Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 628: Serious illness

In terms of learning, the main focus is on understanding. Of course, Qian Cangyi also went to some martial arts to study, but unlike the others, his learning has a clear purpose. He mainly focuses on those'tricks' instead of focusing on basic skills. training.

   In two weeks, I can't train anything at all. It's better to grind the gun and master more things that can bluff people.

During this period of time, Qiancang once checked the actors who participated in the recent film, but there were too many actors in the previous movie, there were nearly hundreds of pages, and it was impossible to turn over at all, so it was impossible to distinguish between the actors in the previous movie. Actor encountered in.

   Hawkeye was the first to enter the promotion movie because he hardly needs preparation.

   As for Qian Jiangyue, I have already applied for time...

   came to the designated place, an old house. This is a tourist attraction, because it is not the peak tourist season, so apart from Qiancangyi, only a few people visit here.

   The door in front was sealed because there was nothing inside, but in the first glance of Qiancang, the door in front was already open. Although it was impossible to see the scene inside the door, it was obviously not in the same time and space as outside.

   When no one noticed, Qiancang stepped into the door.

   opened his eyes, and there was a broad road directly in front of him, surrounded by pedestrians in ancient clothes.

   Qiancangyi's mind began to appear related information about this film.

   The role he played was called Yuan Changqing, and he was a mid-level general in the rebel army. However, in the key battles, traitors appeared in the upper ranks of the rebel army, and as a result, the rebel army was wiped out by the court.

   Almost all the middle and high levels of the rebel army were arrested, and only a few people escaped.

   Later, in order to escape hunting, Yuan Changqing came to Dingtai Town, a relatively remote town.

   In Dingtai Town, Yuan Changqing became the guard of the Zhang family. The main reason was that his spear skills were extremely fierce, and the Zhang family didn't care about his identity and did not inquire about his past in detail.

   Some time later, Yuan Changqing planned to leave Dingtai Town and find another way, but a strange thing suddenly happened in Dingtai Town.

Just a few days ago, the little son of Zhang’s family and several of his playmates were playing by the river. Somehow, a group of six people fell into the water for no reason. Although they were rescued by enthusiastic passers-by, four of the children were gone. Got angry.

   What makes people feel flustered is that the corpse scavenger from behind came to collect the corpse, not only could not find the corpse of the drowned child, but even got in with two adults. In this way, no one would dare to take this business no matter how much money was given.

   After being rescued, the young son of Zhang's family seemed to have lost his soul and remained in a coma all day long, as did the other kid who was rescued. The two families have found many doctors, but none of them can be cured.

   Then, another child suddenly started to die at home, and the death was in a miserable state. The Yamen people began to investigate, but after the autopsy, Wu Zuo went crazy!

   Suddenly, people were in panic, and neighbors in the neighborhood were spreading haunted things.

   The Zhang family was also very scared, and sent someone to invite the mage to come over and do it, and the person who went was Yuan Changqing.

   It took a lot of talking to ask people, but under heavy money, it succeeded.

   "I want to report back to Zhang's house now." Qian Cang said.

   After returning to Zhang's house, the Zhang family, who were anxiously waiting for news, hurriedly gathered around.

   "Evergreen, can the Three Days Master be willing to help our Zhang Family survive this disaster?" A middle-aged man came up, his name was Zhang Wenshi.

   Now the affairs of the Zhang family are basically handled by him. Only particularly important things need to be handled by Zhang Wenshi's father Zhang Gaoyang. Because of his age, Zhang Gaoyang is basically no matter what.

   The Master of Three Days was the rescuer Yuan Changqing invited, because he claimed to solve any monsters within three days, so he had such a nickname.

   "The Master of the Three Days said he must come before sunset!" Qiancang took a step back without leaving a trace, and then told him what Zhang Wenshi wanted to know the most.

   The identities of everyone in front of him are in Qian Cangyi's mind, and there is almost no need to take the initiative to understand.

   "That's good, that's good." Zhang Wenshi looked sad.

   Actually, the Zhang family doesn't believe in these things very much, but when strange things happen to their family members, even if they don't believe it anymore, they can only be dead horse doctors.

   After the sun went down, the mage still did not appear for three days.

  The waiting Zhang family looked at Qiancang I, but they did not speak.

   The reason why they respect Qiancangyi so much is because of Yuan Changqing's previous strength. Once a group of people collected money and made trouble in the Zhang family's business site, Yuan Changqing just solved it by himself.

   After another hour, the knock on the door finally sounded.

On the third day, the mage walked into the Zhang family compound. He was a shameful old man, about sixty years old. An unknown breath was enveloped in his whole body. He was also followed by a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy. Rise up is the apprentice of Master Three Days.

   The two of them carried a lot of things on their backs.

   After a few simple greetings, the three-day master said that he would first look at the young master of Zhang's family.

  Zhang Bai, the name of the little son of the Zhang family, smart and clever, but also as playful as other children.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qian Cangyi also went to the little son's room with the Mage Sanday.

   Before entering the house, a smell of medicine came on his face.

   "Master, you must save my child!"

   A crying voice sounded in the room, and the woman kneeling on the ground was Zhang Wenshi's wife, named Pang Yingxiu. Her family background is also pretty good, but it's a pity that her family is far away and can't help at all.

   "Madam, you are pregnant, you must be careful about your body." Zhang Wenshi quickly helped Pang Yingxiu up.

   "Madam, don't be anxious." The three-day mage nodded slightly, "Let the old man take a look at Linglang first."

  "Well~lightnovelpub.net~ Pang Yingxiu wiped away her tears and gave up her position.

   Qian Cangyi also took the opportunity to move forward. Because of his height, he didn't need to tiptoe to see Zhang Bai who was lying on the bed with a black face.

   It was indeed a child's face, but at this time, this face seemed to be a dead person in Qiancang's eyes.

   Three days after the mage got close, he touched Zhang Bai's forehead, then his eyes changed, as if he had discovered something, he hurriedly took out a brown pill from his body and stuffed it into Zhang Bai's mouth.

   "Deliang, bring Gushenshui!" The mage yelled without looking back.

   "Yes, Master." The boy who followed the Mage Sanday took out a gourd-like utensil from the package he was carrying with him.

   The three-day master took the gourd, opened the lid and poured a small cup for Zhang Bai.

   The gurgling sound rang from Zhang Bai's throat, followed by a violent coughing. After listening to this sound, Qian Cang felt that Zhang Bai's lungs seemed to be cracking.


   Zhang Bai protruded a big mouthful of thick black phlegm, and the next person hurried forward to wipe it when he saw it, but was stopped by the Three-day Mage.

   "This is a filthy thing, and mortals can get sick if they touch it." After he said, he took out a dry leaf from his body, and then wrapped the black sputum with the leaf.

   "De Liang, bury it after the fire, go and return quickly." The three-day mage handed the dry leaves to De Liang.

   Deliang took the leaves and ran out the door.