Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 689: Sudden stop

This matter will not stop at the end.

As Yi Shan himself said, he has his own family and work, and the original things were not all his fault. It is okay for him to compensate, but that's all.

These are the results obtained after Qian Jiangyue's observation.

No matter how you look at it, Yi Shan is just an ordinary person, living the life of an ordinary person.

"Mr. Yi Cunling!"

Hearing someone calling his name, Qian Jiangyue withdrew his thoughts.

The person who called him was the nurse I just met.

"No, it's not good..." The nurse panted. "Your mother is in something wrong. Go and see."

Qian Jiangyue immediately stood up from the bench.

why? Wait, the unknown hunch just now...

Thinking of this, Qian Jiangyue frowned and his expression was very serious.

He immediately ran to Lian Banxue's ward and ran to ask his nurse to keep up, but after two steps, she found that she seemed to be getting farther and farther away from each other.

"Why does he run so fast? Is it an athlete?" The nurse slowed down.

When Qian Jiangyue rushed to the door of the ward, he saw a group of doctors and nurses surrounding Lian Banxue.

Lian Banxue was lying on the ground at this time, without any ups and downs in his chest, as if he had stopped breathing.

"What's the matter?" Qian Jiangyue stepped right into the ward.

"Mr. Yi Cunling? After you left, your mother didn't know why she fainted suddenly. I went forward to check and found that she was not breathing. Now the doctor is trying to rescue you, please rest assured, we will do our best!"

A nurse stood in front of Qian Jiangyue.

Qian Jiangyue stretched out his hand and pushed the nurse away. He stepped forward and stood behind the doctor, "What's the situation now?"

His voice is not loud, but it is full of majesty.

The doctor's attention was all on Lian Banxue. He was trying his best to rescue him, and he had no intention to answer Qian Jiangyue's question.

"When will the ambulance come?" Qian Jiangyue turned around and asked the nurse.

"Already... the notice has arrived and will come soon." The nurse was a little scared.

"Specific time?" Qian Jiangyue continued to ask.

"About 30 minutes, if there is no traffic jam on the road." The nurse thought for a while and gave a deadline.

Hearing this news, the expression on Qian Jiangyue's face remained unchanged. He squatted beside the doctor, "Tell me! What's the situation now!"

This time, the doctor could no longer ignore Qian Jiangyue, because the former felt that his back was cold, which was a feeling of life threatening.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to save life, it should be... a cardiac arrest." The doctor gave his own judgment.

Qian Jiangyue was stunned for a moment, "Heart arrest?"

At this moment, his mind was full of thoughts, and the images he had experienced kept flashing in his mind, and finally stopped at the sign of the blood-red vortex of the **** movie.

Unlike special props that can only be used in movies, ordinary props can only be used in the real world.

In the **** shop, Qian Jiangyue recalled his redemption list, which included an ordinary item that could treat cardiac arrest, but the price was as high as 5,000 pieces.

I only have 1,300 pieces of pay, which is not enough...

Qian Jiangyue stood up, walked outside the ward, and after taking out his mobile phone, he immediately entered the Hell Movie Client.

In the friend column, he clicked on Qiancangyi's profile picture.

[Qian Jiangyue: Cang Yi, how much remuneration is left? I desperately need 3700 pieces of pay. 】

Soon, Qian Cangyi's answer appeared on Qian Jiangyue's phone, almost in seconds.

[Cang Yi: Only 720 pieces of pay, either? 】

[Qian Jiangyue: Yes. 】

Three seconds later, Qian Jiangyue received the news that the pay was received, but... it was still not enough.

The team... Only the people in the team can trade the pay... The fable can't help me, only Hawkeye is left.

Qian Jiangyue took a deep breath.

The problem is that Hawkeye is still in the movie at this time.

As time passed, the doctors in the ward were still trying different methods, and the ambulance was still running on the road.

Qian Jiangyue's gaze has been staring at the friend column.

[Qian Jiangyue: Hawkeye hasn't returned yet? Can you get more pay? 】

[Cang Yi: I also have two special items that can be sold back, but only for 50 pieces, if you need them...]

Qian Jiangyue didn't finish the following words, but Qian Jiangyue understood.

Now he is not 50 pay, but 2980 pay, which can only be regarded as the last supplement.

Five minutes later, Hawkeye's name changed to green, and the last member of the group to return from **** successfully passed the promotion movie.

[Qian Jiangyue: Hawkeye, how much is there to pay? I need 2980 pieces to save people. 】

After about ten seconds, Hawkeye gave a reply.

[Hawkeye: I can only lend you 1,000 pieces as a reward. 】

[Qian Jiangyue: Not enough. 】

[Eagle Eye: There are only these. Borrow 1000 to return 1000, and borrow 1300 to return 2000. Which one do you want? 】

Seeing this line of news, Qian Jiangyue gave his answer without hesitation.

[Qian Jiangyue: Not enough! 】

Qian Jiangyue sent the news to the team channel, which is a channel for group members to communicate collectively.

[Qian Jiangyue: There is still a 1680 salary short, help me find a way. 】

The second hand keeps beating, every time it beats, even Banxue's chance of surviving is one minute smaller.

[Eagle Eye: There is no good way for the time being, maybe you have to think from other aspects. 】

Unlike Hawkeye, Qiancangyi did not immediately give an answer.

[Cang Yi: I asked here. Although the fourth-line actors and above have the function of opening loans, they have not been released yet, so they cannot borrow money yet. In the future, it may be purchased in installments, but it needs to be reviewed and there are some other requirements. 】

[Qian Jiangyue: You can always surprise people, although usually it's useless. 】

[Cang Yi:...]

[Qian Jiangyue: Is there really no other way? 】

[Cang Yi: Wait, I have a chance. Among the movies we can participate in next, there is a movie that supports actors in advance payment, but it should be noted that as a price, the payment is only 80% of the original payment. Look at it. 】

After Qian Cangyi's message was sent, a promotional video appeared on Qian Jiangyue's mobile phone.

The overall promotion video is a lens looking up, like a person walking forward. In the middle of the lens is a somewhat dilapidated low-rent building. The reason why it is said to be dilapidated is that the low-rent building is surrounded by high-rise buildings. Only when there is contrast, there is harm.

Then the camera slowly pulled up, and gradually entered the low-rent building. The low-rent building was extremely dim, and there were many corners that could not be illuminated by the sun. In these places, a trace of phantom flickered and flickered.

The people living in low-rent buildings are very busy, but they can't see the slightest smile on their faces.

The burden of life has crushed them, they are just alive...

At this point, the video is over.

[Cang Yi: The three of us were able to get 1,800 remuneration. Converted back, each of us could get 750 remuneration, but now we can only get 600 remuneration. 】

[Qian Jiangyue: Take it. 】

No matter how difficult the future is, at least there is a glimmer of hope for now.

Qian Jiangyue exchanged out a pill that can treat cardiac arrest. This is a silver-white pill with an unusual luster.

"Get out!" Qian Jiangyue pulled the doctor away, and then put the pill into Lian Banxue's mouth.

During this process, several doctors rushed to stop Qian Jiangyue, but they were unsuccessful and were knocked to the ground instead.

Did you make it?

Qian Jiangyue waited silently.

But what he didn't expect was that the silver-white pill slowly slipped out of Lian Banxue's mouth.

Seeing this scene, Qian Jiangyue did not hesitate, grabbed the silver-white pill with his right hand, pinched Lian Banxue's cheek with his left hand, and re-stuffed the silver-white pill into Lian Banxue's mouth, even into his throat.

Qian Jiangyue, who was still worried, immediately poured a glass of water, then pinched Lian Banxue's cheek and poured it in.

"Swallow it! I beg you! I never beg you..." Qian Jiangyue whispered.

Three seconds later, the silver-white pills flowed out along the mineral water and fell to the ground.


"Mr. Yi Cunling, sign a word." The person in charge of the funeral home handed the formalities to Qian Jiangyue.

It was just his words that Qian Jiangyue didn't seem to hear a word.

"Mr. Yi Cunling? Mr. Yi Cunling?" The person in charge shouted again.

"Ah? Oh." Qian Jiangyue blinked and picked up the signature pen on the side~lightnovelpub.net~ to sign here? "he asks.

"It's not... Mr. Yi Cunling, you took it upside down." The person in charge smiled.

"Sorry, I didn't sleep well yesterday." Qian Jiangyue signed his name in the lower right corner after turning over the formalities, and then handed it to the person in charge.

In fact, he didn't sleep well, but didn't sleep at all.

The person in charge picked up the formalities and looked at it, and found that Qian Jiangyue signed the place where the date was written. More importantly, Qian Jiangyue hadn't finished writing her name at all. It was either a unique signature or not finished.

"Mr. Yi Cunling, do you have any other relatives in Lian Banxue?" The person in charge's tone was very easy-going.

"Nothing." Qian Jiangyue shook his head.

"Well, Mr. Yi Cunling, it seems that you haven't finished writing your name." The person in charge handed back the formalities.

Qian Jiangyue took a look, did not say much, and directly added the last word'age'.