Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 701: Gather

As soon as Qiancang opened the door, outside the door, two ordinary or even a little ugly men walked past him, and then entered the next room. During this period, the two sides did not do any other actions except for a glance, whether it was Saying hello or nodding, as if it was not necessary at all.

In Quanyun Apartments, the relationship between people stops here, but there are a few exceptions.

Standing at the door of the elevator, the money warehouse pressed the button with a downward arrow.

When we came to the first floor, there were people coming in and going out of the hall, but not many people.

Qiancangyi didn't wait at the elevator door, but went to the guard room. He wanted to get to know the guard.

In the records of the'Cang Yi' notebook, the guard is a kind old man named Wei Liangzhe.

After the death of his wife, Wei Liangzhe came to Quanyun Apartment as a doorman because he was alone and lonely.

He is not the same in nature as the resident. He has no place to hide his identity, so he uses his real name.

Considering the reputation of Quanyun Apartment in the local area and the low salary, no one competed with him. Naturally, he got the position smoothly.

There are several benches beside the guard room for people to rest.

"I remember you called yourself Cang Yi? Young man." Wei Liangzhe greeted as soon as Qiancang approached the guard's room.

"Yes." Qiancang nodded.

Assuming that the government cannot use violence to interfere with Quanyun Apartments, the biggest question is what means did the tenants find Quanyun Apartments? Who found these households and also informed them of precautions?

At this moment, Qiancang thought of a direction for exploration.

It's a pity that this incident was not written in Cang Yi's notebook. He just said that he was lucky to find this place for himself.

"You are different from the rest of the residents. You are very curious. The police are still investigating what happened three days ago, so I can't tell you." Wei Liangzhe pointed at Qiancang Yi with his right finger.

"Is the level of confidentiality so high?" Qiancangyi was not surprised.

"Um... not actually." Wei Liangzhe looked around and found that he hadn't paid attention to their residents, so he beckoned and moved the money custody closer, "Don't tell others that it's me. Yes, or I will be troubled."

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone, Uncle Wei." Qiancang smiled.

Wei Liangzhe was a little happy when Qiancang called himself that. "I heard the police say that the occupant in Room 522 had been sucked up, and I don’t know who did it, but it must be the occupant in Quanyun Apartment, because They said they investigated the cameras around Quanyun Apartment and did not find any suspicious people leaving Quanyun Apartment on the night three days ago."

"Not necessarily..." Qiancang thought thoughtfully.

The premise is that the camera does not have any blind spots, which can only be confirmed after investigation.

Qiancang thought.

"Then tell me, I think you can tell something." Wei Liangzhe didn't mind either.

After all, he came to Quanyun Apartment to pass the time. If he doesn’t chat with people, he might as well stay at home alone to watch TV and sleep. It’s much easier than his current job. As for the salary...for Wei Liang According to Zhe, this lack of wages will not affect his quality of life. On the contrary, such a higher wage will not improve the quality of life.

"Has the body been taken away?" Qian Cang smiled and did not say what he thought.

At this stage, I just use my spare time to do a little research. The most important thing at the moment is to meet with the rest of the team and discuss the next plan before making a decision.

"Well, I took it away a long time ago, otherwise it will stinks." Wei Liangzhe was a little unhappy.

In his opinion, I have told you the ‘secret’. You have to tell me somehow?

"Uncle Wei, don't be angry, I'm just thinking, maybe this matter is not over yet." As soon as Qian Cang finished speaking, he felt that someone was coming behind him. He turned his head and saw Qian Jiangyue.

"Hello, my name is Qian Jiangyue. Just now, I heard that you seemed to be talking about what happened three days ago. Can you tell me about it? I am also very interested in this matter." While speaking, Qian Jiangyue Reached out his hand without expression.

"My name is... Cang Yi." Qian Cang Yi also extended his right hand.

The two of them held their right hands together and then separated quickly. After that, Qian Cang turned his head and glanced at Wei Liangzhe.

After all, what he just promised was not to tell others, and the current situation is that Qian Jiangyue's conversation between the two of them was'heard', so this matter has nothing to do with him.

"It's true, can you hear it so far?" Wei Liangzhe was full of disbelief.

Qian Jiangyue chuckled lightly, "So, you are really talking about that. Tell me about it. I'm also very interested." After that, Qian Jiangyue leaned forward.

After knowing that he had been tricked, Wei Liangzhe snorted and waved his hand quickly, "No, I don't know anything." Then Wei Liangzhe drove the two away.

Qiancangyi and Qian Jiangyue didn't mind either, and they walked in the same direction as the bench.

"Considering the particularity of this apartment, perhaps, the enemy we need to face may be... Quanyun Apartment itself." Qian Jiangyue said her conjecture.

"Well, this possibility is indeed very big. Even if it is not Quanyun Apartment itself, it must be related to it. It is very likely that Quanyun Apartment is a breeding ground for ghosts. This apartment is not ordinary." Qiancang nodded.

The two sit on a bench.

The elevator door was opened, and many people walked out of it this time, eagle eyes and shadow puppets were among them.

After being seated, the members of the group returning from **** introduced themselves first.

The content is mainly the code name and the room number of the residence.

Among them, Qian Jiangyue lives in room 508, Eagle Eye lives in room 205, and the shadow puppet theater lives in room 316.

After the four people said this, the members of the rest of the team also gathered together.

The members of the three teams glanced at each other, and there was not much communication other than a smile and nod.

Although from the current point of view, the relationship between teams is not life or death, if it is only for survival, there is no competitive relationship, and even mutual cooperation is required.

But the current situation is still unclear, so there is no need for deep contacts.

"Do you know the death in Room 522?" Qiancang said.

"I came down to understand this. After all, I live on the fifth floor." Qian Jiangyue nodded, "Do you have any gossip? Regarding the residents of Room 522."

"No, there is no image at all." The shadow play shook his head.

"I am also very interested in this matter. Although I do not have any intersection with the occupants of Room 522, I am very concerned about this matter. Who knows if the murderer is from Quanyun Apartment? If so, then I am very interested. It may also be the target of the murderer. Instead of waiting in worry, it is better to take the initiative to attack." Hawkeye said.

"I've heard some news about room 522, but it's not easy to say here. Why don't we change the place?" Qiancang said ~lightnovelpub.net~ to my room, which is closer. "Hawkeye pointed upstairs.

The four people stood up. After they stood up, the other team members also stood up, but there was another team member who did not stand up.

Qiancang noticed that there were only 4 people in this team.

In the information provided by Hell Movies, in addition to Hell Return, the other two teams are 5 people, but now, the members of this team are only 4 people.

One person is missing.

"Without a person, nine out of ten are dead." Qian Jiangyue took a look and then said: "Let's go, don't waste time."

This guy, he paid a little attention to his identity when he first started, why didn't he care at all now?

Qian Cangyi said in his heart. ()

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