Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 591: Animal skin

"It stands to reason that such an era should often become a topic of ridicule for future generations, but as far as I know, people on the exchange are reluctant to talk about related topics. Even if there are some touched content, they are immediately drawn away by other topics. Or related posts will be blocked directly."

"Take it far, although this trip is not very rewarding, but can I go shopping? I can't use alchemy, it is basically impossible to come here without your guidance, and your business is very busy, and there will be basically nothing in the future. opportunity."

Qiancang showed a curious look on his face.

Hart hesitated for two seconds and agreed to Qiancangyi's request.

For Hart, it is up to him to decide whether he is busy or not, and all the trivial matters are left to his assistants. Only important things need to be confirmed by him, or he only needs to be present.

In other words, his time is very free.

"Nothing like this happened in your world?" Hart didn't answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

He didn't know what the world of Qiancang No. 1 was like, and Qiancang's pair of Cooper, who used alchemy as a way to change the world, didn't actually understand.

Although there have been some things, it is now a special situation after all.

It's like a person who has experienced a war and a person who has not experienced a war have completely different views of the world.

"Yes, most of the things that are unwilling to talk about are things that the participants have suffered, or the methods used by the beneficiaries at that time are no longer accepted by the public, and the losers have no right to speak. In short, the situation is there. Many, if you want to talk in detail, you can't finish talking all day and night." Qiancang got up as soon as he left.

He shuttled among the bookshelves, and Hart followed him.

For the books on the shelf, Qiancangyi only reads the title, because many books are related to alchemy, and many professional vocabularies are used. Qiancangyi does not understand these vocabulary, and it is meaningless to forcibly concatenate them. , Without relevant knowledge, it is impossible to understand the content inside.

Of course, this still needs to be practiced, so he opened a book and read it.

Put it back a second later.

Just when Hart was about to speak, Qiancang suddenly saw a person with a somewhat unusual dress walking by. If he hadn't caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye, he wouldn't have spotted this person at all, because he hadn't heard any footsteps.

What's even stranger is that Hart did not respond.

"Did you see someone walking by just now?" Qiancang asked.

If Hart answers no, then... Well, the queen, the queen is coming

"No." Hart frowned, but he didn't think Qiancangyi was lying to himself.

After hearing Hart’s answer, Qiancang immediately followed the people passing by, but when he walked out, he found that the figure had already disappeared, but he did not give up, but continued to search in the library. .

He searched for it anxiously, and soon the same figure appeared in his eyes again, but soon disappeared again.

It seems that I have found the right place.

Qiancang thought to himself, and at the same time started to run.

The sound of footsteps sounded in the library, which was particularly eye-catching, but it was surprising that Qiancangyi did not see anyone else along the way.

Suddenly, Qiancang realized that no matter how he looked for it, he couldn't find the figure just now.

Gone... Are you planning to lead me here? Is there any special book that can't be made?

Thinking of this, Qiancang initially focused on the bookshelf.

"Have you found it?" Hart asked, "I hope you didn't have hallucinations. After all, your soul situation is special."

Although it is not stated explicitly, Hart's meaning is still very clear.

Anyone would doubt this kind of thing, so Qiancangyi didn't excuse it. He felt it was meaningless.

Since becoming an actor in a **** movie, he will not think like ordinary people when faced with many strange things. When there is no clue, even if the situation is weird, he must follow closely, because once he doesn’t keep up, maybe there will be no more. There is a chance, but sometimes you have to choose to avoid it when you encounter a dangerous situation, otherwise your life will be hard to save.

The direction of the plot itself is also something that actors should pay attention to.

"Which one is it?" Qian Cangyi said.

He put his hand on the bookshelf and touched the hardcover books on the bookshelf, sliding the index and middle fingers of his right hand slowly. These books are well maintained and there is hardly any dust.

"What are you looking for?" Hart asked again.

"I don't know, I always feel that there will be something here." Qiancang added, as soon as he finished talking about what he thought of, "I'm not sure, but it may be some kind of hint."

"Hint?" Hart didn't understand.

Because the positions of the two parties and the information obtained are different, different judgments will naturally be produced.

The ultimate judgment of rebirth

Qian Cangyi didn't answer again, this kind of thing is not easy to explain, and the other party is not an actor, of course there will be such distrustful thoughts, but he is different.

Hart snorted, but didn't ask any more, and of course, he didn't stop Qiancangyi from continuing to look for it on the bookshelf.

Under the bright light, one person is constantly searching on different bookshelves, the other is just watching quietly behind him, and the two are doing their own things.

Finally, on the inside of a black book, Qiancang found something wrong. There was a vacancy in that position. According to the arrangement of the books, that vacancy shouldn't appear.

He took out all the covered books and put them on the ground. Soon, a dark animal skin appeared in his eyes.

Reached out and took out the animal skin, the unique texture made Qian Cangyi remember deeply.

"Animal skins? There won't be such a thing here, it looks like it should have been left for a long time." Hart shook his head slightly.

Indeed, once Qiancang finds something strange, what's the use?

Qiancang looked around and found that nothing was written on it, and his own knowledge of Cooper was not enough to figure out anything.

You can ask Wen Chengzhi about this kind of thing, but Wen Chengzhi has been observing it in secret.

Even if this peculiar animal skin means, Wen Chengzhi probably doesn't know.

"I don't know, I can find someone to identify it, such as the age..." Qiancang sighed ~lightnovelpub.net~ This is indeed a clue, but it is too vague.

"Give me, I know some people." Hart held out his hand.

Faced with such a tough Hart, Qiancangyi certainly couldn't do anything else, and he handed the animal skin to Hart's hands.

"It seems to be a horned bird skin, but this creature has been extinct for a long time." Hart took the animal skin to his eyes.

"Huh?" Qian Cang gave a puzzled look.

"I need to find a professional for identification. Are you still looking for it?" Hart put the hide away.

Qiancang shook his head.

After leaving the library, Qiancang went back to the hotel.

For the rest of the time, he has to wait again, which is very uncomfortable.

He has a sense of control.