Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 77: 1 arrow double eagle

The moment the giant axe and the spear met, the surrounding time seemed to stop. Then, the spear turned into countless icy **** and fell from the sky, and the giant axe returned to Anna's hand after turning a circle.

After the spear shattered, the blue-robed youth fell directly to the ground, unconscious.

"Why?" The white-robed youth was surprised. Anna's strength completely exceeded their expectations. It can be said that the difference is not an order of magnitude.

"Bad people, all deserve to die!" Anna approached the white-robed youth with an axe.

Upon seeing this, the white-robed youth knelt on his knees, folded his hands together, and looked at the sky piously.

"God, feel my calling!" As the white-robed youth's words fell, a phantom image of an angel appeared behind the white-robed youth. After the angel appeared, there was nothing to say, just waving the sword, a powerful wave And the unmatched power impacted everyone present, except... Anna.

Anna jumped up again, and after the axe was cut down, the phantom behind the white-robed youth disappeared instantly. Of course, the white-robed youth also went to see God in a different place.

[You defeated the monster and saved the little girl, you are a hero! 】

The narration reached Qian Cang Yi's ear, but Qian Cang Yi was not in the mood to pay attention to it at all.

"This... the gap is a bit big. Judging from this setting, even if Anna stands still and asks me to slash, I am afraid I can't kill her. I wonder if anyone will show up?" Qian Cangyi just thought of this. , An arrow flew over silently, as if it appeared out of thin air.

This ordinary arrow hit Anna's shoulder, and under the effect of this force, Anna flew upside down.

Qian Cangyi was very curious about who caused the harm to Anna.

Not long after, a tall elf appeared in Qiancang's eyes. The emerald green dress was incompatible with the rotting atmosphere around him.

"Witch, the arrow just now was the arrow of thought shot by the creatures who died under your hand!" The elf's voice was very sweet, like the sound of heaven.

Anna got up from the ground, holding the giant axe in her uninjured hand.

"You are also a bad person!" Anna's expression became more and more fierce, matching her already terrifying face, at this time it was like a demon from hell.

The elves didn’t intend to confront Anna directly. She dashed away from Anna’s sight, not knowing where she was hiding, a cold arrow flew towards Anna, facing the arrow that violated the laws of physics, Anna gently Jumped up, avoiding the blow of the elf.

Then, before Qiancang could see Anna's movements clearly, the elf suddenly fell in front of Qiancang and appeared very abruptly. At this time, Anna had already smashed over with the giant axe.

"Wait, Anna..." Qiancang said.

Hearing Qian Cangyi's words, Anna took back her weapon, "What's wrong, Uncle Jack?"

"I think I found the freshest palm." As soon as Qian Cang looked at the delicately carved face of the elf, he already had a plan in his heart.

"Really?" Anna's eyes beamed.

"Yes, but only if Anna does what Uncle Jack said, the freshest palms will appear." Qian Cang smiled.


In the dead wood forest, before Anna walked, the elf walked behind Anna with his hands tied, and the money warehouse was the last one.

"You actually helped the witch!" The elf turned his head and glared at Qian Cangyi, very angry.

"Shut up, you." Qian Cangyi was too lazy to explain.

[After defeating the monster, you found the palm of the gods left in the world. The little girl is very happy, and her mother can finally be resurrected. 】

After a short while, the three of them came to the tomb.

"Uncle Jack, where is the freshest palm you said?" Anna turned her head and asked. At this time, Anna's injuries have healed. Although nothing can be seen from the outside, it can be judged from Anna's actions. .

"It's here." Qiancang pointed at the elf with his hands tied.

"Huh?" Anna didn't understand.

"What could be more fresh than the palm of the hand cut directly from the body?" Qian Cang smiled.

"Uncle Jack, what do you mean?" Anna seemed to understand a little bit.

"Anna, you only need to chop off the hand of this elf, and then pray for the great Lord to respond." Qian Cangyi continued to explain.

"Well, good!" Anna nodded.

"You shameless villain!" the elf cursed.

However, her cursing could not change her situation at this time.

Anna's great axe chopped down, the elf screamed, and her palm fell to the ground. Anna placed her palm and knelt on the ground.

The Holy Light appeared again.

The elf's palm gradually rose, and then turned into a shower of blood dripping on the grave.

[Your mother will be resurrected soon! 】

There was a sound in the sky, and then the tomb in front of Anna began to vibrate, as if something was coming out of it.

The elf looked at all this in surprise, and even forgot the pain in his hand.

Anna placed the great axe on the ground and walked towards the grave unsuspectingly.

Suddenly, countless tree vines emerged from the grave and tied Anna up~lightnovelpub.net~hahahahahahahahaha! "There was a terrible laugh from the grave.

As soon as Qian Cang found out that this voice was the voice of the great Lord before, it was no longer holy at this time, but very cold.

"It's stupid! How could it be resurrected, little girl, you are so stupid, so stupid!" A huge tree man crawled out of the grave, but the tree man was very strange, except for the vines that tied Anna. Besides, the rest of the branches are dead wood.

"Sure enough." Qiancang Yi untied the rope that bound the Elf's arm, "It's just a scam."

Seeing the elf waved her hand gently, the injured hand stopped bleeding, but at this time the elf's complexion was also very pale, and she was already very weak.

"Human, I need you to help me!" the elf said.

"How can I help you?" He had seen all of the fighting money warehouse just now, and he didn't think he could participate in this level of battle.

"My palm is broken, I can't draw the bow, you help me hold the bow." As soon as he finished speaking, a wooden longbow appeared on the elf's hand. The longbow was carved with mysterious patterns. These patterns seemed to be The ancient spells have mysterious powers.

"Okay." Qiancang held the bow with both hands up and down.

The elf drew the bowstring, countless green light spots gathered from all directions, and an emerald green arrow appeared in the elf's hand.

"Huh? Anyone else?" The tree man turned his attention to the elf's side.

At this time, the arrow in the elf's hand was shot out, the target was Anna, and the Treant further away.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Anna and Treant disappeared from this world without making any sound.

Green light spots were scattered in the dead wood forest, green shoots began to appear on the dark gray land, and the dead wood forest regained its vitality.

"Thank you for your help, human!" The elf carried the wooden longbow on his shoulders.