Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 75: Mushroom house

"What's your uncle's name?" Anna looked curious. 【Full text reading】

"Jack, Jack Spike." Qiancang thought of a name.

"Uncle Jack come home with me, I'll take you to see my dad." Anna stretched out her half rotten hand and grabbed Qiancang's left forearm.

"Okay." Qian Cangyi still put his palm in his pocket.

Following Anna, Qiancang realized that he was heading in the same direction as when he came in.

"It feels impossible to go out. It should still be in the dead wood." Qian Cangyi didn't hold much hope.

The two walked in the dead wood for half an hour, and they were still in the dead wood. Qian Cangyi's speculation was correct.

[One day, you were walking in the dead wood forest as usual, observing the characteristics of the dead wood, and prepared to write an article that could be on the front page of the journal, but today, you have made a different discovery. 】

There was a mature and steady male voice in his ears.

"Is this the background?" Qian Cang frowned. He was still following Anna at this time.

Along the way, Anna bounced around, as if she had picked up five dollars.

[You found a cute little girl, she is wearing a short red jumpsuit, and she also has a beautiful flower basket in her hand. 】

"...Where is it cute? Is it because I have a problem with my aesthetics?" Qian Cangyi said in his heart.

[It’s just that there is an already cold palm in the flower basket. You are afraid that the little girl will be in danger, and you want to stop the little girl. The two are walking together in the dead wood, but the little girl seems to have something on his mind and didn’t hear you. the sound of. 】

"What the hell..." Qiancang glanced at him.

[So you followed the little girl, trying to protect her. 】

"Impossible...Is this narration made to be funny? Normal people would not protect it, okay?" If it weren't for worrying about the danger of overreaction, he would have a different body and head. These words in his heart might already Shouted out.

[The little girl came to a tomb and knelt on the ground religiously, as if praying for her dead mother, ah, what a pious face, even the gods in the sky were touched and cast down solemn and solemn light. 】

"Can I laugh?" Qian Cangyi looked helpless.

[The cold palm is gradually flying into the sky under the shining light of the holy light, ah, it turns out that this is the palm of the heavenly **** left in the mortal world. Whoever finds the palm, the **** will fulfill his wish. What is the wish of the little girl? What? She wants to resurrect her mother. After you heard these words, you shed moving tears. 】

"Oh." Qiancang didn't even have any thoughts of complaining when he heard this.

"Uncle Jack, my house is in front of me. Dad will be very happy to see you." Anna looked back at Qian Cangyi.

In front of Qiancang, there is a strangely shaped house. The reason it is said to be strange is that its overall image is like a mushroom.

"Just call it Mushroom House." Qiancang thought of a name.

Around the mushroom house, there is a low fence, but on the fence are hung decayed human internal organs and limbs.

Although he hadn't approached yet, the stench had passed into his nose. Because the smell was too strong, Qiancang almost choked on him. After coughing several times, his face returned to normal.

[However, the palm that the little girl found did not seem to be the palm left by God. God rejected the little girl's wish and the palm fell from the air. 】

[Keep working hard, as long as you work hard enough, your mother can be resurrected. God said this to the little girl. 】

"The voice of this narration makes me almost desperate." Qian Cang sighed.

Anna still took Qiancangyi's forearm and walked towards the mushroom house.

Passing through the foul-smelling fence, the two came to the door of the mushroom house.

"Dad, open the door!" Anna gently knocked on the door with her left hand.

After about five seconds, there was still no response inside.

"Uncle Jack, maybe my father is drunk again." Anna explained.

Qiancang smiled and didn't reply.

Then, Anna took out a phalanx from her body, and then used the phalanx to open the door.

[After hearing everything, you decided to spend a little time helping the little girl to realize her wish. 】

At this time, the door of the mushroom house opened, because the door is not high enough, so you need to bend down a little when you enter the money warehouse.

As soon as he walked into the mushroom house, the strong smell of blood crazily ripped Qian Cang Yi's sense of smell. After only a few seconds, he felt like he had been wandering in the slaughterhouse for half an hour.

In front of him, a huge blood pool lay in front of Qiancang.

The blood pool was almost filled with corpses. Judging from the degree of decay of these corpses, some have been dead for a long time, and some seem to have only died in the last few days.

"Dad!" Anna walked to the right side of the mushroom house, of course, she did not forget to drag Qiancang Yi.

Qiancang turned his head and found that there was a bathtub-like container on the right, with a skeleton lying in it. Even if it was close to two meters away, Qiancang No.1 could smell the wine from the bathtub, and the degree was still very high. Gao, Qiancangyi even suspected that the Y body in the bathtub was pure alcohol at all.

"Dad, why didn't you open the door!" Anna held on to the edge of the bathtub and blamed the skeleton who couldn't speak at all.

"Your father will have a ghost if he can open the door!" Qian Cangyi said in his heart.

"Uncle Jack, Dad doesn't seem to want to talk to us. Did we make him angry?" Anna looked back at Qian Cangyi.

"Anna, your father was drunk, so he ignored us." Qiancang said meaningfully.

[You followed the little girl to her home, this is a mushroom house, very cute and moving, and there are many fragrant flowers on the fence outside the house, you sniff and feel the wonderful enjoyment that the fragrance brings to people. . 】

"Can you shut up!" Qian Cangyi wanted to scold someone very much at this time~lightnovelpub.net~Well, okay. Anna pouted, "I will invite Uncle Jack to drink a drink first, the drink is very delicious, Anna will never lie to Uncle. "

"Anna, Uncle Jack is not thirsty, so don't bother." Even if he guessed, Qiancangyi could guess what the drink Anna was talking about. He didn't want to taste the taste at all.

"Uncle Jack doesn't like Anna?" Anna released the right hand that was holding Qiancang's arm, and lowered her head, like a child who had made a very serious mistake.

"No, Uncle Jack doesn't dislike Anna." Qiancang squatted down, "Since Anna says it is delicious, then Uncle Jack must have a drink even if he is not thirsty."

"Okay!" Anna jumped on the spot, and patted her rotten little hand, "Uncle wait for me, I'll get a drink right away."

[Coming to the door of the mushroom house, the little girl knocked gently, but no one answered. In desperation, the little girl took out the key and opened the door by herself and entered the mushroom house. You saw a beautiful pool in the mushroom house. Of clear water. 】

The narration is low and soothing, and has been torturing Qiancangyi.