Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 668: relationship

"Could it be that Brother Yuan, you too..."

Su Jin's eyes widened.

Of course, in fact, he just asked casually.

But even if it is casual, it is a problem after all.

"I'm not the same as you, Brother Su, I originally planned to go to Fengzhou, but..."

Having said this, Qian Cang looked down at Zhang Qu in his arms, and then he told about the Zhang family's affairs.

"That's it."

Su Jin nodded.

"Brother Yuan is sorry, having said that, Brother Yuan walked all the way from Dingtai Town to here without contracting that strange disease. God bless him."

After speaking, Su Jin looked around at the people accompanying him.

"Do you know? Originally, we had a total of forty people, but the weird disease was too severe, and we also encountered many weird things along the way, which couldn't even be explained by common sense."

"Remember that not long ago, we were sleeping in the wild, and some people got up at night, so it was convenient to be around, but somehow, a blink of an eye disappeared."

"Later, our big guys looked for it together, and we started to scatter when we looked for people. Unexpectedly, the people who were alone disappeared."

"Do you know what happened next?"

Su Jin got closer, he was waiting for Qiancang's reply.

Seeing the other party's meaning was so obvious, Qian Cangyi had no choice but to ask.

"What happened?"

When asked, Qian Cangyi's tone was calm.

Su Jin was very satisfied, he sat upright and continued to speak downward.

"Later we learned to be smart. The big guys were together and never separated. In the end, the missing people were finally found by us. Alas, when we found them, they were already dead."

"Do you know where we found them?"

"It was under a locust tree. All these people cross-legged around the locust tree. Do you know why I said they were dead? Because the blood on their bodies was all sucked up."

"We thought for a long time and felt that something was wrong with the locust tree, so I took the axe and cut down on the locust tree."

"Unexpectedly, the locust tree fell quickly without being chopped at all, but it is strange that there is a corpse that has turned into withered bones."

"This corpse is full of scars, it's terrifying, and it must have been treated inhumanly during his lifetime."

Having said this, Su Jin took a breath and drank the tea in his cup.

Qian Cang listened quietly while Su Jin was telling the story, without interrupting Su Jin in the middle, nor doing any actions that might attract attention.

"Brother Su, there is one thing that needs to be explained to you clearly."

"A long detour can avoid the plague-infected area, but for the soldiers guarding Bangzhou."

"Even if we are not infected with a strange disease, we may not be able to successfully enter the city."

As soon as Qiancang finished speaking, he knocked on the desktop with his right hand.

He is using his voice to attract the attention of the few people in front of him.

After all, maybe he needs to go forward with these people in the hall the next way.

"And this one?"

Su Jin looked at the woman beside him.

This is a woman with a nice face, perhaps for the convenience of her movement, her attire is very masculine.

Her name is Su Yue, and she is Su Jin's biological sister.

"Brother, what Yuan Changqing said should be true."

"I think we should go to Bangzhou as soon as possible. The martial law may not be as serious now. Maybe we can find a chance to get in."

Although she is a younger sister, Su Yue's temperament is much more calm than Su Jin.

Is this woman named Su Yue in charge?

Qiancang thought.

"Yue'er, if..."

Su Jin wanted to say something, but Su Yue interrupted him.

"Don't call me Yueer from now on, call my name."

Her voice is not loud, but full of majesty.

The air was suddenly silent.

For a while, no one even spoke.

The two sitting next to Su Yue didn't even dare to take a breath, for fear that they would become the object of blame.

"Ahem, Su Yue!"

Su Jinjia coughed twice, which eased the embarrassing atmosphere a bit.

"What if we can't get in after we get to Bangzhou?"

Hearing Su Jin's words, Su Yue nodded first, and then said: "Brother, what do you think, you can tell me, let's advise and advise together."



No matter what Su Jin thought, he didn't think of a suitable way.

"Since you raised this question, there must be a way."

Su Yue focused on Qiancang.

She said so, and the rest of the people also turned their attention to Qiancang One.

Qiancangyi didn't say much, but pointed his finger at the shopkeeper who was tied to the side.


"Everyone, what I said is true, and Bangzhou can also be entered. As long as you let us live, these are not problems. I have been operating here for a few years, and this relationship still exists."

After the cloth was taken off, the shopkeeper knelt on the ground begging for mercy.

"We caught you, you just said that."

"Who knows if you are telling the truth or lies?"

Su Yue's face was displeased.

"That's right, you often lie when you look at your wicked eyebrows!"

Su Jin, who seized the opportunity, quickly echoed.

"Absolutely not, absolutely not!"

The shopkeeper waved his hand quickly.

"If you don't believe me, you can ask them, they all know, I didn't lie, I promise you heroes, as long as you heroes keep me alive, I will surely let you enter Bangzhou."

In the crisis of life and death, the shopkeeper can't care about anything else.

Even if you love money again ~lightnovelpub.net~, you have to have a life flower.

In order to confirm, Su Jin and others began to interrogate.

The remaining six people were interrogated separately, and the final results were basically the same, except for a few details that were not correct, there were no other problems.

The shopkeeper was indeed able to enter Bangzhou because he had a distant relative who knew the lieutenant who was defending the city in Bangzhou.

As long as this group of people can prove that they have not contracted a strange disease and spend a certain amount of silver to clear them, they will naturally be able to enter Bangzhou.

After a night's rest, Qian Cangyi joined the Su family and headed towards Bangzhou.

Along the way, no danger was encountered, it can be said that it was calm.

Before coming to Bangzhou Pass, the team encountered more and more people.

Among these people, there are ordinary people who are full of energy, and there are also dying people who have suffered from strange diseases.

"Why don't you let us in? We are not sick!"

A man said dejectedly.

The expression on his face was very anxious, and he obviously didn't think of a solution.

Along the way, the shopkeeper and others have their hands tied.

Because they carry a lot of supplies, it is not easy for these people with their hands tied.

After finding a place to stay, the shopkeeper was released.

"Hey, how are you going to contact? Now as long as you approach the pass, you will be driven away. The soldiers inside will not listen to you at all. If you forcibly approach, they will shoot arrows."

Su Jin pulled the shopkeeper aside. 2k reading network