Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 669: Notice

"This...I think Bangzhou's security is not so strict. Why don't you let me try first? Maybe..."

The treasurer of the black shop said cautiously.

Now his life is still in the hands of Su Jin, naturally he dare not speak loudly.

Hearing the advice of the shopkeeper, Su Jin touched his chin with his right hand, as if he was thinking about this issue carefully.

During this process, the shopkeeper kept looking at Su Jin with a pitiful expression on his face.

At this time, Su Yue came over.


In the time just now, Su Yue has already arranged the place of the entourage.

Su Jin shook his head.

"This cunning guy wants to try, but I don't trust him. Dogs can't change their shit."

After speaking, Su Jin smiled, as if he was very satisfied with his metaphor.

Su Yue glared at Su Jin, then walked to the black shop shopkeeper.

"I ask you, how do you try?"

What she wants to know is the specific method, that is, the entire execution process, rather than a general goal.

The specific success can be judged through the whole process.

If the black shop owner only intends to perfuse the past, then there will be flaws in the execution method. In addition, after he has said the method, Su Yue and others can also help improve.

Therefore, what is important now is whether the shopkeeper can come up with a feasible method.

"This... I'll go to Guanai first. I know someone named Du Jianben. As long as he recognizes me, we can go in."

The voice of the treasurer of the black shop trembled a little.

After all, the people standing in front of him are Lianjiazi, and this is a special period.

Even if he was killed, no one would be able to find out who the murderer was, let alone avenge him.

Su Yue moved her mouth and did not speak, but the shopkeeper noticed the displeasure on Su Yue's face.

"Didn't I tell you just now?"

Su Jin knocked on the black shop shopkeeper.

"Can't go there, or you will be shot to death! Are you trying to pull a back cushion?"

Because of the things the shopkeeper committed before, so there must be someone with him, and this person can't be his accomplice, it can only be from the Su family or Qiancangyi.

As soon as Qiancang wants to take Zhang Qu, he certainly won't take risks.

As a result, the only people from the Su family who can commit the risk with the shopkeeper, and most likely one of Su Jin and Su Yue.

Because only the two of them are more assertive and are more capable of responding to emergencies.

The rest are unable to provoke the overall situation.

Even if Su Jin said so, the shopkeeper didn't dare to say anything, he shrank his neck.

Although he didn't say anything, his contemptuous eyes showed that he didn't care about Su Jin's words.

He has confidence in his identity.

"Su Jin, Su Yue, come and take a look. The general guarding the city issued a notice saying the way to pass through the pass, but...the conditions are a bit harsh."

Qiancang hugged Zhang Qu and walked to the three of them.


The notice posted in front of the pass is very large and the content is clear.

Those who pass the pass cannot be infected with strange diseases, and everyone who passes the pass needs to pay a consolation fee of one thousand taels before being released.

After seeing the content on the notice, the pedestrians who were blocked outside the pass exclaimed.

This is obviously to rob money, and it can even be said that it is an exaggeration to make money.

If this matter is reported to the top by the people, it will definitely be tracked down, but...when it is tracked down from above, perhaps the bones have already been cold.

In addition to those who exclaimed, there are a few people secretly happy.

These people are not infected with the disease and have the ability to buy their lives. Whether they are willing to trade or not, they have an extra way to survive.

It is better to have a choice than no choice.

After reading the notice, Su Yue's eyebrows twisted into a word "Chuan". It was not only herself that she had to worry about, but also the Su family with her.

Abandon them? Only save me and brother? But my brother would definitely not agree.

Su Yue blinked, thinking about how to solve the current predicament.

"Su Yue, let's go."

Su Jin patted Su Yue on the shoulder.

Su Yue turned around and saw Su Jin's relaxed expression.


Su Yue nodded.

The two turned and left, but Qiancang did not move.

He satisfies both of these conditions, and even if Zhang Qu is in his arms, he will be counted as a head, it is nothing more than twice the amount of silver.

With the silver bill given by Zhang Wenshi, this amount of expenses will not become a stumbling block to the progress.

But... Qiancangyi's most worried thing is not money, but whether the other party is doing sly things in the name of the imperial court, just like the previous post.

What's more, after communicating with Dongqiao, I learned that the imperial court itself also had a big problem.

If, as Dong Qiao said, many of the court officials are monsters, then things like the life of the grass may not be able to cause too many storms.

"Brother Yuan?"

Su Jin returned to the notice.

"Oh, come right away."

Qiancang looked back at Su Jin, and then looked at where they were resting. Several people were sitting in a circle, as if they were discussing something.

As he walked, Qiancang's thoughts flooded.

His face was calm, and the people around couldn't see what he was thinking.

He kept this expression most of the time.

That being the case, why are the guards of the pass willing to risk contracting tree plague? No matter what you think, since Bangzhou is the territory of He Chang, and now there is a pass, there is no reason for those who guard the pass to take this risk.

Whether it is because of a superior order or because of the tree plague.

Think about it the other way around? Perhaps the defenders simply didn't want to let anyone over, so they could make sense.

The result of this transaction must be that the person who paid the money died, otherwise it would not be possible to collect the life money from the people who came to the pass later. That is to say, the person who paid the money may not be able to pass the pass alive and successfully reach Bangzhou, but Will definitely enter the pass.

It must be at that time to collect money, and it is not to'collect' money, but to grab it directly!

When I thought of this, Qian Cangyi also came to the circle where Su’s family was sitting around~lightnovelpub.net~ Everyone got together, hey, you can also take out your bracelet! "

Su Jin pointed to the person beside him and said.

This is a slightly immature young man.

The young man clutched his wallet, "No, this is what my mother left for me!"

"Oh, when is it all, if you can make some, don't you think your mother in the sky wants to watch you die for keeping this bracelet?"

When Su Jin spoke, he stretched out his hand.

Within two clicks, the bracelet from the young man's purse was taken out.

Qiancang glanced at it, and it was a creamy white bracelet, as if it were made of fresh milk, without a trace of impurities.

After the bracelet was taken out, he could judge that it was anything but ordinary with just a glance.

It's not because he has researched this aspect, it's precisely because he hasn't researched this aspect, and completely relies on the intuition of an outsider.

"Eh...you you..."

Su Jin is still collecting money.

The money robbed by the shopkeeper of the black shop has been put in by Su Jin, but it is still not enough.

At this time, Qiancangyi was thinking about another thing in his mind.

Buy it? Forget it, looking at the expression of the person just now, it is estimated that no amount of money will be sold.

As for robbery, I don't believe Yuan Changqing will do such a thing.

If I really do this, I'm afraid this promotion movie will fail. Even if I don't fail, the score will be very low.

Soon, Qiancang denied this idea. 2k reading network