Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 637: Block the way

   "Where is the notice? Take me to see." Qiancang thought thoughtfully.

   The two went to the gate of the city. Although Dingtai Town is only a town, it is still very large.

   A large number of people were gathered in front of the board where the notice was posted.

   There are old and young, both rich and poor, but no matter who they are, they can't help but exclaim when they know the content of the notice.

   "This government is so useless. Not only can it not solve the murder case, but it also closed the city."

   "Hush, in broad daylight, how can you say this? Don't be afraid of being remembered and sue to the prefectural office?"

   "The homicide? Where did the homicide come from, whether it was done by humans or by ghosts, don't you have a count of it?"

   The chattering arguing came into Qiancang's ear.

   He glanced at the content on the notice, and it was not much different from what Xiaoqing said.

   Anyone going out of the city needs to be approved, and conversely, it is not required to enter the city.

   In addition to the curfew, it can be said that Dingtai Town is already under martial law at this time.

   At the gate not far away, the catchers were fast guarding at the gate. The people who left the city had already lined up, but most of them were arrested and drove back.

   "Xiaoqing, let's go back."

   Qiancang said in a low voice.

   Back to Zhang's Mansion, the incident had spread, and Zhang Wenshi also found Qian Cangyi.

   "Evergreen, do you know about this?"

   Repeated blows made Zhang Wenshi's face more and more old. He was only in his thirties, but he looked like a forty or fifty-year-old person.

   "I just heard about it."

   Qiancang thought of what Zhang Wenshi said before.

   He didn't care much about these things, but now that the prefect has closed the city, Qian Cangyi has to doubt that the various weird events that originally occurred in Dingtai Town and belong to the ‘natural disaster’ may be human factors.

   In this way, Qiancangichi also had an investigation target.

   Just protecting Zhang Zai is still the most important thing besides his own safety.

   "Does the government know something?"

   Zhang Wenshi said the doubt in his heart.

   "Brother Zhang, Changqing doesn't quite understand this matter." Qian Cang shook his head, "It is possible, but the government does not intend to let us know."

   "Oh." Zhang Wenshi nodded, "Recently, Zhang has carefully thought about the idea of ​​leaving Dingtai Town. Maybe, it's not a bad idea..."

   "Huh?" Qiancang was taken aback for a moment.

   Although it is a good thing to change your mind, it is always a bit strange to say it at this time.

   Qiancang thought.

   "Brother Zhang, I am afraid it is difficult to leave Dingtai Town now. I take the liberty to ask, why did Brother Zhang suddenly change his mind? I remember..." Qian Cang remembered Zhang Wenshi's expression at the time.

   At that moment, Zhang Wenshi was definitely not joking.

   "It means Madam..." Zhang Wenshi let out a long sigh.

   Qiancang immediately understood what Zhang Wenshi meant.

Zhang Wenshi must have had an argument with Pang Yingxiu about leaving Dingtai Town. Zhang Bo’s death hurt them too much. Zhang Wenshi, who loved his wife, was unwilling to hurt Pang Yingxiu again, so he chose to compromise. Willing to take his family to leave Dingtai Town.

  The reason why Pang Yingxiu was willing to leave Dingtai Town was undoubtedly to protect Zhang Zhe.

   Of course, wanting to leave the sad place is also a reason.

   "If Brother Zhang has made up his mind, why not prepare early? Hesitating will only make matters worse."

   "As for how to get out of the city, I still need to think about it. Maybe it's just a few days."

   Qiancangyi said in a low voice.

   These words are exactly what Zhang Wenshi wants to hear.

"Changqing, you are talking about Zhang's heart. By the way, Zhang remembers, Changqing, when you first came to Dingtai Town, you didn't like words. I thought you only loved martial arts, but I didn't expect..." Zhang Wenshi has some feelings.

After   , Zhang Wenshi didn't say any more.

  According to normal circumstances, people who heard it would always ask questions, and those who followed would praise a few words by the way, but Qiancangyi didn't mean to ask questions.

   There is no need to pursue this kind of thing deeply.

   After nightfall, Qian Cangyi got up from the bed.

  The next thing he has to do is simple, to visit the government office at night.

   During the day, he had already inquired about relevant news from the prefect. In order not to expose himself, the process was a bit tortuous, but he still knew what he wanted to know.

   Today’s notice, maybe I’ll take a look tonight, maybe there will be something to gain.

   Qiancang thought.

   Waiting for the night patrol to pass by, he quickly crossed the street, hiding into the darkness again.

   At this moment, Qian Cangyi unexpectedly has an idea that he is very talented in this aspect. Along the way, in addition to sound, he is also paying attention to the change of light and shadow.

Qiancang had already stepped on the hiding places around   , and by relying on the route in his memory, he smoothly arrived in front of the government office.

   After waiting for a few minutes, he was about to set off, but there was a little movement nearby.

   is very slight, but it is still noticed by Qiancang.

   There seemed to be others nearby.

   He stabilized his figure and did not act rashly.

   As expected, a minute later, two men dressed in black quickly entered the mansion. The two men were very skilled in sneaking and seemed to do this kind of thing often.

   Isn't Dingtai Town Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon not successful?

   Qian Kuraichi asked in his heart.

   There was no movement after the two men in black went in. After about a quarter of an hour, the inside of the mansion was suddenly brightly lit.

   "Catch the assassin!"

   "Catch the assassin!"

   The shout came from the government office.

   Hearing the shout, Qiancang backed up quickly, but did not leave completely, but stayed on a small road.

   This road is the only way for Master Zhao Quanshun to go home.

   No matter what happened inside the mansion, those who should go home will still go home.

   Even if I get nothing, there is no loss tonight.

   After half an hour, a person hurried over.

   "This Cao Xingzhi is too courageous. The assassins have been caught, so I won't let me go. I'm a master who can't help him catch the assassins?" Zhao Quanshun complained and quickened his pace.

   Qiancang smiled at the corner of his mouth, tidyed up the black face towel he had worn, and then took out the prepared dagger and went out.

   "Master Zhao, don't come here unharmed." As he spoke, Qian Cangyi's dagger had already touched Zhao Quanshun's neck.

   As long as Zhao Quanshun makes any changes, he doesn't mind giving the other party a ride.

   Zhao Quanshun shook his body~lightnovelpub.net~ He was startled by the person who appeared in front of him.

   "Big... heroes forgive, forgive..."

   "What happened to the two people who entered the palace just now?" Qiancang lowered his voice. Although he couldn't change his voice like Qian Jiangyue, it was not difficult to change the tone a little bit.

   "It turns out that the assassin who was arrested just now is a friend of the heroes. They are now in jail. They have no life concerns and will be tried tomorrow." Zhao Quanshun was very cooperative.

   Since the other party wants to know something, then he still has a chance to survive.

   This is what Zhao Quanshun has in mind.

   "Does the recent strange incident in Dingtai Town have anything to do with you?" Qian Cang asked.

   "Oh, the hero is laughing. If Zhao has this ability, will he be the master who has been angry all day?" Zhao Quanshun couldn't laugh or cry.

   "That has something to do with Cao Xingzhi?" Qian Cangyi continued to ask.

   "It has nothing to do, hero, he is a magnificent prefect, why did he do such a thing?" Zhao Quanshun shook his head.

   "What's the matter with today's notice?" Qian Cangyi finally asked the question he really cares about.

"This..." Zhao Quanshun hesitated, and then he felt a slight tingling in his neck, "Big... big... hero, Zhao really didn't know that Zhao was just writing, it was ordered by the prefect Cao. "

   "Give you another chance!"

   "Zhao really doesn't know, should you ask the prefect, heroes?" Zhao Quanshun quickly cried.