slightly.

Because of his identity, he was able to learn more about this, but it took too long. Although some self-reported books appeared later, many people held their own opinions, and no one knew what was going on.

The only thing in common is that the whole country was already in madness at that time, and many situations that only existed in fantasy appeared in a rather terrifying and terrifying way.

If you want to use one word to describe it, it is a nightmare!

Endless nightmare!

What I think about every night before going to bed is not what to do tomorrow, how much I have achieved in my future plans, or where to go to play. Most of my thoughts are about what will happen tomorrow, whether these things will affect me, and how long this kind of life will last.

"Perhaps you didn't know that there was a chaos at the time, that was the misplaced address, and it was a mandatory misplaced address." Hart suddenly chuckled.

There is no happy meaning in this laugh, but irony and funny.

"You know, beggars and emperors, these two titles describe completely different people. At that time, all beggars were called'emperors'. It was an era when'emperors' walked all over the floor." Hart's face was revealed. Interested expressions.

It's just that Qiancang Yi couldn't tell whether Hart liked or hated that era, or just had an interest in exploring that era.

However, it is simply impossible to determine whether Cooper's demise is related to it based on the content of the book.

Unless you know why the prisoner suddenly wrote these works.