Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 629: Late at night

   "Mage..." Zhang Wenshi said, but he didn't know what to say.

   He wants to know why his son is doing this.

   "Ah!" The Mage sighed, then shook his head and said: "Ling Lang has something that shouldn't be touched. If there is no expert's help, I'm afraid he will die soon."

   Pang Yingxiu's eyes went black and almost fainted when she heard the words of the three-day master. Fortunately, Zhang Wenshi responded quickly and held her back.

   "Master, what should I do then?" Zhang Wenshi lost the shrewdness of a businessman for a while, but he did not accurately comprehend the essence of the words of the three-day master.

   At this time, Pang Yingxiu has recovered. She patted Zhang Wenshi's hand and said softly: "You really are getting better and better. Isn't this an expert in front of you?"

   With a smile on his face, the three-day master gently stroked his beard, without saying much.

   Qiancang watched all this quietly.

   The so-called care is chaotic, and this scene is the most true portrayal.

   I am afraid that the filthy thing was not contaminated by Zhang Bai, but was sent into Zhang Bai's throat by the three-day mage.

   Qiancang thought.

   Knowing that Gui knew, he didn't intend to say it, because he knew that not only was it useless, but also was bitten by the Three-day Master.

   You can often see news like this in real life. Although it is very absurd when you hear it, you will not be surprised once you understand the way these people think.

   The situation in front of me can be said to be strange.

   Hearing his wife's words, Zhang Wenshi's eyes lit up. He patted his forehead and said, "Master Three Days, please save the dog, as long as you can save him, you can mention anything."

   At this time, De Liang has already ran back.

   "Master, it's already done!" he shouted.

   The three-day master smiled, and stretched out five fingers, "Master Zhang, Linglang's business is not easy."

   "Yes, yes." Zhang Wenshi nodded and said a "yes".

   "Five hundred taels of silver!" The three-day master put forward his own terms.

   Zhang Wenshi and Pang Yingxiu turned pale when they heard that they almost didn't catch their breath.

   Based on the information known by Qiancangyi, Zhang's family is not the kind of large merchants who have accumulated for several generations. Although five hundred taels of silver can be used, it is not a small amount.

   The couple looked at each other and accepted the asking price. After all, life is priceless.

   "Master Zhang is so refreshing, even if the old man fights this old life, he will definitely save Linglang!" At this time, the voice of the three-day master looked extremely bold.

   "Then, Zhang thanked the Master first." Zhang Wenshi bowed and thanked him.

   Then, the three-day mage stated that he wanted to get along with Zhang Bai alone, and other unrelated people were not allowed to approach him.

   Qiancangichi also belonged to an unrelated person, so he could only leave the room.

   He originally planned to find a secret location to take a peek, but the master and apprentice in the room were very careful and did not reveal any flaws.

If you want to take a risk, Qiancangyi can find a way to know the situation in the house, but if it is found, it will be more than the loss. For the Zhang family, the three-day mage is saving Zhang Bai’s life, and the three-day mage only has to settle the money in one bite. Yuan Changqing, played by Cang Yi, destroys his spells and can successfully transfer all the responsibility to Qian Cang Yi.

   Qiancang leaned against the wall, ready to do something at any time.

   "Xiaoqing, what do you have in your hand?" He saw a maid walking towards the room where Zhang Bai was with a pot of things.

   "Is it Big Brother Yuan?" Xiaoqing lowered her head, her cheeks a little red, "This is the black dog blood that the Mage Three Days asked us to get, saying it can drive away evil spirits."

   "What do you think of Mage Three Days?" Qian Cang asked.

   "This..." Xiaoqing hesitated very much, "It's hard to say anything for those of us who are subordinates."

   As a handmaid, she often has to try to figure out the mind of the master, so she will naturally look at people.

   "Go ahead, don't let the mage wait too long." Qian Cang gave a gentle smile.

   After a while, a strange cry came from Zhang Bai's room, followed by the sounds of "Evil ghosts, I will kill the people today", "Evil evil, don't hesitate to catch it," and so on.

   Qiancang yawned, while Zhang Wenshi and Pang Yingxiu looked worried.

   After a crackling noise, Deliang opened the door.

   Zhang Wenshi and his wife entered the room. Qian Cangyi wanted to follow up, but was stopped.

   "Master said that you are too cruel, and Master Zhang is very weak now, so I can't let you in." De Liang's expression was calm, although he was a head shorter than Qian Cang, but he was not timid at all.

   "Changqing, you just stay outside the door." Zhang Wenshi's voice came out.

   Qiancang frowned and took a step back.

   "Master, why is Baier still not awake?" Pang Yingxiu's voice sounded.

   "Mother..." Weak childish voice came out.

   "Great, great." Zhang Wenshi was very happy, "Master, why did he fall asleep again?"

   "Ling Lang's body is too weak and he needs a good rest, but the two don't worry, as long as they are well organized, Ling Lang will be able to recover. This old man can guarantee that, yes, I have some medicine here..."

Woke up?

   Qian Cangyi was very suspicious, because the expression of the boy named Deliang in front of him did not fluctuate at all.

   If Mage Sanday really has the ability, and now he is doing harm to the people, it stands to reason that Deliang should be very happy after the trouble is solved.

   At night, the three-day master was about to leave, but Zhang Wenshi saw that it was too late, so he kept the two.

   In order to entertain the Three-Day Mage, Zhang Wenshi also specially ordered someone to prepare a supper.

   "Little brother Qi Yu Xuanang, I don't know how to call it?" With the help of Jiuyi~lightnovelpub.net~, the Master talked and talked about Qiancangyi.

   "This is the guard at home, his surname is Yuan, and his name is Changqing." Zhang Wenshi quickly answered.

   "Guard?" Mage Miyuki's eyes were very suspicious, "Brother Yuan, take the liberty to ask, are you red on your hands?"

   Qiancangichi didn't answer this question, but said something that seemed to be irrelevant, "The moon is black and the wind is high tonight, so why not leave tomorrow?"

   "Hahaha, Changqing, you are drunk, of course the mage will leave tomorrow morning." Zhang Wenshi helped himself to pour another glass.

   Late at night, as soon as Qian Cang got up from the bed, this time he went out, he took Yuan Changqing's spear.

   A very ordinary spear, unpretentious but trustworthy.

  Mage and Deliang secretly opened the door, and the night watchers had been avoided by them.

After    ran 100 meters, a figure appeared in front of the two of them. It was Qiancang One who had been waiting here for a long time.

   "Master, I said you'd better ask for a lighter price." De Liang glared at the Master for Three Days.

"Shut up!" The three-day master was too lazy to argue, he turned to look at Qian Cangyi, "If Brother Yuan wants money, take these. Regarding Zhang family son, the old man advises you to leave Zhang family as soon as possible, otherwise your life will not be saved. ."

   After three days, he threw out a purse, and the heavy purse fell on the ground, making a dull noise.

   "Do you have real skills?" Qian Cangyi was a little puzzled.