Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 61: Devil's gift

"Now, do you still think you are invincible?" Qian Cang smiled as he finished talking.

Lin Zheng suddenly felt as if he was soaking in the sea water of the Arctic Ocean, surrounded by a vast expanse of whiteness, but there was no support for him to climb out of the ice water.

"No, no, you are cheating me!" Lin Zheng shook his head frantically.

"Is the wound on your back completely healed?" Qian Cangyi said flatly without being angry.

No matter how Lin Zheng denies it, his body will not lie, and the wound on his back is still aching. Because today's guessing has already been lost, Lin Zheng doesn't care. Even if he is dead, he can come back and play in the clouds with his injuries. Speeding is not a big deal either.

"I should have the equal qualifications to negotiate terms with you now." Qian Cangyi folded his hands in front of the table.

"You...what do you want?" Lin Zheng seemed to be the gambler who had lost the biggest hole card and was in a state of despair.

"What I want is very simple. I want you to believe me." Qiancang said, "Believe what I say and implement it. This is what I want. I have never been your enemy, but because of some Misunderstanding, we were once enemies, but after all, misunderstanding is just a misunderstanding."

"Why?" Lin Zheng was puzzled, "Am I important to you?"

"Very important, at least in Xinhai High School, in Xinhai Town, you are very important, even more important than the three of us combined, because you are the root of everything, and you are the only one who can keep us alive. This is also my exhaustion. Scheming to give myself the reason to have the qualifications to talk to you." Qian Cangyi said his true thoughts.

At this time, if you talk about empty words and rhetoric, for Lin Zheng, who is used to listening to the speech, it will only make him subconsciously feel bored.

"No one is completely pure. Selfishness and dedication are not incapable of being in a person. What I have done to you is to let you help me. Similarly, this is also helping yourself, because... you have forgotten too. Some things." Qiancang took a sip of milk tea.

"whats the matter?"

"Remember what you said to me before? You explained to me that I still have two companions. Although I completely believe what you said, it is in my mind." Qian Cang pointed to his temple, "still In doubt and constantly asking questions, maybe these two people do not exist? Maybe these two people are just your fantasy?"

"Time and time again, fortunately, you have your experience as evidence, which can be used as a reference for me, but you yourself did not realize this. Your speciality is not only reflected in what you have gained, but also in what you have lost. What you lose is your true identity." Qiancangyi threw the empty milk tea cup into the trash can.

"That’s what I can say to you for the time being. If you don’t understand, I can say it in simpler words. The reason why I don’t tell you what you have forgotten is because you won’t believe it. Different, suppose I compare my situation to a chain, then the content I forgot is the middle part of the chain, which can also be restored through details and reasoning, but the content you forgot is the two ends of the chain, and it cannot be pushed to one end only by relying on one end. This is the conclusion." At this point, Qiancangyi's words are over.

Lin Zheng's reaction was as he expected, without saying a word.

In terms of quick wit, Lin Zheng is not good. Therefore, when encountering problems or things that he does not understand, Lin Zheng usually substitutes silence. Silence can mean that he does not understand or that he does not know.

"Well, it's not too early. Anyway, we still have a chance. After you believe me, I will tell you something. By then, you may not see me anymore." Qian Cangyi's tone suddenly Some sadness.

"I believe in you." Lin Zheng said, his eyes were very firm, "No matter what, you have done so much, certainly not purely for fun. Obviously you have your real purpose. I don't think I'm good fortune. This kind of good deed, perhaps as you said to me before, is a gift from the devil. It looks beautiful, but in fact it is a rotting cancer."

"If you really believe me, don't use your mouth to say it, but use your own actions to show that I am waiting for your choice." Qiancang gave a gentle smile.

"I'm going back first, I understand what you mean." Lin Zheng stood up, "Goodbye, see you tomorrow."

Although Lin Zheng's back was thin, he was extremely determined.

Qiancang yawned and suddenly remembered something, so he shouted: "Wait, I have nothing to say."

Lin Zheng turned his head, his face was solemn, he thought it was a very important matter.

"Thank you, I actually had a great time today." Qiancang waved his right hand as a farewell.

In the evening, when he returned home, Qiancang lay on the bed, "I hope my guess is correct."


The next day, the two met again in the same place, and passers-by with the same appearance passed by them again. Today, Lin Zheng's complexion looks much better than before. Without the haze of the past, it seems that the clouds in his heart have been dispersed. Up in general.

The same question was asked again from Qiancang.

"The hundredth time." Lin Zheng stretched out his right hand, "Since it's a competition, it's better to shake hands before the start. It will be more civilized."

Qiancangyi was a little surprised, but he still stretched out his right hand.

The hands of the two were held together.

The game continued. This time, Qiancangyi still won, but it was three games full.

"You have beaten me for the hundredth time." Lin Zheng sighed ~lightnovelpub.net~ as if the burden in his heart was finally let go.

At this moment, Lin Zheng felt that he had lost a lot of weight, and all the worries that had been pressing in his heart dissipated, "Maybe this is the open-mindedness mentioned in many articles? This feeling, this feeling that oneself and everything are merged together. , Know what you want to do, know what you should do, know your direction, no longer be confused, no longer hesitate."

"Happy cooperation." Qian Cangyi stretched out his hand again, and he also planned to shake hands.

"Tell me, what I have forgotten." Lin Zheng shook hands with Qiancang again.

"When the time comes, you will naturally know, everything depends on tomorrow." Qian Cang smiled.

Today, there are some differences in the past, at least for Lin Zheng, because today he intends to do something different, "You have invited me many times before, and today may as well let me invite you, but there is nothing to me. Qian, I can only talk to you about interesting things about Xinhai Town."

"I'm very happy." Qiancang let go of his hand.

The breeze blew over the two of them, rolling up the leaves.