Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 693: palace

"Is it wise? I can understand your thoughts that you think you are unique, but if you think about it carefully, the reason for multiple personalities is that the master cannot bear the pain, so..."

Nanyuan stopped here when he said that.

Because he saw Qian Jiangyue's left hand suddenly covering his chest, it seemed very painful, and then Qian Jiangyue fell to the ground.

"Is the heart uncomfortable? You can try the redeemed medicine. Put the medicine in your left pocket and swallow it quickly, otherwise it will be too late..." Nanyuan continued.

In Qian Jiangyue's ears, Nan Yuan's voice was getting farther and farther, and in the end he couldn't hear it at all.

At this moment, he found that his eyelids were so heavy that he couldn't open them at all, he didn't have the slightest strength on his body, and his heartbeat was getting weaker and weaker.

It was clear that his body was weakening rapidly at a rate of collapse, but Qian Jiangyue inexplicably felt that his thoughts were getting clearer.

go on……

A small voice sounded like a mosquito.

go on……

go on……

go on……

The two seconds that had been circulating finally revealed its true colors.

Is it my own voice?

Qian Jiangyue felt that the voice was very familiar, but at the moment it was unfamiliar.

Suddenly, a picture appeared in his mind, with his immature face and lips slightly open, and the three words "Go on" came from this mouth.

The sound he heard was not what Qian Jiangyue really heard with his ears, but something he couldn't remember before.

He is just ‘watching’ his past experience now, just like scanning a hard drive.

"Even if you die later, I can rely on this recording to keep him alive."

"Who am I? I am your son, do you need to ask?"

"He won't do this? Think about yourself, your present is his future, but his future came too early."

"Why did you get onset so early? Genetically, it's impossible to determine, but in terms of environment, there is no doubt that his living environment is much harsher than yours, isn't it? Think about what you might have done, I forgot, you have lost The ability to empathize is really pitiful."

"Do you want to die? Think about the reason why I saved you? It's better to live for him. After all, you gave birth to him, didn't you? If you don't want to have a baby, it's better to have a baby directly."

"That's the truth. As you have done, you always choose the second worst among the many options. The reason for the current situation is your cowardice."

"This is the answer you have been looking for."

Countless words appeared in Qian Jiangyue's mind, and these voices all came from the same person, who was himself.

In a daze, Qian Jiangyue found herself in front of a richly decorated palace.

The door of the palace was lightly hidden, and a noise came from the crack of the door.

He came to the tall red stone door, then put his hands on the door, slightly harder, creaked, and the door opened in response.

Inside the door is a corridor covered with red carpets. On both sides of the corridor are snow-white walls. On the walls, there are colored paintings similar to warnings.

Qian Jiangyue himself is painted on the first painting on the right, but the image is not the same as in reality. It is a cartoon-like image. Behind the character, there are a pair of peeping eyes, and the eyes are covered with cool colors.

Then, Qian Jiangyue saw the person on the painting open his mouth, and every time he opened his mouth, a word floated out of the person's mouth.

[Small...heart...has...people...staring at...you...]

Qian Jiangyue frowned. He tried to take down or destroy the painting, but found that he couldn't do this at all, so he had to move on.

After a while, another painting appeared in front of him, but this time it was on the left wall.

It is also a cartoon image. In the painting, Qian Jiangyue’s mouth is covered with black tape, and there are four words "Don't Talk" on the right. Each stroke of each character is crooked, as if the writer is very scared.

A sense of fear suddenly occupied Qian Jiangyue's heart, and he found himself inexplicably scared.

Not afraid of death, but afraid of seeing something, something more terrifying to him than death.

He tried again, but the result was still the same, and he continued to move forward.

The snow-white walls gradually darkened, and there seemed to be signs of a blood-red change.

Under this hint, Qian Jiangyue remembered the **** smell she smelled.

He was already very uncomfortable at this time, but there was a kind of motivation in his heart that drove him to move on. He didn't know why he wanted to go, but he knew he had to go.

Because, there is no better way except to move forward.

On the pale red wall, another painting appeared before Qian Jiangyue's eyes.

Unlike before, the tone of this painting is warmer, more precisely, it is more vivid.

In the center of the painting, there is a round table. Eight children are playing a card game around the round table. All the children look like Qian Jiangyue himself.

The games these kids play are quite strange, because the games seem to be gambling, but the chips for gambling are neither scores nor money, but human limbs and organs.

On the table in front of the child, there are either **** fingers and toes, or lungs, kidneys and other organs that have been cut in half.

Each of the eight children has a different look, some are excited, some are nauseous, and some are crying...

Not far from the round table, there was a golden diamond-encrusted treasure chest with a seam open. A blood-stained knife was placed above the golden diamond-encrusted treasure chest. Just when Qian Jiangyue focused on the treasure chest, a person on the round table The child did not know when he ran to the golden treasure chest. The child reached out and opened the golden and diamond treasure chest.

Inside, is the corpse of an adult!

The face has been blurred, but from the various features, it can be seen that the corpse lying in the golden and diamond treasure chest is a male.

In the rest of the painting, various bright colors fill the blank spaces of the painting.

"What are these?" Qian Jiangyue placed her right hand on the painting, and the biting cold came from her palm.

After retracting his hand, Qian Jiangyue continued to move forward.

The pale red walls began to change to crimson.

It's another painting.

There are still eight children. They are playing in the park. They say they are playing instead of assembling something.

Qian Jiangyue concentrated his attention.

He found that the eight children were trying to assemble one person, and the same people as them, all the materials used in the assembly came from the eight children themselves.

One child contributed his right hand, and the other child contributed his left hand...

When Qian Jiangyue saw this scene, Qian Jiangyue suddenly wanted to vomit. He felt uncomfortable all over his body~lightnovelpub.net~ He ignored the painting, but continued to move forward. After two steps, He ran.

The gradual crimson wall gradually turned to black, gradually turning from **** to unknown horror.

Before the wall turned completely black, a downward spiral staircase appeared in front of Qian Jiangyue's eyes. Next to the staircase, a no-pass traffic sign was danglingly erected.

Qian Jiangyue ignored it.

"Below, what is it?" He stood at the top of the stairs.

After hesitating for a second, he went down.

After three turns, the stairs reached the bottom, and an iron railing door blocked Qian Jiangyue's path.

Qian Jiangyue took a closer look and found that the iron railing door was not locked at all. He pulled it with his hand and the door was opened directly.

Stepping outside the iron railing door, the sun was shining at his feet, but there was no warmth.