Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 708: New tenant

"Uh, you are sure to say that, but I always feel something weird..." Huama squeezed her chin with her right hand.

"Maybe there is a tacit understanding." Nan'an said.

"Just now, A Zhu and Liuli and I asked the guard about the key...just let A Zhu say it." Qian Cang stretched out his right hand and motioned everyone to focus on A Zhu's body.

"Regarding the key, the door guard does not provide the key in simple terms, because the residents of Quanyun Apartment will carry the key when they check in, so the door guard does not have the key at all. If the key is lost, you can only find the unlocker. However, this There is a point worth noting, the doorman said that the key will always be in the room."

"I think he meant that no matter where the key was dropped, once we were unable to find it, we would eventually be able to find the corresponding key in our room after opening the door."

A Zhu processed the door guard's words and said it out.

"It's so strange, who gave the keys to the residents?" Nan'an was very puzzled.

This is a problem that plagues all actors. The person who gives the key to the tenant may be the person everyone is looking for.

"This is also an aspect that we need to investigate." Qiancang said, "But now, the most important thing is to investigate Room 522 and its neighboring rooms first. As for the source of the keys, we can pay attention to it."

By this time, investigation was imperative.

First, they need to find a key or person who can open the door.

None of the seven people in the room can unlock this skill, but this situation is not too surprising to Qian Cangyi, "Although it is somewhat inconvenient, but considering the special situation of Quanyun Apartment, maybe we directly find a locksmith. That's it."

Huajian and Nan'an are responsible for finding the locksmith.

For the rest of the time, the 5 people did not wait, but went to Room 524.

When he came to Room 524, Qiancang knocked on the door. Not far from it was the golden death room with a seal on the door.

According to what Qiancangyi learned, the door of Room 522 was not closed at that time. The residents passing by were a little curious, and happened to find the golden death, so they called the police to deal with it.

After investigation by the police, it was found that the resident who died in Golden was the resident in Room 527. He was a young man who came to work in a big city and worked in a nearby supermarket to make a living.

"It's impossible to open the door." Liuli shook his head.

But just after she finished speaking, the door of Room 524 was opened, and a woman holding the child opened the door, revealing a gap, "May I ask you who are you?"

"Huh?" Liuli was stunned, then looked at Qian Cangyi. She wanted to say something, but now it's not easy to speak.

"Excuse me, can you ask when you moved in?" Qiancang asked.

"Yesterday, what happened? There shouldn't be any problems, right?" The expression on the woman's face was cautious.

"Do you know that there is a dead person in the room next to you?" Liuli leaned over.

"How did you die?" The woman closed the door tightly.

"Died of illness." Qian Cangyi said.

"Oh, that's okay." The woman sighed in relief, "Isn't it an infectious disease?" At this point, she realized that her words were a bit impolite, "I didn't mean that, but... Well, I don't know. What to say."

"How did you find this place?" Qiancang saw that the women were not very resistant to chatting, so he continued to inquire.

“My husband and I failed in business and owed a lot of money. We were desperate and planned to take our children to die together. Later, we found a letter on the child’s chest inviting us to Quanyun’s apartment. There is also a key inside, the key to room 524."

Thinking back to the past, women feel sour.

"Where is your husband?" Qiancang asked.

"I went out to buy things, and I haven't come back yet. Well, shouldn't you be called here?" The woman stretched her head and looked around. She was worried now.

"Don't worry, no." Qiancang comforted.

It is another person who has been eliminated by society. In a society where money is used to measure value, debt exceeding one's own capacity means class decline. Generally speaking, class solidification refers to the space for rising, not the space for falling.

In a class-solidified society, people will live harder, because everything they do is to make themselves live no worse than yesterday. Only those who have experienced poverty can truly feel the despair brought about by poverty.

This family has just gone through the process of class decline. Not to mention that the class continues to rise, even if they want to return to the original class, it is quite difficult.

Qiancang thought.

"Boy or girl? So cute." Liuli said, looking at the baby in the woman's arms.

"Girl." The woman gave a long-lost smile.

Although she said a lot, the woman didn't mean to invite everyone in. It wasn't that she didn't want to, but the room was too small. Let alone two people, even if Qiancang lived in one room, it would feel small.

At this time, Qiancang vacated his position and gave Liuli his position. He didn't plan to ask any more questions.

He walked to the left and quickly came to the door of Room 522. He tore off the seal, then turned the doorknob, unable to open it, and was locked.

"It doesn't seem to work." The movement walked to Qiancang, "Will we be too slow like this."

"A little bit, you go try the next room." Qiancang nodded.

After that, he knocked on the door of Room 522, although almost no one would respond, but what if?

There was really no response this time.

Qiancang didn't get annoyed at all, he reattached the seal, and then went to the door of Room 520.

Before he died, Golden wanted to open Room 520. Of course, because there was no key, Golden could not enter. Although Golden finally gave up this idea, for those who want to explore the truth, room 520 still needs to go. Check it out.

Can't open, no one opens the door.

No one opens the door does not mean that there is no one inside, perhaps because you don't want to open the door.

Just like "Cang Yi" and the women just now, these people are all in debt. Even if they are in Quanyun Apartment~lightnovelpub.net~, they are worried that they will be approached by creditors.

On the other side, the woman with the child had closed the door. She looked at Qiancangyi and the others with a strange look, but because she didn't want to cause trouble, she didn't ask much.

As time passed, Huajian and Nan'an came with the locksmith.

Unlike the normal situation, even if Qiancangyi and others did not provide any identity information, they did not guarantee that the identity information would be provided after the door was opened, and the locksmith still chose to open the door.

It seems that he has unconditional trust in the residents of Quanyun Apartment.

Since the locksmith did not mention this, the Qiancang first class would naturally not mention it.

The door of room 522 opened slowly.

Golden died because he entered this room. What is hidden in Room 522?

All the actors in the corridor held their breath, because they didn't know what was in Room 522, but they had to check it out in person.