Horror Studio

v3 Chapter 78: Gains and losses

"Just thank you?" Qian Cang frowned, not caring about the elf's thanks. Unlike the first three movies he starred in, the characters in this movie are much more illusory. 【Full text reading】

[The little girl came to her mother’s grave again and prayed to the great Lord. You stood behind the little girl with a smile on your face. With the emergence of the holy light, the little girl’s mother was finally resurrected, and the little girl rushed Coming up to hug her mother, the mother and daughter invited you to dinner to express their gratitude. 】

"This?" Qian Cang glanced up.

The content of the narration was completely different from the facts he had seen, more like nonsense.

[Sorry, sir, this... novel of yours, it is impossible for it to appear in our magazine. 】

【why? 】

Qiancang asked "why" when he heard his own voice.

[Because... I feel that it is not like a novel, it is more like... a joke, you know, the kind of joke between ordinary jokes and cold jokes, to be honest, just reading it again makes me feel very embarrassed, Besides, I just read it roughly. 】


Qian Cangyi's own voice sounded again, as if he wanted to struggle for the last time.

[Now, get out immediately! 】

The narrator roared, and Qiancang suddenly felt that the sky was spinning. When he returned to normal again, he found that he was back in his room, still holding his mobile phone in his right hand.

On the screen, his character is still standing in front of the dead wood, but when he looks at it, some green branches gradually appear in the dead wood, and it seems that spring has returned to this wood.

The head in the lower right corner flashed red a few times.

Qiancang took a little bit and found that his salary had increased by 40, but his reputation value had decreased by 1.

"The pay is very generous, but...I'm afraid that the reputation value is reduced because this movie is a'bad film'? From all angles, the movie I just starred in is very perfunctory, not to mention the inexplicable narration. The fundamental reason why the story I told is different from my experience is probably because...they were originally two different stories. They were put together to confuse my judgment, thinking that Anna is a'good girl'."

After coming out, Qian Cangyi quickly understood the whole story of the movie.

At this time, a rating form appeared on the phone screen.

The money warehouse opened at a point and found that the above content was the information of the small-cost movie I just starred in.

[Story of Deadwood Forest]

【Payment: 40】

【Reputation value: -1】

[Introduction: Do you believe in what you see with your own eyes, or listen to the opinions of others? Different choices will have different consequences, so you must choose carefully if you don't understand it. 】

"Haha." Qiancang smiled and closed the evaluation form.

The sun outside the window was still the same, Qiancang looked at the time and said, "Well, only one hour has passed. It seems that the role of this kind of low-cost movie is to use your reputation to quickly earn money, but I don’t know if there will be exceptions. , For example, not only get a lot of salary, but also increase reputation value."

"By the way, if I made a mistake in my judgment just now and was chopped off by Anna, I am afraid I would really die? Although it is only a small-cost movie, it will also be dangerous to life, and I will not be careless in the future." Qiancangyi has no C vertical His character continued to move forward, but chose to return.

Back to the door of the **** shop.

[I came back so soon? There should be great gains, right? 】

Such a line appeared on the screen of the phone, this is Qiancangyi's manager Xiaoma greeting him.

"I ask you, if you die in a low-cost movie, is it the same as the movie I participated in before? In reality, I will die too." Qiancang said to his cell phone.

[Even for small-cost movies, you have to go all out, right? This is the self-cultivation of an actor. 】

The little wife replied.

[But you don’t have to worry too much. The danger of a small-cost movie is much smaller than that of a formal movie you are participating in. Just a little bit of attention can make you get rid of it all. 】

"Not necessarily." Qian Cangyi said in his heart.

[Speaking of, if you still want to continue to earn money, I just received an invitation here. 】

The little lady took out a piece of **** white paper from behind.

The white paper gradually enlarged and finally filled the phone screen.

[Nether City]

[Legend has it that the Nether City hides the secret of the destination of the dead, where did the dead go? 】

【In order to find the wife who has died, you have come to the Nether Capital after all the hardships, but here, can you really find what you want? 】

"Come again?" As soon as Qiancang saw the option of entering or not appeared on the phone screen.

[Because many movies have been added at a time, resulting in insufficient number of actors, there will be a situation of robbing actors. In about a few days, after the entire system is perfected, these low-cost movies will be managed in a unified manner, and then you will be able to pass the relevant The menu is reviewed. 】

Xiaoma's words appeared on the screen, seeming to be telling Qiancangyi about the relevant rules.

As soon as Qiancang put down his phone, he ran to the kitchen to take a drink, and then went back to bed again.

Looking out the window again, Qiancang pressed the OK button.

The blood-red vortex appeared from the phone again, Qian Cang closed his eyes and opened his eyes and found himself standing on a trail.

Ahead, there is a strangely shaped capital city, with a huge black eye hovering over the capital city.

"This is the Nether City?" Qian Cang looked around, and it was different from "The Story of Dead Wood". This time, there were many humans around him, and these people were no different from him.

"There are about fifty people, are they planning to go to the Nether Capital?" Qian Cangyi's position is behind the team.

Not long after, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com and the group came under the wall of the Nether Capital. In front of them was a wide moat, and the suspension bridge into the city had not been put down yet.

At this time, a strong man said to everyone: "Did you see the eye above? It is the eye of the ghost. When it opens, it will attack the people who are still moving. No one can Avoid, you must pay attention to this."

"Really?" a hunched old man asked.

"Yes, when it opens its eyes, we just stand still and don't speak." The strong man nodded.

"When will Nether Eyes open?" a young man asked.

"I don't know." The strong man shook his head.

Without waiting for the others to ask questions, the suspension bridge was put down at this time, and the gate of the Nether City opened.

A gust of Y wind blew out from the Nether City, announcing the official start of the movie.

"Isn't 123 not allowed to move?" Qiancang frowned. There is no doubt that the strong man has made the rules of the game clear just now. Although it is not very detailed, it is enough.